Well it hasn't been confirmed yet, but it might as well be haha. Personally, I'd rather Kishimoto start working on a new manga series, but this is fine too.
Ooooooo you're missing out on a lot then girl xD These new games have been awesome sauce and stuff! Omega Ruby was a real treat and nod to the original Hoenn games as well.
Competitive play is easy as long as you don't have to breed and train the actual Pokemon haha.
Looks like you like ninjas in general since you like the ninja girl from Trinity Seven :D And there's for sure going to be a new manga Naruto series after Boruto so we have that to look forward to too!
I just put whatever I feel like in my About Me hehe. Probably why it looks so dank; you should do the same too <3
It was a fun game. I played it for a few years up until last year. Met a lot of really cool people, some good friends now.
The sub fee is a put off to most, but if you ever get the chance and the time you may want to check it out. If you do let me know I can tell my friends who still play.
I saw your deviantart posts (your link is broken btw). I really like the Naruto one, and it will be interesting to see your villain they are done.
Oooooooo I assume you've played X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire then? I'm kind of taking a break from the games though and just trying out teams on Showdown atm :3
I'm watching the new Pokemon season right now, but have to catch up a lot haha
I've been watching Naruto since I was a kid, so I'm a huge fan of the series as well xD Gaiden just ended so we have Boruto to look forward to soon too!
All Comments (13) Comments
Competitive play is easy as long as you don't have to breed and train the actual Pokemon haha.
Looks like you like ninjas in general since you like the ninja girl from Trinity Seven :D And there's for sure going to be a new manga Naruto series after Boruto so we have that to look forward to too!
I just put whatever I feel like in my About Me hehe. Probably why it looks so dank; you should do the same too <3
The sub fee is a put off to most, but if you ever get the chance and the time you may want to check it out. If you do let me know I can tell my friends who still play.
I saw your deviantart posts (your link is broken btw). I really like the Naruto one, and it will be interesting to see your villain they are done.
I'm watching the new Pokemon season right now, but have to catch up a lot haha
I've been watching Naruto since I was a kid, so I'm a huge fan of the series as well xD Gaiden just ended so we have Boruto to look forward to soon too!
Your About Me is coming around nicely as well ^_^
Welcome to MAL some more lol