[View all of this at your discretion.]
First of all.
Clearly you checked out of reality if you thought I would take this obvious bait just so you can piss on me again.
As for you both, please f--- off already. It’s done, it's over, move on with your life you do absolutely nothing with already and stop brainlessly trying to provoke me to do more bad things to you. This entire time, you didn’t stop, you kept pushing and pushing and pushing me for months on end. You drove me to do this to you, and you had it coming. It is absolutely pathetic that months later, you’re still trying to spite me for no reason. I don’t know why you decided to become so disgusting and horrible to me out of literally nowhere, but I was one of the few people who actually cared about your sorry pathetic life, and you made the choice to throw away everything and all I’ve done for you for a secret group chat to talk s--- about me behind my back, and rageblock me everywhere like some temper tantrum having little kid. Last September, I went out of my way to play games with you just to make you feel better when you were alone and depressed. That’s how much I genuinely cared about you, but things like that meant absolutely nothing to you. You have no sense of guilt or conscience for anything you’ve done, like the uncaring, unthinking sociopath you are and always was.
There’s a good reason why hate-filled, unemployed lowlives like you who live terminally on Twitter are hated by literally everyone else in reality. And that is why I took the liberty to let some people know everything about you, including who you really are and even more than you thought I was capable of knowing. Whatever happens from here happens, I guess. This is what you get for thinking you can be as s----y to me as possible without any consequences, you stupid f---ing jack@#$. And hell, I might decide to do it again if you give me more reasons to. You shouldn't mind since you're such an edgy hard@#$ that doesn't give a s--- about anything or anyone. You brought this entirely on yourself, you wanted things to be like this, and you completely deserve what I did to you. Now with that said, I have life to move on with and things to accomplish. If you try to threaten or harm me in any way, I’ll immediately report your full name and details to law enforcement. I wish things never had to be like this, but you would rather have everything be this r——-ed for the sake of your stupid secret group chat, so at least you have that. Go drink yourself into a coma you worthless wastes of oxygen.