No worries about the late reply. Anyways, after I posted the comment I started wondering if you had commented about seeing the film on the AniAlley forum....
There's still time to get your votes in for the Anime Alley Champagne Room club June anime, manga, and character relations poll: There are two tight races in there so every vote counts. :)
I can understand that, though with certain works I can't imagine the effect beings replicated without: 1) a substantial budget and 2) a competent director. Even then it may be impossible -- for example, I read the eighth volume of Yotsuba&! recently, and the ending of the chapter with the typhoon cannot be successfully replicated in motion. Too dependent on how time in comics works.
I can't personally vouch for DVDPacific but I did know melonpan used to be a big fan of the store, stating that, as you said, they were cheap and speedy on delivery. Is ordering straight from Amazon US out of the question then, since they seem to be in stock.
you been watching Railgun like you should be, good good.
Thing is it's only marginally started to get interesting. With Kuroko being a dyke like she is, she makes it piont blank obvious and becomes the most annoying character in the show. Who knows it may be ayase's future waifu.
Whats happening know is at ep 14 people that used the level upper are all having to go to this special school program, not sure where the series is heading, but 10 more ep down the line and there may be some form of communal relationship in this class. which seems a lot nicer plot to have then seeing Kuroko in skimpy swim suits and thongs.
Plus they've brought the loveable Komoe back for this study group
eve no jikan, i think i wanted to see that too, i wandered what it was since panda_z saw it last. never got round to noting it down. regardless of that looks like some kind of twist to chobits or something
All Comments (29) Comments
I shall now return to being patient for a review. Anime? I couldn't have said it better
Oh wait!..wait! I think I have a brainstorm.
"Bathing Attire"
you been watching Railgun like you should be, good good.
Thing is it's only marginally started to get interesting. With Kuroko being a dyke like she is, she makes it piont blank obvious and becomes the most annoying character in the show. Who knows it may be ayase's future waifu.
Whats happening know is at ep 14 people that used the level upper are all having to go to this special school program, not sure where the series is heading, but 10 more ep down the line and there may be some form of communal relationship in this class. which seems a lot nicer plot to have then seeing Kuroko in skimpy swim suits and thongs.
Plus they've brought the loveable Komoe back for this study group
(It's Lupus btw)