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Candy Boy: Nonchalant Talk of the Certain Twin Sisters in Daily Life
Sep 8, 2009 4:21 PM
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It's me again, gwendal :D Would you give me a hand here? I currently want to watch anime again, but I can't seem to find anything that suits my taste. I figured since I have the same taste as boys in anime, I should go to you <3
Soooo~ Could you recommend any anime that you think is good to me? I like anime that has a lot of gunplay and action and stuff, and less romance as possible. And I also prefer anime that are historical fiction or at least set in Europe, Like Le Chevalier D'Eon or Gunslinger Girl.
Do you have any? 8D
And yeah, I mean, I've been watching anime and reading manga for about 6 years now, and you know those random shows that you just happened to come across while watching? I can't help but think that I forgot something XDD
And... u shud on9 on anihub more, it's really fun over there ^^
Well, see yah around XDD
Right now I'm still sorting out, trying to figure out what I had actually watched XDDD
So, how are you? ^w^
Do you remember me? I'm that random girl from anihub :D
How come you never login over there anymore?
Wells, hope to see you here more ^^
I really like your signature so I thought i'd drop by and tell you that. Enjoy the site.
Oh ich seh gerade, ein Deutscher. xD