Hey there! Zetta here. I'm not super active here anymore but I try to update when I can.
About me:
Personality type stuff:
- Socionics: IEI-Ni
- Enneagram: 4w3
Artist, otaku, hikikomori (to a certain degree). Not exactly stuff to be proud about, but eh, it's not something I'm afraid to admit to.
List of things that I value most in an anime:
- Art/animation quality
- Character design/aesthetics
- Execution/pacing of story
I almost never watch anime for the story alone. I don't care if this anime has an AMAZING and original story; if I don't like the art, I won't watch it. Haters gonna hate.
Feel free to stay a bit and chat! Random comments make me happy :D
All Comments (49) Comments
The Neighbours Club is back!
I'm going with two-three friends so I'll have some people with me at least.
Oh nice. Takanashi Rikka the scientist girl from Haganai? Nice. If I see I'll yell. I believe I'm going as Mako from Legend of Korra that day so if you see someone that looks like him then you should yell at me too.
Yeah, I don't know what my plans are for kumoricon but I guess I'll find that out and tell you then. hahaha.
...you have just as many R+ titles as PG-13 titles. And the rest of them are R.
Not referring to masochism.
And I might run another S;G marathon for the movie, if there's enough time.
We'll see if any of that actually happens though >__>
But yeah, this season is looking really good!
Don't worry college will be fun. You'll make a lot of friends and maybe some that even like anime. Which reminds me that I ended up making friends with someone through anime. lol
So pro you can read two languagessss. o:
Asuha is the most redeeming point of the show too. She's so funny. And Astarotte no Omocha episode ten is my favorite episode of the whole series, so you can look forward to something when you watch it.
"Mangaka Haga Yui posted on her twitter that she wanted to pay off the huge debt of the Astarotte no Omocha! anime. She regretted that she couldn’t return profits to those who invested in her work. She herself purchased five copies each of the Astarotte no Omocha! Blu-ray and DVDs. She said she will do her best to promote the anime."
And someone said this, which I think is so trueeeee...
"An extremely underrated series really, but it seems that it turned off most people for absolutely different reasons: those who dislike ecchi expected it to be filled with ecchi stuff and didn't watch it, and those who like ecchi were left disappointed by the fact it wasn't ecchi at all. What's sad is that it's utterly nothing like the synopsis blurbs make it sound and so the knee-jerk reaction it got ended up being totally unwarranted.
It's actually an incredibly sweet, touching story. You could argue, and I wouldn't necessarily disagree, that the story was done a disservice by being thinly cloaked in an outrageous-sounding premise."
-gasp- I never know what to expect from H-game adaptations, because they either end up being crap or end up being watchable. I always check them out to see what they end up being, but I don't hype them up a lot, because it might end up disappointing.
What about Ika Musume's second season? De geso.
1. Tiger & Bunny
2. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
3. Astarotte no Omocha!
4. Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
5. Ao no Exorcist
I decided not to put Penguindrum, since it's not done airing yet, so it might change when it's done airing. Anyway, next season looks kind of lame (a lot of sequels), but eh whatever. I'm excited for Boku no Tomodachi and somewhat for P4. I'm unsure about watching the anime though, since I've already played the RPG and I personally find RPG-anime adaptations to be boring. :\
Just for fun here's what I think... are the best shows of this year so far.
1. Tiger & Bunny
2. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
3. Mawaru Penguindrum
4. Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
5. Ao no Exorcist