I have not really been watching anime (religiously at least) for very long. I only really discovered the Genre two years ago, and even then I have had little time to watch any series that really have captured my interests. I am a high school student living in the united states, studying far too much and getting far too little sunlight to be healthy. But now, as my high school career winds ever more quickly towards its close, I find that I gain more and more time to devote to this little obsession that is anime. I am most commonly interested in historical anime, especially when series deal with historical Japan. I have always been a fan of sword fighting and combat, so ninja and samurai dramas are my favorites as of now (Basalisk, Rurouni Kenshin, etc.). But, the best are the anime that possess intricately woven plots, those storylines that are so involved that it is almost difficult to keep track of everything that has happened to make a main character how they are. And yes...pretty characters don't hurt matters any. >.>
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srry, i'm a random person and i dont know u but .....
~hi =]
don't say you've gone mellow on me! :-P
Is it possible to covet something your about to munch into tiny pieces? if someone were to say i was coveted, death by digestion would be down on my list of possible things that would come next :-D
Anyway, are you a Fullmetal Alchemist/Roy Mustang fan? Because if so then you're a friend of mine.
it was just your imagination.
*slowly walks away*
3.Stockpile penutbutter cups.....√
You dance so divine
*takes more pictures*
*cuts on music*
*feels strange sensation in stomach*
*runs to the bathroom*
*gets out of bathroom*
*looks for you, but you have left*
Butter up....√