-- My life is just a slow train crawling up a hill --
I'm here mostly to just keep track of stuff I've seen and read, and I don't claim to be a pro critic of anything, neither am I here to engage in MAL community.
About my ratings.
I try to stay somewhat "objective", but many shows and movies I rated have from 1 up to 3 points of personal enjoyment added.
Some of the ratings are really old, and don't reflect my current opinion.
What's "objective"?
Well, since different shows/movies/manga series are trying to achieve different goals, usually I try to understand what is it that creators wanted to do first, and then judge how well they executed certain aspects - such as presentation, writing, sound design and music, etc. - in order to achieve those goals.
I can give 7 to a show that has a great plot, good dialogues, decent art style and shit animation, - if it's the intricate plot that creators want to put the biggest emphasis on, - and at the same time give 7 to a show that looks so good you want to watch it forever, has fantastic music, but has horrible plot, cliché characters and meh dialogues, - that is if it was trying to be just an eyecandy, and not much else.
There is, of course, a lense of subjectivity that I look through when I judge the animation/art quality, realism/depth/cleverness of dialogues, the quality of music/sound design and voice acting. I consider myself a person with a rather diverse taste, so most of the time I'd say I'm not an unfair judge of things, but keep in mind that at the end of the day I'm just as biased as anybody else on the planet.
Aside from obvious ones like Cowboy Bebop, Death Note and FMA (both 2003 and Brotherhood), Megalo Box, these OSTs are what I would recommend anybody to check out:
Personal favorites: "Than one", 1:20:43; "Grain", 4:21; "Drift mind" 5:47; "Sweeper" 32:18; "The seeds of time", 53:32; "It's a long way to go", 1:28:14.
Personal favorites: Killua's Theme/"Ginpatsu no shounen", 32:47; "Dirge From the Dark Side", 7:08; "Kingdom of Predators", 34:53; "Who's the Bomber?", 1:57:42; "Holding a Card File", 22:31.
Personal favorites: "Line of Light", 18:40; "Kaiji theme", 27:32; "Espoir"; 31:44.
Personal favorites: "Dai Zawazawa 1", 06:48; "Shadow", 24:59.
Made in Abyss, all of it.
[ there used to be a link here, but the video was taken down ]
As well as Zankyou no Terror.
[ there used to be a link here, but the video was taken down ]
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(hi Dashy)