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Days: 38.4
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- Watching11
- Completed145
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- Plan to Watch33
- Total Entries250
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- Episodes2,266
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Days: 30.1
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- Total Entries184
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- Chapters5,412
- Volumes286
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All Comments (71) Comments
Yeah they probably think we’re wimps xD
No problem :) you can do anything you put your mind to!!
so many of my neighbors have to move out and all that
The weather is actually really nice. It’s always sunny but it doesn’t get too hot, just moderate
Why is the weather bad? Too hot?
Yeah ahah takes a lot of work, but I’m sure you can do it :)
yeah true, i don't know, people do crazy things nowadays, the trend is to be in the most life-threatening situations that you can possibly be in xD
well hopefully it doesn't happen to you too often once you become a piano virtuoso ;)
Yeah totally, the people int the bay drive like maniacs. There's apparently a new trend to just blatantly run red lights, like 10 seconds after they turn red. Have no idea what these people are thinking xD
it's more of a hobby, my enthusiasm for it kinda comes in waves, sometimes i love it so much i practice for like 5 hours a day and then sometimes i have slumps and dont feel like playing at all (like now xD), probably because of how busy i am, just have no motivation to do anything else or to try to make time for other things, yknow
yeah it would be, but I want to go to college in SF and driving around there would be a disaster waiting to happen so xD
hondas are nice :) very reliable
uhmmm ever since i was 10-11, so like 6-7 years :)
that sounds pretty neat. My parents don't want to buy me a car since im planning on being in a dorm for college so i wouldn't really use the car anyways so >.< what type of car did you get? piano is sooo nice, im jealous xD always wanted to learn piano vs. violin (which i play now)
in denial that school started, im still in the summer mindset xD
I'm doing alright, hbu? :)