#How do I rank a hentai?
- Animation/Art
- Story
- Cesored or Uncensored
- Characters
- (sound effects only for old animation if it is too bad)
#Drop causes
- Summary/Recap Episodes
- Not have hentai scene, only ecchi
- Static Image (picture drama)/Old Push-n'-Pull Animation
- Yaoi
#What kind of hentais I (usually) like most: NTR, Incest, Straight Shota, Lolicon, Mind break/ahegao, Animal x Woman.
#What kinds I don't like: Shemale, Tentacles, Guro; some I even think average, but most I think very bad.
• TAG's
#Anime - (LQ) (SD) (HD) (FHD) (UHD) (FUHD) = Graphics (Art Style)
- [RW] [N-RW] = Rewatch; Never Rewatch
- (CUT) = don't show or has been cut the explicit frames (private parts)
- <Push-n'-Pull> = low cost animation, push-n'-pull animation using separately drawn parts and put together in a program similar to Live 2D or Adobe After Effects (pin position tool)
- Push and Pull = animation/art better compared to <Push-n'-Pull> tag, but same animation style
- Ecchi = no explicit frames, looks more to ecchi gender
- Bad Color = coloring issues with Contrast/Saturation/Chroma/Shading ; resulting in non-traditional Japanese animation
- Bad Shading = bad coloring in explicit frame scenes only
- Animated Slides Show = isn't frame-by-frame animation; old push-n'-pull animation literally looks like a slide show
- VN = non-animated dialogues like in visual novels, with narration in "dialoge box" moments (containing animation in explicit frames)
- Cartoon = Western animation art style (Poor Design/Art/Draw)
[Wasabi Chazuke. (Kikunoya.)] Kono Machi no Suteki na Juujin-tachi. Sono 4 desu. --//-- The Lovely Local Beastfolk - Part Four [English] [CENSORED]
Fakku •••
Tsukino Jyogi •
She's a Regular at Mikawaya!! (Comic X-Eros #33
Flirtatious Love Story (Comic X-Eros #31
Forest of Beautiful Witches (Comic X-Eros #36
Heaven's Recipe (Comic Kairakuten 2015-10
A Single Mother's Love Sickness (Comic X-Eros #41
A Single Mother's Love StoryComic X-Eros #44
Mother-Son Physical Mingling Experience (Comic X-Eros #46
Cross Game ~Sons and Mothers in Love~ (Comic X-Eros #49
Everything According to Her Will (Comic X-Eros #53
Eu curto lolicon e incesto :v
Ahegao tbm é muito foda ;-;
NTR não é ruim, mas me causa um enorme impacto negativo me sinto muito mal após ver, mas realmente é excitante :v
All Comments (6) Comments
[Wasabi Chazuke. (Kikunoya.)] Kono Machi no Suteki na Juujin-tachi. Sono 4 desu. --//-- The Lovely Local Beastfolk - Part Four [English] [CENSORED]
[Studio nuco TOWER (rig-pa)] USAMI LIFE [CENSORED
[Sangria (Zakuro)] Taion [Digital]
[Sangria (Zakuro)] Onegai! Iinchou!
[Kimuchi-tei (Various)] Kemo Nee-san 3 [Digital]
(Kemoket 7) [miyubi (Various)] Ran to Houseki ~run jewel~
Tsukino Jyogi •
She's a Regular at Mikawaya!! (Comic X-Eros #33
Flirtatious Love Story (Comic X-Eros #31
Forest of Beautiful Witches (Comic X-Eros #36
Heaven's Recipe (Comic Kairakuten 2015-10
A Single Mother's Love Sickness (Comic X-Eros #41
A Single Mother's Love StoryComic X-Eros #44
Mother-Son Physical Mingling Experience (Comic X-Eros #46
Cross Game ~Sons and Mothers in Love~ (Comic X-Eros #49
Everything According to Her Will (Comic X-Eros #53
Ahegao tbm é muito foda ;-;
NTR não é ruim, mas me causa um enorme impacto negativo me sinto muito mal após ver, mas realmente é excitante :v
qual seu gênero de Hentai favorito ?