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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Nov 5, 2023 11:55 AM
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Hope ya have a good one :3
I'm planning to rewatch Berserk and Fate/Zero in the next month. Right now I'm about to start ERASED's manga, just curious to see why it receives so much hype.
We will talk more about Friend later, after I'm done with 21st CB :D
Hmm, I like almost all of them TBH XD. Including the crazy Tomodachi world stalker biatch xD, her rape face is freaking hilarious lol. Poor Kyoko and Kenji tho ;_; Otcho is pretty GAR as well, too many good characters in one manga alone. Urasawa knows his stuff man, the guy is a genius. You should check out Pluto as well, amazing sci-fi storyline set in the future about a detective robot trying to chase a murderer and it's made by Urasawa the Messiah!
20th CB is freaking amazing btw, best manga I've read since GTO back in January earlier this year.
What do you think about 20th Century Boys ? I'm planning to read it very soon, maybe after I am done with NHK's manga.
You cannot really compare them both TBH, Yang and Reinhard aren't exactly a similiar type of character. Both of them have different personalities and pros + cons, which is great to see.
How have you been btw ? I'm noticing that you are making a huge progress on LoTGH :D
I will watch those others eventually when i buy a new computer ^^
How have you been?
Christ! My last comment that I posted in your profile was back in July 2015 XD. Time went by so fast~~~
What I like about Oyasumi Punpun is how realistic it is, Punpun ( the character ) is a very realistic character considering his actions and this manga provided me some pretty awesome thought provoking real life problems like growing up etc...
Probably the second greatest manga I have ever read so far, it's only beaten by Monster...well Monster is a different story XD.
happy birthday :o
come at me bro
Awesome stuff, I rated the second part 9/10.