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Days: 4.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries104
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- Chapters737
- Volumes84
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All Comments (4) Comments
I'm sorry, I didn't mean this to come off as an attack on you. It's just a bunch of things I dislike in general with website adaptations and AniList looks like the perfect example where they took away functionality and added cross-.platform support and social media aspects.
(I remember exactly this from a previous job i had - we had a nice good looking functional website, hired a bunch of devs to make a separate site with mobile support, and in the end the mobile adapted site was implemented as the "standard" website. Great for when you surf on your phone, but when you're on your PC everything looks huge and weird and not at all adapted to your resolution and some functionality taken away).
Just a pet peeve for me.
I was just looking for your opinion. Care to share any more details why you prefer AniList?
Well, that and it might be closer to any and every typical generic social platform, so if you're a conformist I guess that works for you.
No offence.