List is in progress of being reworked whenever I find the time
My Personal Anime Rating System
10- This is perfection, the god among men of anime. They left me speechless at the end, and completely immersed all the way through. Anime that receive a Ten are shows that touched me either on a fundamental level or left me with an immense feeling of completion
9- Shows that receive a Nine could be contenders for a number 10 spot, or in other words are shows that I enjoyed in their entirety. However, they hold some form of minor flaw or moment of dislike which stops them from being godtier.
8- These shows help form the basis of how I judge anime, shows that receive an Eight are downright amazing and left me feeling fulfilled. Albeit not perfect due to some either messy artwork, annoying character, or whatever; all in all, they are great.
7- Honorable shows that I enjoy, and would consider watching again at some point. A Seven is distinctively different from the 3 previous scores, while overwhelmingly positive it is a show that at times loses my focus or seems overly tedious to watch. Still a great show, but by no means is something that impacted me on a deep fundamental level.
6- Sixes are something that I can respect, they are able to consistently make a valid effort at something enjoyable. I can tell that there was considerable effort put into the show, which is represented by a solid story or plot that generates my interest throughout the majority of the episodes
5- A Five is a show that is still fundamentally good, but at some point lost its steam. This does not mean that a Five is subpar, but simply that it could not consistently grab my full attention. Also it does not mean that the show is distinctively bad, but that my own subjective critiques aren't aligned with the show
4- A Four is a show that I can personally acknowledge as being downright terrible, but are guilty indulgences that appeal to the mindless part of me. While according to my scoring system, they should be a Two if not a One. They bypass all rational reasoning and are binge worthy, Or they are so ridiculously AWESOME that if not for realism they would be an Eight or Nine (They get listed with the AWESOME scale)
3- Albeit perhaps a well renowned show or even something mid, I can still understand validity of the story/message/theme. Which is perfectly fine, because I might either just not enjoy this style of show or I'm not the target audience. I don't personally enjoy Threes but I could still see why plenty of people might like them (Threes are also awarded to commercials)
2- A Two is a subjectively bad (with objective faultiness) show which is either completely unimmersive, or was so bad that I either couldn't really laugh at how bad it is or I struggled to force myself to endure watching it.
1- MKULTRA-esque shows; however, it could also be something that is so downright detestable that by the end I was either mad at the fact that I watched something so bad or wasted my time on something so mind-numbingly stupid
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