Welcome to my profile! All friend requests are accepted but you'll have to chat with me first. I dislike dry conversations since it's awkward and meaningless. So feel free to leave a comment and I'll respond whenever I can! Idc about your mean scores and I couldn't care less about rating affinities either.
While I rate works mainly on the basis of enjoyment, it is necessary for me to be satisfied with its quality in a higher manner. Enjoyment does not always necessitate a show with quality storytelling. People's rating standards are not always merely based on entertainment either. You can enjoy terrible shows too and perhaps continue watching since we pinpoint a reason to care about how they end. It is solely because enjoyment does not inevitably result in worthwhile value. There is also ironic enjoyment as well. In certain cases, although they may not be dull, it feels completely empty or devoid of purpose. Enjoyment and the quality of the work are not synonymous. To a greater degree, many users are subjected to confirmation bias, only seeking out viewpoints that match their own.
10/10:In simple words, an utmost cathartic experience. These works are the most potent and heartfelt works that I have never stumbled upon before. Not just from animanga, but all mediums as well. Irreplaceable content that holds dear to me for all eternity.These are great series with a deep personal resonance that I have been immersed in. They remind me of the sole reason I love this medium in the first place. Objectively, there is no such thing as a 'perfect' anime/manga but these are entries I will ride with despite the flaws it may have. If there is a series that is 10/10 despite no resonating effect, it means I don't feel comfortable to rate it lower.
9/10:Peak. The main difference is I might not resonate with these series as much. This is animanga at its peak, with content that is unparalleled. Themes, stories, and characters are heavily explored. They show the abilities of what it offers conceptually in a clear and convincing way. Superlative script, audiovisuals, characters, and ideas utilized to its fullest potential. I would consider these to be my favorites as well.
8/10: Profound. A series that I am passionate about and love. Engaging stories that have an endearing cast. They may be intellectually stimulating, conceptually deep, or philosophically challenging. These may still be among the best works that animanga offers on an entertaining, creative and conceptual level. They are not always going to leave a strong personal connection but they still have left a substantial impact on me. It does not have to be a complex series.
7/10:Works that I like wholeheartedly. The difference is it might not contend with entries that I love with enormous passion. These are works I can easily recommend despite the flaws. While they are not compelling series, they were still charming and makes me crave for more.
6/10:Series that I admire in spite of the flaws it has. Decent/above average. Better than your average anime/manga. These titles have positives that outweigh their negatives. They had promise but may be lackluster due to poor execution or flaws that prevents it from grasping their full potential. I can still recommend these series.
5/10: Definitely not bad but simply mediocre. Not a lot stands out to me. While the show may have a lot of positives, it has just as many negatives. It may have unique qualities but the series does not utilize anything to make use of it. This is where it can be forgettable for me unless if it's a popular series.
4/10: Below average. Doesn't mean it's terrible - but rather weak where there were more flaws than positives, but not by a staggering amount.
3/10: This is where I can safely say the work is dreadful. Very poorly written and presented. They offer minuscule value. Easily digestible titles with nothing to take from them.
2/10: Egregious. It can't get any worse than this...right?
1/10: Abysmal. It does get worse and I question my life decisions as I'm watching this fuckfest. Series that I dislike with a passion.
These would be authentic ("realistic") characters that are unique and three-dimensional. With real-life attributes, extraordinary appearances, endearing personalities, and meaningful backstories. They have motives that influence their actions or decisions, which help create a narrative in the story. There will be no depth in some of these characters. To put it simply, it also includes characters that I plainly adore, resonate with, or aspire to be.
Yes, but only in a positive manner or emotional way (it only affects your mood). People shouldn't seek validation in fictional characters either (Though I think that's obvious enough). If a fictional work relates to your long-held thoughts, helps you reconcile inward feelings, helps improve your life, or finding yourself in catharsis from resonating with the differences and commonalities that you have with the media, then sure, it is undeniably a good thing. This is where it only affects you in a positive or emotional manner. There are only three types of people that could possibly be influenced by fiction to do bad things. People that are mentally unstable, people that can't differentiate fiction from reality, and people that can't differentiate good and bad (at that point it's a parenting/environmental issue, not the content itself.).It is literally that simple.Fiction is not real. We're going back to the "video games cause violence" controversy. If I have fun shooting people in FPS games, does that make me want to shoot people irl? No. Do you see how absurd it sounds? With that being said, there are also no creditable sources to back up the claim. If someone thought about killing another person because they were influenced from a video game, that person already needs to seek help/guidance in the first place. There's also sane people who complain anyway because there would be fictional works that doesn't align with their political views or it hurts their personal sensibilities. But that sounds like a personal problem from there, not the work itself. Sorry to say, but we're not entitled to these works. Censorship ruins art. Just imagine Berserk getting censored, it'll definitely leave less of an impact on me.
I tried Subahibi three years ago and dropped it two times, both during Mamiya chapter (first time on the r... scene and second time nearby the end). In retrospect, I guess it's not that bad (his schizo thoughts and overall narration are enjoyable); the thing that bothers me is a ton of questionable h-scenes. I had zero tolerance for everything more extreme than simple vanilla back in 2021, so even holding the Ctrl button made me think "wtf am I reading now" more and more until the rage-quit.
The third attempt was kinda hard too; however, Zakuro chapter and central twist both made me hooked on a story and its themes until the end. So I absolutely don't regret the fact that I actually read Mamiya r... scene three times, lol.
Also recently someone ported an existing ru translation to the Full Voice HD Edition with some QC and bug fixes, so it was much more enjoyable to read overall.
Thanks for the recommendations. One of my N1 friends recommended Cure Dolly too.
I kinda understand your thoughts, cause I also prefer to read visual novels in my own language and switch on English only if fan tl is meh (like Totono) or simply doesn't exist (Muv-Luv/Chaos;Child/etc). Of course, it's not that hard for me to read 50+ hours stuff in English (still kinda afraid to read Muramasa tbh), but in my opinion, reading something in a foreign language lower your immersion into the story a bit.
Hi, it's been a while since our last conversation. How are things going?
Can you tell me a bit about your Japanese progress?
I returned to the visual novel medium (randomly decided to give SubaHibi another try and... it worked, from 1/10 to 8.5/10 lol) half of the year ago and have been slowly consuming some other popular stuff (like Muv-Luv/Swan Song/The Cyber Slayer/etc) since that day. I even launched some of my own translations (two short meme ones and ongoing EN-RU for TnS Remake) and thought of learning Japanese with TheMoeWay (or someting similar) when I finish it.
So, do you read every visual novel in Japanese now or only simple-medium language stuff (like moege/romance)? Just curious because of your note about wordplays and prose in SakuUta (not sure my deep moe SoLphobia will allow me to try this one someday, but still). How many hours have you spend on this?
I found a manga that has similar theme with Frieren, although to be honest it has more fantasy slop within, and even faster pacing. (80 years already passed in 35 chapters)
Let me know what you think of it, if you're interested to have a look.
Thanks for the insights on the background of Look Back! I enjoyed watching it overall and grew attached to the meanings behind the film in the end. In the beginning, as the scenes were playing out, I began to understand what was coming and had certain expectations given my previous experiences with his works. Which meant I got worried that my familiarity with his style in these types of storytelling would derail my enjoyment but I'm happy that didn't happen. I have a feeling that the Look Back one-shot is gonna be worth the read though.
my discord's username: lordsozin (LordSozin#2097)
ps. i really don't use my discord so i don't know if i'm sharing the info right.
Yea, Kayoko's characterization is actually very well thought out in where she is both very endearing and relatable. She also reminds me of some people I befriended back in high school.
I'm not quite finished with MahoYoru yet, but Alice's personality and design really appealed to me a lot. She's usually calm, cool, and collected, and doesn't tend to connect with others due to how she was brought up, but her time spent with the likes of Aoko and Soujuurou (especially the latter) slowly but surely opened her up. She's also quite a badass in fighting and is very skilled, but has her own notable weaknesses that prevent her from being a flawless one-noted character.
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The third attempt was kinda hard too; however, Zakuro chapter and central twist both made me hooked on a story and its themes until the end. So I absolutely don't regret the fact that I actually read Mamiya r... scene three times, lol.
Also recently someone ported an existing ru translation to the Full Voice HD Edition with some QC and bug fixes, so it was much more enjoyable to read overall.
Thanks for the recommendations. One of my N1 friends recommended Cure Dolly too.
I kinda understand your thoughts, cause I also prefer to read visual novels in my own language and switch on English only if fan tl is meh (like Totono) or simply doesn't exist (Muv-Luv/Chaos;Child/etc). Of course, it's not that hard for me to read 50+ hours stuff in English (still kinda afraid to read Muramasa tbh), but in my opinion, reading something in a foreign language lower your immersion into the story a bit.
Can you tell me a bit about your Japanese progress?
I returned to the visual novel medium (randomly decided to give SubaHibi another try and... it worked, from 1/10 to 8.5/10 lol) half of the year ago and have been slowly consuming some other popular stuff (like Muv-Luv/Swan Song/The Cyber Slayer/etc) since that day. I even launched some of my own translations (two short meme ones and ongoing EN-RU for TnS Remake) and thought of learning Japanese with TheMoeWay (or someting similar) when I finish it.
So, do you read every visual novel in Japanese now or only simple-medium language stuff (like moege/romance)? Just curious because of your note about wordplays and prose in SakuUta (not sure my deep moe SoLphobia will allow me to try this one someday, but still). How many hours have you spend on this?
I found a manga that has similar theme with Frieren, although to be honest it has more fantasy slop within, and even faster pacing. (80 years already passed in 35 chapters)
Let me know what you think of it, if you're interested to have a look.
MAL link
my discord's username: lordsozin (LordSozin#2097)
ps. i really don't use my discord so i don't know if i'm sharing the info right.
indeed, I do agree. lately i more prefer SoL which makes me relax & reading or just take some seasonal peak anime
don't worry about late reply. enjoy your day, anw nice to meet ya.! :)
I'm not quite finished with MahoYoru yet, but Alice's personality and design really appealed to me a lot. She's usually calm, cool, and collected, and doesn't tend to connect with others due to how she was brought up, but her time spent with the likes of Aoko and Soujuurou (especially the latter) slowly but surely opened her up. She's also quite a badass in fighting and is very skilled, but has her own notable weaknesses that prevent her from being a flawless one-noted character.
— btw have u planning to watch an modern anime from this season or later.
im really sick of recycled stories xd