Hello, MyAnimeList-User!
Zeamona, which is obviously not my real name. Please don't ask me, I want to keep it a secret.
And please forgive me for upcoming spelling mistakes. I'm from Germany and still have much to learn about the right order in English sentences. It would make me very happy to know if there's something wrong about this text! I don't want to show everyone a shitty piece of paper with my introduction and force them to read it. So, please help me! I'd appreciate it. Really.
Thank you!
So, I'm sixteen years old right now and love to watch or read all sorts of Anime and Manga. Unfornately, I'm in eleventh grade and have less time to comply with my hobbys, so I'm trying to make up for the lost time at the weekends.
Since seventh grade I'm drawing Anime-characters by myself. Come to think of it, I haven't created FanArts yet...
Most of the time I call my own characters into existence. They emanate out of my often written tales.
Besides, I really love to set Anime-characters up with someone else, if there's a sign of romance. In case they haven't got a partner and sympathize with me, it's my turn to create a matching partner for him or her. Then he or she will appear and enchant this lonely and poor wolf.
I love it! * laughing crazy *
Aaand I'm really really really obsessed with Otome-games! Oh. My. God. During the last few months I constantely play Otome-games at my phone. I really like their different kinds of stories and these selectable answers. Right now I favour the game Mystic Messenger.
Yoosung! Hihihi!
Coldplay plays a big role in my life. I've already heard all of their released songs, and I love them all.
At the very beginning of 2016 I found
Vocaloids! My favourite one is, undisputable,
Fukase; he's so cool and his voice too.
Len and Rin Kagamine, Luka Megurine, Gumi Megpoid and Gakupo Kamui have also nice voices to hear.
Just as you can see, music plays a big role in my life. I'm playing piano, I also participated at "Jugend musiziert", a German contest and came till national contest together with my music partner. Thank you very much for supporting me!
Aside anime and manga I'm watching other series too! One of them is Steven Universe! I'm impatiently waiting for every single new episode.
But now back to the real point:
I love anime - especially romantic, mystic, funny, deeply moving and magical ones.
Since 2012 I'm in love with them. My first anime was "One Piece", but I dropped it because of the amount of episodes! The next outstanding peace was "Tokyo Mew Mew". I love Kisshu. Thanks to him I adore the baddies and love "Magical Girl"-anime.
This anime brought me to my current path: The path with my named genres.
Well, to cut a long story short:
I focused on
action-packed romances or
romances without any action,
dramas (preferably with psychological),
magical-girl-series (with romance)
PS: Nearly all of the "Harem"-anime are tabu - so, please don't think that I have much of them. Futhermore I follow any age rating, especially with genres like splatter (... and horror). Not only these genres are very rare in my lists, ecchi, martial-art, mecha, scifi (... and cyberpunk), military, music and sport are nearly never found too.
My aiming is to find welldone, unknown series, movies or OVA's and recommend them to others. So I would find it great if my rating helps some of you.
The last point is that I'm only watching anime worthy to watch. If I constantely don't like them, because of any possible reasons, I will abandon them. Outstandingly I'm mindful with the genres.
Have fun at my profile!
My favourite anime: Noragami +
Noragami Aragoto
Hint: Advisable are all anime or manga on my list greater or equal 7 points.
Thank you!
Kind regards,
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