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Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)
Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)
Jul 16, 2011 4:41 PM
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Kuuchuu Buranko
Kuuchuu Buranko
Feb 25, 2010 3:13 PM
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Seiken no Blacksmith
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Feb 25, 2010 12:50 PM
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The Dress
The Dress
Sep 10, 2009 4:10 AM
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Tyranid5 Jul 15, 2011 1:01 AM
NorthPole Dec 15, 2010 3:49 PM
OnidaSpaceKat May 11, 2009 2:16 AM
sorry for taking a while

they look like great movies, I've only seen the first six shown there though...should chek the others though martyrs may make me puke..XD I was already considering watching it but...

Wow, David Fincher huh? I admire his movies too. His "fate" nike commercial is my favorite commercial of all time. Strangely, I find the end of Fight Club to be the most romantic scene I've watched. I'm not sure what messages exactly cross my mind but I do find it romantic. I still got to watch the Game.

No, I don't have any friends in Vancouver/Canada. I'm not from here and I'm not one to judge. I do like it though, the people are friendly but nobody here has crossed me as someone I really want to get to know and so on.

I think that it is good when one matures from serious subject matter. Ugh, I hate it when flame wars erupt on a youtube video like a point will be proven with there useless comments. I'm not saying people shouldn't comment though. If it were up to me, I would change "post comment" to "post compliment".

Sorry, I forgot that artist covers a huge spectrum. I meant musical artist.

Hmm, "dark side is much more compelling that the light side" hmmm
I like how you used the word "compel" but the only thing that comes in my mind is agent smith's monologue in reloaded XD
well, if neo is light, and smith is darkness, then yes, the dark side is much more compelling:D

OnidaSpaceKat Apr 27, 2009 10:38 PM
hi again,

I'm studying psychology

haha "i really think that daydreaming is the best way to escape this rotten world." Yes, daydreaming has much to offer to one's self. Taking a stroll with a fistful of songs and a mind of ideas can satisfy the soul. Honestly, when one has an imaginative brain with a soundtrack, daydreaming can offer something that no one can. That's fantastic that you want to be a movie director. Who's your favorite director and what are your top ten movies? I would love to see your vision when it is refined.

Having two to three bff is already a blessing and I'm glad you found it.

Yes, hot topics are very risky to answer. Nowadays, I think it's best to bypass hot topics. The world is already unstable, I don't think it's a great idea for citizens of the world to add more fuel to the fire if they think they can keep their opinions to themself.

Mistreated and disrespected artists are aplenty and I think it will continue on in this trend. I think that is awesome that you are indulging into these kinds of artists. Who are your favorite artists?

Aah, Samurai Champloo, that was my first jump into the anime world online. I have yet to experience as much excitement as I got from watching the last episodes of this anime. I watched the series straight and felt that the anime really chewed me up an spat me out. Some episodes made me major depressed, others flat out laughed to a point of pain and the finale was heart wrenching.

Unfortunately, my ratings are really skewed and I don't advise people to be swayed by my judgments. On average, most of the series I liked would be an eight, series that are memorable would be a nine and series that I loved would be a ten. However, I love a lot of series...

haha The "36th Chamber" is my all time favorite martial arts movie and the first MA movie I got into. I think on the same day or a day after I watched "Master of the Flying Guillotine," which I also think is golden.

Oh, I haven't seen any japanese revenge/pinku movies yet. As much as people want to admit it, we all have a sick side in us. My sick side would probably gravitate around Sandman from DC comics, Haruko, the villain in Knocking on Heaven's door, and the Joker. I don't think it's all that sick but they all definitely have an element of detachment from the world, willingness to kill people with a snap of their finger, and they all suffer from delusions, I think that's pretty sick in my books.XD

Anyways, have a good one!
tehnominator Apr 25, 2009 5:39 PM
Heh, sorry for taking so long to reply!

And I don't mind getting asked how I am! :D Politeness doesn't kill anyone! I'm doing... okay, I guess. I hope you're fine.

Oh? It doesn't matter whether you are antisocial or not. I am extremely antisocial myself. It's sort of funny though, I have a lot of friends, but I see myself as antisocial. Curious, isn't it? I don't mind if you bring up these topics! Hell, you can word vomit all you want and I wouldn't mind. I actually enjoy it when people vent their frustrations to me. I would love to listen. I think that's the problem with the world today. Everyone wants to open their mouths and scream but nobody wants to listen. I am a willing listener though! You bring up any topic you like, I will put in my two cents as well.

Overrated? FMA? Yes, verily. I don't know, people go with their first emotions and people who are in love tend not to see the bad in their beloved. And this is true for anime as well. Nobody sees FMA for its flaws. I mean, I've seen people give the animation a score of 10. TEN! Obviously they are blinded!

No, no--I checked on MAL. Phantom the Animation has an OAV series that came out a while ago. So MAL says.

Honey and Clover has also romantic and comedic elements in it. Trust me, I have seen some boring-ass slice of life before. It's the stuff to put you to sleep, but Honey and Clover has a good balance.

Studying? Well, I'm studying History, Geography, Literature and I took a communication course. I'm not in university yet but I am doing university level courses. Bleh!

Haha, I don't mind! In fact, not a lot of my friends on MAL read my reviews, but I don't mind :P They're not my friends just because they like what I've written. You don't have to read any unless you really want to or want to see criticism of an anime or manga you have read or seen or would like to read or so.

The Calvaire one was fine. It didn't shock me or anything, mostly because these movies tend not to pay off in the end. When you actually watch them, they turn out to be a bore. But so far, it does make me want to see why exactly that guy is being tied up and what's with all those creepy people with the red jackets. That was freaking insane. Ooh, and the whole "Ask the pig" thing. THAT was cool. The music is pretty awesome though.

Vinyan has the appeal of its setting. The fact that it's in Thailand makes it exotic and appealing. The whole thriller thing is suitable too. And what actually is scarier is that these two people, obviously foreigners, may be getting into something they won't be prepared for.

The Mono song is extremely atmospheric and chilling. I did like it. And I didn't realise that I knew that band from before! :D I totally recognised their album art and was literally smacking my head.

OMG. That Anti Christ movie looks thrilling! And the Mutants one didn't interest me until a while in. It looks a little like 28 Days Later, which is one of my favourite movies ever.

Wow... the Motorist. I might be a little in love now. That song really touched me--thank you for it! It's exactly the sort of thing I enjoy listening to. I really don't understand how people tend to brush away heavily instrumental songs. Just because there are less words doesn't mean that the musician isn't trying to tell us something. In fact, I think it's more powerful when you compose a piece of music since words make the feelings concretised, specific. Music by itself makes you feel things that are not completely bound. But yes, the lyrical aspect of the song is marvellous as well. The halting, quiet, sweet vocals really have a resounding effect on the haunting, chilling music of the rest of the song. Amazing.
OnidaSpaceKat Apr 25, 2009 1:38 AM
I'm american but i'm studying in vancouver(ubc) for my bachelor's :) vancouver is nice

I was just really shocked that there was an infp personality on mal that showed it on their profile. That's a good thing though.

As an infp, I definitely think of myself as imaginative, whether I get into a field of artistry or not but I don't feel too inclined to take that road. As a person, I just speak with my heart more which oftentimes lead people to think I'm pretentious but then again I don't speak much XD As for the constant desire to be on a meaningful path I think infps are just more aware that a path like that exists and because of that they would consider going that direction. For an infp my personality is very "beta". I do think of myself as a very bold beta because of my past acting chops and all that artsy fartsy stuff that involves you doing something in front of people. But, alphas show the world that they are go getters and want to dominate and kick ass and get the women and so on. If I would have to describe myself in one word it would be "passive" which by definition is not dominant.

I also saw that you have a blog which is really impressive. I have never heard any of the artists at first glance on your blog which only increases my interest. It seems like I have met someone else who believes that music is a need in life and not a want. :)

I'm pretty sure you will be turned off...veoh does have the full movie of Metropolis but if you aren't able to go through the whole instructional process, it will be on english.

FLCL is crazy. Haruko definitely claims the series in my view. She has set the bar and standards for the type of lady I like. How appropriate that my prototype wouldn't be from this planet XD
Samurai Champloo is pretty clever for an anime that looks so straightforward.
Afro Samurai & Resurrection are well crafted pieces of futuristic chambara with a simple enough premise that can keep this going for...a while lol Which isn't exactly a bad thing
70s wuxia, spaghetti western and chambara is definitely on top priority in the Grindhouse criterion. The most offputting of exploitation films would probably be cannibal/splatter/mondo films, shock exploitation (exploitation films are shocking to begin with but a shocking film genre within exploitation films? i get queasy), and rape/revenge films (not enjoyable, mildly depressing for me).

How about you? How do you feel on being an infp?

Take it easy!...but not too easy lol

OnidaSpaceKat Apr 22, 2009 7:22 PM
hey! lol i don't know you but i just wanted to say a giant hello to another infp personality out there. infp's unite! except we'd rather not XD btw that's a cool pic
tehnominator Apr 22, 2009 4:04 PM
I'm all right, I hope you're doing the same :D

That's all right, I completely understand how time consuming... life can be. Full Metal Alchemist, eh? Sadly I have only seen about half the TV series, lost interest, watched the movie, regained interest, tried to watch the series again and lost interest again, and am not trying to watch the new TV series which I am also losing interest in. I won't say it's a bad anime, it's not. It's rather good, but I can't seem to care enough about it to watch it! I must be some sort of anime fan failure.

Cross Game looks interesting to me because it's about baseball, and I've never seen a baseball anime before and decided to give it a shot. The old school animation style certainly makes it stand out from other anime this season. I saw piece of the old Phantom OAV a while back and it didn't leave me with a wonderful impression. However, if you say it's good, I will take a look at it.

Not liking slice of life?! Oh my! Well, I can understand that. Why watch anime to watch what's happening right outside your very own window. That makes sense. There are boring slice of life, so maybe I should recommend you get into a mixed genre slice of life anime before you try to tackle simply slice of life.

You know how I pick what I want to watch? It's very superficial but I just watch the artwork and promotional posters. From that, I decide whether I want to watch something or not. Anime that interest me all have a certain... look. An appeal. Sometimes I am very right about the things I judge from their covers. Like I know what will turn into being all eye candy, no substance etc. etc.

I prefer to marathon as well. Leave me to watch anime sporadically, and I will certainly lose interest over time.

Yes, I have seen about 14 or so episodes of Welcome to the NHK. When it was first airing, I watched the episodes religiously, craving a new one. And then something happened and I ended up not watching the rest of the series. It's been years now and I haven't picked it back up since I know I'm gonna have to start from the first episode all over again. Ugh!

I wish you all the best with trying to be a director! :D

Critic? Well, it sort of moved along with my hobbies. When I was fifteen, I wanted to be a book critic. When I was sixteen, I wanted to be a music critic. When I was seventeen, I wanted to be an anime critic. When I was eighteen, I wanted to be a movie critic. So I don't really know... The only things I've ever really written a lot of reviews for is anime; books, music and movies I have written less for.

Heh, that's okay about reading my reviews. If anything, and you want to read them, try the ones for anime we've both seen and we can have a discussion about the anime or the review or anything!

The Bronson trailer isn't available. It said something about being removed on violation. The Valhalla one looks pretty dark and intense. Sort of has this Passion of the Christ grittiness mixed in with some hardcore Macbethan darkness. It looks pretty freaking awesome, actually. Looks pretty realistic too. I noticed details such as grime in the nails of one of the characters. It looks thrilling.

As always, I will get back to you on the other two trailers and song. Time, time--I don't have enough. But who does?
tehnominator Apr 19, 2009 3:57 PM
Hey there :P I'm doing as okay as okay can be, thanks for asking.

I'd like to thank you for sending me a message saving some of the anime from the new season. You see, I have a few of those already on my Plan to Watch list, it's just a matter of sitting down and actually watching them now. Eden of East looks remarkable, just from a few pics I've seen. I am a Honey and Clover fan, so the art appeals to me in any case.

Yes, Shangri-la has certain amounts of appeal to me as well, I was hoping to get started on that one soon. You see, the problem is just me sitting down and watching these things. I find whenever I come online, I look for the greatest of distractions and I never get around to watching anime. The most anime I've seen recently was due to losing my Internet and having nothing to do for a day but watch all the anime I had downloaded and stored.

Ooh, yes, I've been anticipating the bad anime. I heard wonderful things about Asura Cryin'. Wonderfully awful things ;) And well, Queen's Blade has long been an interest of mine. I just have to work up the strength to getting around to watching it. Hmmm.

Heheh, you take care too. I hope you drop me a line whenever you feel like! I am always open to comments and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Never heard of Saxon Shore. Actually, I've stopped looking for new music when I was about sixteen, seventeen years old. I now listen to my old collections. The only new stuff I downloaded was some extremely indie, weird music. Oh wait--You Might Be Blue?? Okay, I definitely know them now! I know that album, but I don't recognise the name Saxon Shore. Maybe I've heard some of their stuff before and don't realise it. Hmmm, you should check out Werewolf by CocoRosie. It relies on moving the listener with the lyricism and vocals. And there's the almost cold and distant music that accompanies the song.

I will check out those links! My computer is running slowly at the moment, so I don't want to play any vids now and risk a crash, but I will save those links and check it out when it's functioning properly.

Good luck with being a director, if you're pursuing that. I'd like to be a critic; if I ever see anything you make, I'll be sure to throw you some lines :P

:) Thanks for taking the time to say hello.
nolongerusingbye Mar 24, 2009 11:38 AM
Hello~! Thanks for the friend request ^^

How are you? x3

(PS That's awesome that you're from Portugal x3)
laefe Feb 12, 2009 11:17 AM
Tokyo Godfathers is a delightful christmas fable, a story about miracles, redemptions and reconciliations! Fantastic!

Nodame Cantabile is one of the most anime for me, I love the couple Chiaki-Nodame, and I love her specially! XD
laefe Feb 12, 2009 9:49 AM
Satoshi Kon is really a genius! I love he! *_* Now I have to see only Millennium Actress! :D
stationry Jan 31, 2009 8:27 AM
Sorry if I've come off as asocial (even though I somewhat am). Anyway, yeah texhnolyze is probably the most dark and depressing anime I've seen. Most people get really bored of it though, so you have to be hardcore.
SilentNovA Jan 8, 2009 1:16 PM
yo thx for the friend request

be wary though that I delete people that just add randomly to increase their friend count :P
laefe Dec 17, 2008 11:57 PM
Thanx for your friend requests! :D
I saw you have intention to see Popolocrois! I love it!! You know where I can find it? The second season too?
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