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Naruto Gaiden: Nanadaime Hokage to Akairo no Hanatsuzuki
Dec 14, 2015 8:45 PM
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Δεν έχουμε γνωριστεί αλλά να που ήρθε κι αυτή η ευκαιρία. Είμαι μια εκ των Admins του «The Greekz Club» εδώ στο MAL.
Όπως παρατήρησα είσαι κι εσύ μέλος της συγκεκριμένης ομάδας αν και, δυστυχώς, όχι και τόσο active. Προσπαθούμε να ανανεώσουμε και να ενθαρρύνουμε τα μέλη να εμπλακούν στις συζητήσεις, τα polls και ό,τι άλλο νέο δημιουργείται στην ομάδα μας.
Θα το εκτιμούσα βαθύτατα εάν έκανες αισθητή την παρουσία σου στο club για να μπορέσουμε να ανταλλάξουμε απόψεις και να συγκρίνουμε τις γνώμες μας ώστε να υπάρχει μια ενδιαφέρουσα επαφή μεταξύ των μελών. :-)
Με εκτίμηση,
P.S. Due to the club having so many members, we aren't able to send out newsletters to all of our members. If you would like to receive newsletters from the Slice of Life Club, post here.
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P.S.S We are in need of active card makers!
We do a few monthly editions and we really need some more card makers to help out with those. If you are interested in applying, click here.
As for Touma. It's said by the author himself that he made Touma a static character. The most you will know about him is in the Angel fall arc from what his dad says. Guess it goes that way because of his memory loss. Despite being static you can find him a bit different from other shounens. Even though he doesn't give second thoughts about helping people you should've notice that during battle he strategizes with what he can since he only depends on IB. You do learn more about his power though and it's real purpose (well sort of but fro what I get it seems to be pretty cool).
A light hearted, average show, with likeable characters. Would I watch the second season, given that there's a spin-off if I wanted to get more of Misaka? Only if someone I know insisted I should.
The whole series is based off light novels and the Railgun manga. You could read the light novels on since they are all officially fully translated(the series is still ongoing though) and you can read the Railgun manga wherever you read manga.
Though if you are just into the anime I will help you out.
For me I did not like the Railgun anime. The first half is good while the second half is filler that bores me since the Railgun manga is great. Though it is SOL so if you are into light hearted things then you should watch the Railgun anime.
For the Index season 2 as a fan I was happy to see progress in the novels getting animated. Despite the joy though the 2nd seasons whole 1st half was boring and generic with bad arcs but this is because they covered the bad novels. The second half though is real good but JC staff rushed the sit out of it. Not terribly but they missed key points. Also, QUALITY almost all the time. The novels are great though and if you look at the top manga on MAL it's number 24 I believe.
Just saw you review on the home page of MAL and thought I should respond since it's my fav series and you're review didn't piss me off ( even though you didn't like TouMAN, but hey opinions)
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Psisou na deis Taa chan.
Σε laptop δεν μπωρω να δω με τπτ στραβωνομαι ασχημα.Εκτος αμα εχις κανα 19incho.
Αρκετα καλο το bakabt.Για καθημερινη χρηση ομως προτυμο και
Μην το ξεχασεις το ping pong club,ειναι εγγυηση!xD