Only keeping this username for a month just to mock CherryLover xD
Welcome to my profile everyone.
Just telling y'all this right now that not all my completed anime has a rating on it. That's because I'm going rewatch all of them so that I can give it my honest rating.
I watch sub & dub. Used to be a 100% dub watcher but after watching OPM in sub, I realize that most anime have greater quality in sub than its dub version.
(Haven't rated anything 10/10)
My Rating System. (Based on enjoyment)
9 & 10 = all time favorites.
8 = anime that I love to watch.
10 = GOD TIER (masterpiece)
9 = KING TIER (excellent)
8 = amazing
7 = very good
6 = Good
5 = average or okay
4 = not my cup of tea
Below 4 is bad (most likely I will not complete it.)
I don't count fillers when I'm rating a anime.
Anime shows that I watched in sub: 9
Anime shows that I watched in dub: 35
Total anime shows that I have completed: 40
Anime movies that I watched in sub: 0
Anime movies that I watched in dub: 0
Total anime movies that I have completed: 0
All Comments (19) Comments
Well... That's an unknown truth, beeing honest, i dont remember, but I'll say that my mom loves tomatoes, well, everything red, so I may guess that was "atleast" one of the reasons
No it isn't meant for controversial topics. It's meant for events that are happening.
So you can't think of a single news or discussion topic that isn't controversial? Damn..
>Awesome discussions
I hear the lazy comment a lot and it's just laughable to me honestly. I can understand why many think that way though.
Give me some forum mods then if it's so simple. Find me people who are qualified. It's hard as hell to find them.
Even if we had like 50 forum mods, I'd still stand by these rules. Why the hell does an anime forum need threads about nazis, racism and other awful political debates?
Read my response here if you care, but I doubt you care. You only want to see your side of things:
it's laughable ardanaz is even asking you to prove it's the majority after we've had multiple 100+ post threads where people are pointing out how bad the rules have been.
how grossly dishonest.
"Everyone hates it"
I love it. I know lots of other people like it too, because they realize this is an anime forum and not a politics forum.
Maybe you like those topics, but a lot of people come here to escape that kind of stuff.
Yeah, total abuse of powers to enforce the rules T_T
I know..
Ngl though, several of my friends are mods on here. They have enough to deal with, they don't need another thread spreading discord and hate about them. They aren't paid for what they do. They can't control any of the back-end workings of the site itself; they can just *moderate the forums*, hence the name 'Mod'. People blame them for numerous things they have no control of; and the rules are posted in numerous places across the site. If people want to flame/be controversial whiny brats, they should go to 4chan or reddit instead. And if they want to break the rules, their threads will be locked/removed and they'll be warned/banned. Pretty simple, its all laid out from the get-go. There isn't any excuse for any of that coming as a 'surprise'.