Aug 14, 2009 11:20 PM
thanks, XD
I believe tomorrow, but since I'm still new to this award thing I don't know if theres a certain amount of people that can be a idk if I got in o.o;;
XD but anyway, if they post a new thread tomorrow (hopefully) I'll remember to send it over.
I believe tomorrow, but since I'm still new to this award thing I don't know if theres a certain amount of people that can be a idk if I got in o.o;;
XD but anyway, if they post a new thread tomorrow (hopefully) I'll remember to send it over.
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Lol yea, some are short and nice though :S
: D...I don't know what you just said but it sounds great!
D: How the hell do you make scripted sigs. They look hard...
seem like you love graphic designing XD
(super late reply u__U neglecting comments)
I think i'll pass on this one :/