All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 147.9
Mean Score:
- Watching33
- Completed619
- On-Hold29
- Dropped2
- Plan to Watch1,371
- Total Entries2,054
- Rewatched65
- Episodes9,523
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 28.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries371
- Reread0
- Chapters4,133
- Volumes423
All Comments (88) Comments
or just use the image link
congrats on achieving those points~
(if you have other rewards requested and pending, give us time to get there)
Hope u had a good one :)
I'm glad u're happy ^^
Hope u had a good one :)
that's nice to have a break :)
oh u should get it
it's very useful ^^
is school busy?
I'm pretty good as well thx ^^
btw do u have discord?
Thx for accepting
Nice to meet u :)
Yes. I am. But My exams ended last month and my Semester Break started so I am trying to relax a bit while making some progress in my Home Tutoring work and also waiting for my results.
That's good. I haven't found getting online on MAL easy so been avoiding it though. But I must say having a MAL Client helps quite a lot.
Do you use the Client App as well?