This box tells me to write about myself which i don't often do because i am not a conceded bitch. But i will write about myself because the box told me too and cause it has an X in it's name just like me. I am considered by my friends at school to be a hyperactively childish pushover. That is for you to judge and for me to not give a damn about. I love anything that does not annoy me. I am not sure what annoys me, and i hope i don't have to find out the hard way, because the last time i did i ended up on a furious rampage (killing spree) and was stopped only by the S.W.A.T. team, a whole mess of police, a firefighter, an ambulance, and a clown holding a shnickers bar. Boy that shnickers bar sure put up a fight! I know that you will not read this, but if you do. I say this to you. HA HA HA WHAT A NOOB!!!! That is all :)
except for this. . . Don't ask how. . . .
Is it? I read this awesome quote from a book and just had to place it on my about me box. Here goes:
Romantic love, filial love, parental love, puppy love, and the love that dares not speak its name; it comes in a thousand ways. Love we are told makes us laugh and reduces us to tears. It can make life worth living, and it can make life hell. Love can get us out of bed in the morning, and back into bed at almost any time. We long for it when it's missing, yet ache when it’s there.
I thought that quote was cute ^.^-
Now don't go thinking that i'm some icky gooy girly girl into love and shit, cause i'm not, I just put that quote up cause it might mean something to some of my friends. That it all.
I find this image really very cute ^.^-
These are some Images I find rather AWESOME!!!! (cool, delightful)
This here, hidden beyond in the world of the spoiler creature boxies is something so cool, so awesome, SO SUPERCALIFORNIASURFEREXPERTONTHEOCEAN!!!!!
I forgot what point I was trying to prove here, but in this spoiler box are many things that I love and enjoy. So. . . .Enjoy?
Only in silence the word,
Only in dark the light,
Only in dying life:
Bright the hawks flight
on the empty sky.
- The creations of Ea (with a little dash above the "e")
This is a MUST WATCH video, even if your not an Ouran fan it makes ALOT of good points :) I agree with alot of the stuff this video says -^.^-
All Comments (350) Comments
Well if you say it that way, then i guess summer school would be something to look foreward to.
Wait? Why you going to chicago twice? lol, I love how hanging out with friends is last on your list. Shouldn't summer school be at the very end of you list?
well you brought it up! ;)
mmmm, delicous :P
lol, make sure you don't scare them away
hahaha! Nah, i'm too smart to do that ;) I come home without the thong on my head.
heh. they don't nag anymore. They say I'm responsible for myself and old enough to know whats best for myself, YES! FREEDOM!!!! :D