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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3
Jul 15, 2024 11:26 AM
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Candy Boy: Nonchalant Talk of the Certain Twin Sisters in Daily Life
Candy Boy: Nonchalant Talk of the Certain Twin Sisters in Daily Life
May 24, 2024 10:58 PM
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Dr. Stone: New World Part 2
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Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja Nai
Apr 20, 2023 3:38 AM
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666_lein Dec 6, 2023 3:30 PM
Ass reviews.
I_bardly_knew_ye Aug 2, 2023 2:58 AM
It's alright, I'm glad you eventually found me. And thanks, I actually forgot about my account on MyAnimeList until I started watching anime again during semester break. I hope you like my revamped profile page!
Akukunshu May 9, 2023 3:20 PM
@ronicaio agreed
ronicaio May 6, 2023 10:23 AM
the owner of this profile probably mess up in the head
ZephSilver Aug 24, 2021 9:13 PM
Yup, good callout. Looks like I may have been trying to use the would "delving" instead. I edited it, thank you. Lots of my reviews contain plenty of grammatical/syntax errors. Whenever I spot them I try to make an effort to correct them but I'm not always successful at it.
Tasteless-casual Jun 18, 2021 10:55 PM
I think that Koe no Katachi issue for me is mainly not focusing on certain important elements that affect narrative about bullying. I got bullied when I was young but my family taught me how to deal with it. It reached to the degree of a student trying to strangle me with his scarf before. For me , it shouldn't have been a movie. It cornered itself to omit huge part of the story and replacing it with montages for pacing. One can take a real life story which is real and focus on certain elements while not showing other part of it creating something which doesn't feel real.

Shou-chan behavior can be explained more if she perceives that her illness has caused issue for her family. Thus having some sort of sense of guilt inside her.
Tasteless-casual Jun 18, 2021 9:10 AM
People are passionate about things they like and some of them want to believe that they like it because their favorite anime is objectively fun/good/whatever for everyone. Thus some are very defensive about anime they like. They are likely to enter conversation with assumption that the so called opponent is wrong for many different things including "s/he is idiot" , "s/he can't appreciate art" , "s/he has wrong expectations" , "s/he watched it wrong" and etc .

There was a long debate before about subjectivity vs objectivity and etc (it still exist. I think). To be honest , there are funny people who will reply to criticism with taste and subjectivity while also saying that they like someone's taste and dislike others as if there is bad/good taste. Well taste can be bad if it is harmful to the person.

I'm in stance with there is no objective truth in what art/anime is better or not for everyone but It depends on the subject "viewer". If someone want to sound or be as objective as s/he can. They just have to communicate the standard which they use and truthfully. Then a discussion can come from it.

I just believe that I like a certain anime or hate for reasons which isn't relevant for everyone and I have priorities or ability to let some anime setup my expectations or what I want from it and sometimes I can't just accept some anime. This is why when I see a negative opinion or hate about certain anime which I might like or not, I don't start with s/he is wrong. I start with he has a different priority/standard/background or may be I was enjoying certain aspect of an anime which made me ignore or not care about certain flaw.

To be honest , it is easier to express why one hate/dislike on certain anime for some specific reasons which might be irrelevant to other viewers. For me , I got bored from entering conversations in which one is discussing the person's/reviewer's credibility rather than anime and the subject in hand XD .

and Nah some people will say that I criticized your review thus I criticized you but the difference is that I didn't label it as criticism to the reviewer but as "The things which I'm in different with in your review of Kaiba". I just don't take my opinion, views , hypothesis or facts that highly. I know some people will start with an attacking statements
Tasteless-casual Jun 16, 2021 5:09 PM
Nah thanks to you. It is rare to have reasonable conversation about anime in some other places.
Tasteless-casual Jun 16, 2021 4:33 PM
saying that "“Selling my child, specifically their body - bad and sad.” focuses on the outcome rather than the buildup situation which is more detailed such as one can still drive another message from it

The family is pushed by circumstances to reach this state. This is from my memory so double check me XD . Chroniko's family had their financial supporter injured and died. The aunt worked but later injured unable to work and she probably don't have money to get body which enables for her to work. They don't have financial support and there is no system which assist them in place. They have changed from middle class to lower class in state of being poor and desperate enough to accept the offer of selling Chroniko's body. Chroniko's aunt isn't heartless but hopeless. She planned to buy a cheaper body for Chroniko but the corrupted doctor knows that he can get away with just killing Chroniko and save money from it because his client isn't important and doesn't have any authority over him. The aunt regrets her decision and tries to cope up with what happened by pretending that Chroniko isn't important for her.

The whole situation is messed up not just because "Selling my child, specifically their body - bad and sad.” but because if a family doesn't have a financial support and world operates on total capitalisms with no governmental support to members of society , they are forced to horrible situations.

This might be unimportant to certain viewers specially in first world country but at least in my country there are real life stories which has a similar analogy to this. For example , there are families which had one of their family member selling out one of their kidneys to get money for life and to pay up debt. There are some cases (sadly many) which had corrupted doctor faking reports if the member can actually donate one of his/her kidneys because s/he will get money from the operation regardless if the patient died or not later.

Of course , selling body or organ isn't the only solution desperate families has done. In case of my grandmother who had my mother in her care but she got divorced and with no good legal system at the time/ not even money to have lawyer, she doesn't get child support and had to marry another man she hated.

Of course, one can debate if the whole situation in the anime is contrived or not and if the story is build in a good way or not. The story can be reduced to “Selling my child, specifically their body - bad and sad.” but it wouldn't be fair at least in my book. A lot of Sci-fi and specially CyberPunk is a warning tale and fear of a system being completely based on capitalism with no support from government to their citizens and the power is in hand of big corporations and people with money. This is actually true in many other countries which adapted capitalism but with weak and corrupted government in hand. Of course other ideologies are not without downsides and thus i don't think that extreme ideologies are of any good.

The anime story isn't original to me but at least it is also debatable if those are important or not in general. There is painful obvious answer but it isn't about the family decision but the burden on the world in the anime.
Tasteless-casual Jun 16, 2021 8:12 AM
The things I agree with in your Kaiba review : Some people are overhyping it to be deep and meaningful anime while its messages and etc isn't really debated within the anime to come up with ideas more than what it meets the eyes.

In general it is also heavily inspired by sci-fi media and specially with cyberpunk genre. A huge part of the story themes is about how technology within a completely ruthless capitalistic system will translate to lowlife and high tech life of the people. The lower class will be pushed more down as requirement of life is getting higher while upper-class will literally deal with the technology as luxury. Bodies has turned into fashion and skills like playing piano into commodity. It isn't something new for the sci-fi genre but you know some people will latch to this anime as the anime media is usually lacking.

I doubt that most people will disagree with how the plotline isn't really that well constructed. Most fans will actually cite that their favorite part was the beginning of the anime with the adventure , seeing the bizarre world with its different artstyle and mini stories of people within it. There was some few hidden foreshadowing but I don't think that it is totally substantial for some viewers.

The things which I don't agree or disagree with because it is an opinion in general :

The show will be melodramatic due to how it is directed and the visuals. It is probably the effect of having episodic side stories (thus it really tries to sell on character drama of some character you just meet) and having Masaaki Yuasa (mainly an artist and animator) as an author , director and etc.
Melodrama isn't always a negative thing but it is understandable to care about stories with detailed characterizations.

I'm not sure how cute artstyle is meant for children only ?! I think the better word is family friendly but it isn't really the case as well for the anime. What I mean is that cute artstyle is also accessible for adults. I also see this idea in many other people before , so hurray you are not the only one and I think your opinion is valid (for yourself and others). Kaiba isn't also really that unique with having cute artstyle and being dark and grim. To be honest , the anime can be unsettling intentionally by having those two in the equation (cute artstyle and being dark and grim). Having Contrast is a way to create emphasis.

I think that the Director, Episode Director, Script, Storyboard, Original Creator and Series Composition Masaaki Yuasa actually choose the artstyle for deliberate reasons. One of the reasons is mentioned (characters being extremely simple motivations in service of the plot). The story is also trying to build sympathy by artstyle. To be honest , I think that the author created the topic and artstyle and then fit the story on it. This is totally hypothetical theory from my side but not all stories aren't build first.

I actually like how the artstyle fit the anime more as it pushes the setting to the extreme. The advance of body creation and switch has reached to the degree of extreme body modifications. I think a lot of people wouldn't really like the anime without the artstyle.

The things which I'm in different with in your review of Kaiba :

Description of the story themes in your review sounds/ is done in ill constructed. Anyone can take story and reduce its theme interpretation into small and very specific lesson to devalue the story as a whole because it ignores a lot in the picture. “Selling my child, specifically their body - bad and sad.” is reduction to the whole situation. The story isn't really about that. It is about the whole situation.

I doubt that Kaiba fans will even consider replying to your review and view it as troll/bait. I agree that it isn't all that deep (deep as discussing the theme and topic in depth to provide new insights) but man this section of your review feels like a badly constructed rant of a person who found the anime boring to watch.

Btw Tatami Galaxy is just directed by Masaaki Yuasa and it has a different author. It makes me roll my eyes whenever someone talks about Masaaki Yuasa (either in positive or negative light) because he is so overhyped. People tend to forget that he isn't the only person working on his projects and sometimes forget to credit certain and important individuals on the anime production.

Btw I hope you are having a nice day :) .
ilalochezia Apr 20, 2021 11:09 PM
But anyways, I'm glad you accepted my friend request. Have a nice day!
ilalochezia Apr 20, 2021 11:08 PM
It's one of those age-old dilemmas: should you rate shows by enjoyment or by worth? And what is enjoyment and what is worth?

I try to balance how much I enjoyed a show with how convincing it is as a whole when I rate something, though it isn't always perfect. But ratings don't matter *that* much anyways, like how I consider the difference between an 8 and a 10 practically inconsequential.
ilalochezia Apr 20, 2021 11:04 PM
Well, we do technically agree on Ergo Proxy, Land of the Lustrous (which I just finished today - what a show!), Perfect Blue, and Steins;Gate (even though I haven't watched much of it). I would say we have somewhat similar tastes.
ilalochezia Apr 20, 2021 11:02 PM
Nice to see a different opinion on me. :)
ilalochezia Apr 20, 2021 10:54 PM
Thank you, but I actually didn't take any of them haha. Now that you mention it, I think I actually might put some of mines on my profile.

By the way, how did you find my profile? I rarely get any visitors so I'm curious.
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