Open to all anime
Prefer rom-coms anime.
Enjoys watching comedy.
My motto is once you start a anime, u should not dropped it. No matter how bad the anime is, the studios had work hard to produce it. If u cant make an animation btr than them THEN STFU. IM PRETTY GENEROUS TOO. I hate giving low scores to anime .To me, without a day of anime is a day in hell. ALSO I HATE PEOPLE THAT INSULT A PARTICULAR ANIME CUS THEY ARE STUPID OR UNREALISTIC. ACCEPT IT. IF U DUN LIKE THE TYPe OF GENRE OR DISLIKE IT JUST KEEP UR FKING o
opinion To YOURSELF
Love animes and manga
All Comments (10) Comments
I see we have a high anime compatibility.
Anyways, thank you for your review. Perhaps more people will give it a try.
Yeah, let's do so. Maybe we could recommend some anime to each other.
I see we do have a nice compatibility!