Konnichiwa! It been so long since we last updated and yesh! Sc0piigal is back XD and to be honest we need more active admins. :/ Our Creator AngGongkia is wayyyy~~ too busy on her work and private life. So many Events have gone by and i couldnt catch up. Will catch up with them soon. So see you in the club. Cheers!
Fujishima nagyon nagy szerintem. Illetve mivel én megrögzött Siscomplexes vagyok így Taichi kishúgát Rinát is imádtam. Aztán ott volt még Cinatsu (Yui karatés "barátnője")
Én végig toltam PSP játékot is. Hú micsoda párosítások voltak benne.
Ez a CG kép valahogy megmozgatta a fantáziám és tetszett nagyon:
Szerintem Yui nagyon jó karakter volt csak az elején elégé hanyagolták a készítők Aokival együtt. Inaba egyértelműen BEST.. Én Nagaseval nem voltam kibékülve... 5 közül ö volt az utolsó helyen. Egyedül Michi Random Arcban kedveltem mert negativság illet neki.
A Hungarian Fans klubban a SoulMission LE topic-ban egy kis gond akadt.... Összesen 3 kép közül lehet választani, nincs 4. kép. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy csak elnézted. Szóval melyik kártyát szeretnéd?:)
Hey everyone!:) Sorry for the delay. The votes have been all counted up & the winners have been decided. Click the banner to check out the winners or click here.
Welcome to new members, thanks to the older ones for staying with us <3
The Anime ended *sob* but we opened a LE as a Goodbye.
It's open for a month, so request away~
We also opened two new threads to discuss your favorite character and favorite team -> go here
and your favorite scene and episode -> go there.
In case you don't like to receive any more newsletters in the future though there won't be many at all
you can leave a comment on Hisagi-Chan's profile :)
Hiya~ sc0pii0gal is here again.. Here I am again.. i had been been coming out with sooooooo many LE i wonder does it even have a end to it.. hahaha..
At the moment, we have International Talk Like a Pirate Day LE (OPEN) & K-on LE (coming soon)~ and there will be more cards coming too. Stay tuned and check out groups :)
If you want to help out, please apply here :D
That's all, peeps :) Ciao.. Have a good day :) Enjoy and please stay tuned :D
P.S please check out the group at all times. Cause sc0pii0gal is currently kinds of busy :X will not be able to sent newsletter all the time. Sorry about that :) and YEAH! enjoy your stay :)
Hiya~ sc0pii0gal is here again.. Here I am again.. i had been been coming out with sooooooo many LE i wonder does it even have a end to it.. hahaha..
At the moment, we have Hatsune MIKU LE & Pikachu LE OPEN~ and a lot of new editions coming up!
If you want to help out, please apply here :D
That's all, peeps :) Ciao.. Have a good day :) Enjoy and please look forward to the next LE:
Next Coming LE:
-Animal Week LE
-Teddy Bears LE
-Wink LE
-Pink Haired LE
-Kids LE
-Eyes Patch LE
-Pocky LE
-Headphone LE
And last but not least let us wish Hatsune Miku 'Happy birthday' :)
Hey awesome members! :) The time has come for YOU to cast your vote! 22 contestants have submitted in their hardwork(banners) & now YOU are the judge! Choose the banner you believe shines over the rest! Voting will end Aug. 31st! :)
UPDATES: The club now has 2,000+ plus members! I wanted to thank you for supporting the club! Also, since the club is growing, we would love your SUGGESTIONS to make the club even better! So just click here & give us your ideas & input! :)
All Comments (23) Comments
Konnichiwa! It been so long since we last updated and yesh! Sc0piigal is back XD and to be honest we need more active admins. :/ Our Creator AngGongkia is wayyyy~~ too busy on her work and private life. So many Events have gone by and i couldnt catch up. Will catch up with them soon. So see you in the club. Cheers!
Current ongoing Cards
National Lipstick Day LE
Mid-Autumn Festival 2016 SE
Chibi Wars
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Most zárnám a csajoknál a szavazást és vettem észre hogy szavazás közben volt egy hibád.
Olyanra szavaztál aki már kieset :D (gondolom félre ütöttél egy számot)
Ha lehet minél előbb küldj egy javított szavazatot. Nyugodtan küldheted az utolsó post alá.
Click Here to Request Newsletter List Removal
Fujishima nagyon nagy szerintem. Illetve mivel én megrögzött Siscomplexes vagyok így Taichi kishúgát Rinát is imádtam. Aztán ott volt még Cinatsu (Yui karatés "barátnője")
Én végig toltam PSP játékot is. Hú micsoda párosítások voltak benne.
Ez a CG kép valahogy megmozgatta a fantáziám és tetszett nagyon:
Ennyire unszimpatikus lett volna? Vagy ismered mindegyiket a felsoroltakból és azok jobbak voltak mint Yui?
Hiya, Finally LE are coming again. And yeah there's three of it :) Have fun :)
Kuroko no Basket LE
K-on LE
Halloween LE 2012
A Hungarian Fans klubban a SoulMission LE topic-ban egy kis gond akadt.... Összesen 3 kép közül lehet választani, nincs 4. kép. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy csak elnézted. Szóval melyik kártyát szeretnéd?:)
Would you like to join us? :3
Hey everyone!:) Sorry for the delay. The votes have been all counted up & the winners have been decided. Click the banner to check out the winners or click here.
Monthly Contests- Yes or No | Hall of Fame | Staff Recruitment | Suggestions
The next contest will begin in the first week of October so be sure to check it out!
Stay true to the club & take care,
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Hohoi Kurokocchi-lovers and likers ♥
Welcome to new members, thanks to the older ones for staying with us <3
The Anime ended *sob* but we opened a LE as a Goodbye.
It's open for a month, so request away~
We also opened two new threads to discuss your favorite character and favorite team -> go here
and your favorite scene and episode -> go there.
In case you don't like to receive any more newsletters in the future
though there won't be many at all
you can leave a comment on Hisagi-Chan's profile :)
Staff of Kurokocchi FC,
have a nice week <3
Hiya~ sc0pii0gal is here again.. Here I am again.. i had been been coming out with sooooooo many LE i wonder does it even have a end to it.. hahaha..
At the moment, we have International Talk Like a Pirate Day LE (OPEN) & K-on LE (coming soon)~ and there will be more cards coming too. Stay tuned and check out groups :)
If you want to help out, please apply here :D
That's all, peeps :) Ciao.. Have a good day :) Enjoy and please stay tuned :D
P.S please check out the group at all times. Cause sc0pii0gal is currently kinds of busy :X will not be able to sent newsletter all the time. Sorry about that :) and YEAH! enjoy your stay :)
Hiya~ sc0pii0gal is here again.. Here I am again.. i had been been coming out with sooooooo many LE i wonder does it even have a end to it.. hahaha..
At the moment, we have Hatsune MIKU LE & Pikachu LE OPEN~ and a lot of new editions coming up!
If you want to help out, please apply here :D
That's all, peeps :) Ciao.. Have a good day :) Enjoy and please look forward to the next LE:
Next Coming LE:
-Animal Week LE
-Teddy Bears LE
-Wink LE
-Pink Haired LE
-Kids LE
-Eyes Patch LE
-Pocky LE
-Headphone LE
And last but not least let us wish Hatsune Miku 'Happy birthday' :)
Hey awesome members! :) The time has come for YOU to cast your vote! 22 contestants have submitted in their hardwork(banners) & now YOU are the judge! Choose the banner you believe shines over the rest! Voting will end Aug. 31st! :)
UPDATES: The club now has 2,000+ plus members! I wanted to thank you for supporting the club! Also, since the club is growing, we would love your SUGGESTIONS to make the club even better! So just click here & give us your ideas & input! :)
Take care & stay true to the club!
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