Removed my reviews because they needed some editing. I need to be honest though: I am the kind of person who lose interest easily, so I can't promise that I will complete them, or write more in the future for that matter. It all depends on my mood.
So, why do/have I watch/ed so many crappy anime?
* I had bad taste when I was younger. I watched so many studio deen shows and crappy yaoi ovas (they are enjoyable if you watch them as comedies though). My second reason is...
* So that I can appreciate the better ones. Of course I wouldn't have to watch THIS many just to do that, but that's where the third reason comes in...
* I want to see if they become any better, and in rare cases, it happen. Though in many cases I already know they are doomed.
(new) Rating system:
Art = animation, character design, backgrounds.
Sound = voiceacting, bgm and how it is used, OP + ED.
Story = pacing, development, ending.
Characters = personality, development, and how important each of them are for the plot development.
Enjoyment = on all of the above main sections.
+ Rewatchability and memorability.
A shorter and slightly changed version of "what makes a great anime according to me":
A deeper meaning: If all I get is "oops I grabbed your boobs when I fell" or any other kind of fanservice, I will most likely not remember it (or atleast not favorize it). I value anime and movies that makes me think, that at the end of the story taught me something (or atleast made me appreciate a different point of view). This usually goes hand in hand with...
A well written, memorable, and well presented story: To me, a well written story stays true to its goal(s), but isn't to afraid to add some twists on the way. Of course, twists can also ruin the whole, but a really good writer can make anything work. With memorable I mean both how well made it is, and also how different it is from the majority of other shows (as in typhical shoujo, weak shounen, doomed-to-be crappy harems and moe, and so on). Presentation is also very important, and even a bad show can look good with interesting/flashy presentation (but of course that doesn't change the "core"). A mix of all three makes a great anime to me, as long as it also has...
Likable and interesting characters: Imo, characters can be likeable and/or interesting. Likeable simply means that the have charming personalities and good interaction with other characters, while interesting means there is more depht to them and that they get some development... but characters are rarely both (example: NGE's characters are interesting but not likeable, while manga!Karneval's characters are likeable but not interesting). The most well wriiten and memorable stories often have both though. Last is...
A good studio: All studios have done atleast one decent anime, but many of them makes mostly (what I consider) weak and mediocre ones, and they may focus mainly on one genre (like Kyoani and their moe, and SHAFT and their stylish ecchi). Most of my favorites are from MADHOUSE. They are diverse, have good budgets, and the majority of their anime are done with style.
Top 20 Movies (if you haven't watched them, DO):
20. Toy Story
19. Shutter Island
18. Clockwork Orange
17. Kamikaze Girls
16. Harold and Maude
15. Melancholia
14. Kill Bill
13. Terminator 2
12. Beauty and the Beast (Disney)
11. Black Swan
10. The Dark Knight
9. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
8. The Shining
7. The Seventh Seal
6. Schindler's List
5. Persona (Bergman)
4. Lady Vengeance
3. Fanny and Alexander
2. Pan's Labyrinth
1. OldBoy
Okay thank u for commenting i get it. But yeah sadly i don't find Yogi's voice is acting serious in the latest fight he had! especially when he gets talkin, it sounds not serious in my opinion. And Aku no hana thing is for fun only .-.
I am comment banned on the other site so don't expect a reply there. My review is complete the way it is. As for yours, it is fine the way it is too but next time don't waste your skills on a title nobody cares about or is even worth a mention.
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