In no particular order:
1. My bedroom is currently the same temperature as a conventional refrigerator.
2. I have glasses, but don't need them, so I usually don't wear them. However, if I am overcome with an urge to appear bespectacled, or I need to read small writing, I'll put them on.
3. I dislike making typos. If I make a typo it upsets me.
4. The Jetsons has the worst theme tune EVER.
5. I hate losing, but only if I have a realistic chance of winning, and I actually care about whatever it is I'm trying to win.
6. I was expecting the listing to be a lot easier than it's turning out to be.
7. I enjoy being "the funny one". If you find me funny, I will automatically like you.
8. Number 7 only applies if you're not a twat.
9. Big Brother, Celebrity Big Brother, and all it's derivatives, are awful.
10. I'm currently in the mid-stages of a failed attempt to grow socially acceptable facial hair.
11. I adore 30 Seconds To Mars, although based on a recent interview I read, I think Jared Leto is a pretentious, egotistical, shallow, self interested cock.
12. I swear far too much. I don't actually give a shit if people have a problem with it.
13. People have asked me to try and ease off before. I said I'd try, but I just didn't.
14. A dartboard once fell on my head.
15. I have dark brown hair, which I often make very little effort to control. **
16. Someone once said I look like a mole. I don't understand how that conclusion was formed, but it caught on, and has subsequently gone away again. It's hard to fathom why I brought it up.
17. I am immensely lazy, and more often than not, anything I am asked to do will be done in the quickest and easiest way possible.
18. I don't watch Anime.
19. I don't read Manga.
20. I doubt I ever will watch Anime, or read Manga.
21. If some is presented to me, I probably will look out of mere curiosity, but I won't go out of my way to find it of my own accord.
22. I dislike poor spelling and grammar. It's more of a pet peeve rather than something that will drive a wedge between me and someone. Unless I have other reasons to find a person annoying, poor spelling and grammar, and use of shorthand, won't actually bother me in the slightest...
23. All of the surrounding area is covered with snow and ice, and consequently I cannot go anywhere. It takes the best part of an hour of walking to reach civilisation, and a large portion of civilisation are imbeciles anyway.
24. I like chocolate, and ice cream, and marshmallows, but not together. Maybe chocolate and ice cream together.
26. British comedy outclasses American comedy by a country mile.
26.5. Notice I said mile, not kilometre. Fuck you metric system!
27. Feel free to buy me a pint of Fosters. It will always be welcome. Unless you're a rapist, a Nazi, a scene kid, or the gentleman who can be seen on the television inviting people to "Go Compare".
28. I like warm beds with big duvets.
29. "You know you love someone if ... you were thinking about them so much you didn't realise number X was missing". That annoys me. Incidentally, you know you love me if you were thinking about me so much you didn't realise number 25 was missing.
30. See, I'm hilarious...!
31. Bacon, egg and sausage barms are the pinnacle of evolution.
32. This number can often be seen on the back of a certain "twat from Argentina" - who is also a "money-grabbing whore".
33. I'm 5 foot 8/9, and tend to weigh 12 stone something.
34. If you want to give me a hug, it'd probably be welcome, but ask first.
35. I'm quite well known for my road rage. I'm generally more chilled out these days though, so it doesn't happen as often. I think that's good.
36. There is no better thing to spend 95 pence on than a sausage roll and ring doughnut from Greggs.
37. England is better than the USA. Fact.
38. There's a small monkey sat on top of my external DVD-ROM drive. It's been there over a year.
39. Dan Brown may lie a lot about the content of his books, but they're still fairly good works of FICTION.
40. I very much like having free texts.
41. I play the piano to a reasonably poor standard. I wish I could play it better, but I don't want to put the effort in.
42. This is a Coldplay song, which when stuck in your head, is very very irritating.
43. I have an XBOX 360. I like it very much.
44. I had things in mind for this list, but I've forgotten them.
45. Obviously, if you just want to be my friend, you're more than welcome.
46. I hate Jedward. Jedward is the worst thing ever. I want Jedward to go away and not come back.
47. I'm on the dole. I get paid £50.95 per week for doing not very much. It's a good life.
48. To the nearest centimetre, this is the size of my penis.
49. That's not actually true. After all, we're still only in double figures!
50. Seriously, it takes several minutes to get it into my pants...
51. I'm rather good at maths and scientific things.
52. I'm incredibly pedantic.
53. If you actually believed 48, 49 and 50, just get out. Although, I don't drive a BMW or a big Audi, and nor do I own a 4x4 despite living in an urban area, so it isn't that small!
54. Geology interests me. That doesn't make me a geek, it just means I'm not a moron.
55. There's a fairly good chance my sense of humour may upset or offend you. Please don't take it to heart. I'm actually quite a nice, fun-loving person.
Kim is my best friend. Why it wasn't already mentioned is beyond me, because she deserves a mention, because she's awesome. She's always been there for me, and I mean always. Hopefully, she always will. She really is the most amazing friend I could ever have. I'm sure I'll have plenty of friends, but none quite like her, none as psychotic as her, none as fun as her, basically none as epic as her! BFFL, my friend, BFFL.
57. The University Of Bolton is run by fascists.
58. I doubt they're actually fascists, but they are astronomical ballbags. Tell all your friends, the campaign starts here!
59. The official logo of London 2012 does actually look like Lisa Simpson giving head!
60. Has expired.
61. I really should stop mentioning relationships on here. Whenever I do, they don't end well.
And that's me done. I've been Josh (and still am, remarkably enough...), and this may well have been rather a disappointment, or a waste of your time, in which case I can only apologise. In any case, I bid you a fond farewell.
** In the end, I jacked it in and shaved it all off. Now it's so short I don't need to control it. Happy days!
All Comments (225) Comments
me to. lmao. sorry
are u serious?
what did u spend it on? gay strippers?
noo! to pound sumbody's face in :D
what kind of good shit?
they didnt have prosthetics?
i dressed up as a dark magician cat and trick or treated. lol
what did u do?
hmm....maybe it was? lol..i forgot.
hmmm...depends ;p
rape is never legal!
how much money?
i know i know...but that would still be cool :)
when are u moving? never? i thought so. aaha
oo! did he get run over or sumthing?
it wasn't! i think?
ooo! that would be tooo massive to handle.
they can't even go to jail for it either...damn, i want to be a ghost now :)
damn, so you couldn't sue?
idk? lol. i forgot -.-
omg!! that would be so much funn! just repetitively pound into there face until there face seems unrecognizable ^.^
you haven't moved to new zealand yet?
he wasn't born handicapped?
aww...ur so sweet :D
noo! thats not what i meant! lol
i am not a massive dick!
that is true! ghost can rape people you know!
was the girl hurt badly?
ehe. hmm...sure you dooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ahha. O attack!
i think they make sure that there dead..i mean if you die for more than 5 minutes your brain would suffer severe damage...and then you will die :)
you wouldn't want to live there..i just discovered that there are fucking rats in my house!
it does not! if you are brilliant you will not get confused!
o no no you were describing have a very low self esteem! lol
what! what do you mean no offence....fukk you -.-
yea, but i don't most are sex crazed maniacs?
and what is the attraction?
w-what he is? well...isn't he like always there? so he watches EVERYTHING you do!
that was kinda you feel better now?
see!! you dont mean shit!!
there not morons there just...hygenic ^.^
no you would not!..though it would be cool..only if it happen in britain though >;)
lmao. that makes noo sense!!
o many adjectives..stop describing yourself!