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Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower
Feb 12, 2019 8:53 AM
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Anyway, it is always good to see someone coming back.
+ the link on my sig in case u missed it
that seems to be just the tip of the iceberg
i've been posting all sorts of material around but this place is so infested by now that it's hard to even talk and express yourself the way you want to without getting someone twist and bending the rules to punish you for no reason other than to silence you
I hope it's some kind of block or something related to pride that people can eventually overcome before its too late and that they aren't actually just with an agenda themselves. After all, white people are an overwhelming minority in the world so as the world progresses the majority of the users around internet forums is not going to be white any more, if you get my point
or they are anti-white in the first place and don't want people to start noticing things ,it's weird as shit to me cus until 2 years ago all i did was play video games and not focus on anything else and then i stopped and i woke up to the world around me and even after all this time im still confused to why is this happening and why can't pp just live in peace and prosperity but are instead looking to start some shit
and then for no reason at all the people voted
it's just like a general rule that you eventually have to listen to them if you're into blur, suede or britpop in general
If it's the former: basically, the AfD party chief of the Federal State of "Bremen" got attacked physically by unknown perpetrators. While violent attacks towards political offices are nothing new and also happened with other parties like "Die Linke" ("The Left"), violent attacks towards politicians directly are seldom, especially when they are usually well-protected. Though the most prominent example is Wolfgang Schäuble, who is in a wheelchair because of an assassination attempt.
If it's the latter: the police is still investigating.