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Days: 9.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries33
- Reread0
- Chapters1,416
- Volumes113
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Yubisaki kara Honki no Netsujou: Charao Shouboushi wa Massugu na Me de Watashi wo Daita
Jul 11, 2021 6:35 AM
· Scored

Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru.
Jul 11, 2021 6:33 AM
· Scored
All Comments (1156) Comments
Thank you for accepting ^^
Would you like to join us? :3
Just wanted to let you know that the anime & manga contest part2(match 1) is open! So go check it out! Also there are winner cardsopen! Remember to be active and go to the club! Thanks to you all for been in the club we have 450 members! Seeya in the club!
Its open the Helloween LE's! Go and ask for one!
How come you never going with ur parents somewhere again? xD
But sounds like a super party summer holiday camp for you! i can see why you want to go back there =)
Maybe next year again? haha!
Was it fun in Bulgaria?