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Aug 24, 2011 2:50 PM
Dropped 2/22 · Scored 4
Gunsmith Cats
Gunsmith Cats
Aug 24, 2011 1:02 PM
Completed 3/3 · Scored 7
Aug 24, 2011 11:20 AM
Dropped 1/15 · Scored 4
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AidenKarma Feb 4, 3:36 AM
Low tier bait acc tbh dis shit funny asf cus like Mean Score: 3.75 is INSANE
ILOVEONEPIECE125 Mar 22, 2024 10:18 PM
join my club bruh lol wgallaway winners
Tumour Sep 13, 2023 7:54 AM
5orta Jul 31, 2023 12:43 AM
bait acc
BroWhatThe Jul 17, 2022 3:21 PM
Mean score 3.75 đź’€
2abZ Sep 4, 2021 6:49 PM
I feel like this account was made just to bait people into angry
ImHeisenberg Sep 1, 2021 4:57 AM
Lol @deactivated101
butterflyeffectt Feb 4, 2021 6:17 PM
douche bag below me
artist-retired Aug 26, 2011 11:49 AM
But even if all of that doesn't make you reconsider your impression on Claymore, don't worry about it.
If you don't like what I like, then it really shouldn't be a problem, and never should be a problem, because taste and opinion is different from each individual anime fan.

Anyway, what anime do you usually watch?
artist-retired Aug 25, 2011 12:53 AM
On your first point about the progress on the fights, you have hit the nail on right on the head, a lot of battles in Claymore are simply to progress through the story, especially during the beginning. Like I said earlier, Claymore is very formulaic in it's story telling, but mostly in the beginning, and the anime covers up a lot of the manga's material, which is very easy to quickly read up on.
The one scene you mentioned with Clare's (The main character) guardian, Teresa, who was also the strongest Claymore before her death, was a flash back, telling some of Clare's past and how she ended up becoming a Claymore.
The flash back also explains, in a way, how Clare is the weakest of the Claymores (Ranked last out of 47 claymores, which also means she is stationed in an area with fairly weak yoma, which is way she can take out yomas with a breeze during the beginning) when the anime introduces several other Claymores. To become a Claymore they must take in the flesh of a yoma, and become half yoma AKA Claymores, Clare however, took the flesh of Teresa, a half yoma, with the result ending up with Clare becoming 1/4 yoma, however, Teresa was the strongest Claymore, so an X factor is thrown into Clare's development into a stronger warrior.
The stronger yomas AKA Awaken Beings, are mostly awakened male Claymores, Awaken beings are created when a Claymore goes past their limit of their yoma powers, as Claymores are constantly fighting back their yoma sides. The case for Male and female claymores are different, as awakening for a claymore is a feeling of bliss, similar to sex, and the males would awaken more often than females would because of that, which was not foreseen by the people responsible for creating the claymores.
The reason that the characters did not know about the male awaken beings is because the organization raising Claymores would kill off any Claymores with too much knowledge of the awaken beings in suicide missions, having them go hunt for them.
Not everyone knew, just the highest ranking Claymores or the ones that survive said suicide missions.
Why would that organization do that? The answer is a big fat story spoiler.
The supposed awaken being that Clare fights at the beginning when she was at that village that wouldn't allow Claymores into their town was rumored to be an awaken one, but only ended up being a fairly strong yoma.
Claymore has a habit of dropping hints, details, and clues early on that become very important to the main story later, especially with the kid, Raki, Clare picks up earlier in the anime, he becomes very important to story much later, in the manga, the anime doesn't cover it unfortunately.
No offense, but did you even pay attention to the beginning? Raki was being incredibly persistent about following Clare, so after a while, Clare gave in and let Raki follow her around, which her feelings about the whole thing was made apparent in the flash back that Raki reminded Clare of herself as a little girl with no one else to go after being saved by Teresa who also took her in when Clare herself was being as persistent.
About the claymores breaking rules, the main rules are to not kill humans and only go after yoma, a claymore can do as they please, so taking in a child is not against their rules.
In a world were vicious monsters are constantly going after people to kill and eat them, a bunch of orphaned children actually wouldn't be as uncommon as you think it would, I mean, where do you think all the 47 claymores had come from?.

If there are still some more details you're concerned about in Claymore, ask away.
artist-retired Aug 24, 2011 12:09 PM
Alright, then this really does comes down to taste and personal opinion. I'm just speaking out as a fan of Claymore, and I don't mean to come off as "You hate violent animes, waaaah?" and all your points you made, make a whole lot of sense to me, despite that I am a fan of Claymore.
And after I said "Well, it's nothing but blood-guts, women flinging swords, and nasty creatures that get stronger so it's a trash deserving a 1" and you replied with "that's exactly what I think." I have no right to argue or to continue to argue against your own opinion, especially since you stated in detail what you disliked about Claymore (I respect that), but, not in argument, in curiosity, I would like to know what parts of Claymore you found illogical, and I'll try to answer back to the best of my ability as a fan of Claymore.
And yeah Claymore isn't Bebop (As a numeric comparison, Claymore would be like a 5 or 6 when compared to Bebop).
Mononoke, okay, I'll give you that one, but I would watch Nausicaa instead myself LOL
And yeah, I myself would never show anime like Claymore to children, anyone with brain would automatically agree to that.
Deactivated101 Aug 24, 2011 9:47 AM
Batman is cartoon and Samurai Champloo is episodic and hardly as dark so you are not exactly providing good examples.
Deactivated101 Aug 24, 2011 8:58 AM
So you hate the genre no matter how good it is and you also can't find a single one that is equally good. You might as well say "there was no chance to like it no matter what it was about."
artist-retired Aug 23, 2011 6:51 PM
So pretty much you can't stand blood and gore? Judging off what you gave Berserk, Claymore, Elfen Lied, and H.O.T.D. (Ok the last two really are childish trash).
I feel that you didn't even give it a chance, especially if you compare it to the shows in it's genre (It's a shonen), and it's definitely not childish, not dumb (Simple and formulaic, yes, dumb no-no-no), and definitely not a score of 1.
Yes, there's each other's taste to consider, but honestly, your review came across as "Well, it's nothing but blood-guts, women flinging swords, and nasty creatures that get stronger so it's a trash deserving a 1" I honestly want to know what anime do you find mature.
Deactivated101 Aug 23, 2011 8:52 AM
Then please mention 5 similar titles that you consider more mature than Berserk and better in overall production.
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