Love anime and manga, I can always be caught with my nose in one or absorbed in the TV with the other. As should be evident from the name I love yaoi anime, manga, as long as it has good enough art and a plot I will read it. Some may say I'm obsessed, they would probably be right, but they shut up as soon as I point something out that they are enthused with.
There are of course some anime and manga that I don't like and I won't hesitate to voice my opinion if asked. There is enough of a variety of genre for everyone and there are more anime that I dislike than like. What can I say, I'm picky.
When not reading/watching anime/manga I can be found writing fanfiction, right now that pertains to Naruto fanfiction of the yaoi persuasion. Don't like? I don't particularly care just don't read it and waste mine and your time, also I don't write for children so consider yourself aptly warned.
There are other things I'm interested in but not enough to drone on and on about. Just thought I'd give people an introduction into the psyche of a YaoiWhore.
All Comments (42) Comments
Anyways! I see that u have read some yaoi novels and I'm obsessed with them at the moment :P So I want to read Only the Read Finger Knows but I have to order it online. I just wanna hear your opinion about it before I do ^.^
Is it cute? Cuz I've read enough rape ones and now I'm just looking for a cute relationship :3
How are you?
I like your new pic!! *.* NaruKashi...never thought about it XD
Oh u have Gaara in your faves :) That's funny, I just adopted him in a claim club XD It's sad that he hasn't showed up in like 40 eps though :(
I see that you finish read Shinshi Doumei Cross of this mangaka.
Ahhh, I like your new image of your profile.
Yeah I noticed that too. MAL doesn't have all the mangas 0.o
Oh I know how u feel. Choosing only 5 is torure >.< That's why I want to make my own profile :P
Btw what is the manga in your profile pic??
How come u only have 2 favorite anime? 0.o U have seen so many!
Who's your favorite couple in Junjou?
Oh there is?!?! I haven't heard of that one! That's great! New anime :) Have u read it?
I've never heard of those before, I'll give them a try ^.^ Yeah my favorite is junjou romantica. The art and stories are great! :P
So what's the most intense yaoi you've read?