On this day the 7th of December 2024, I pledge that I WILL LEARN JAPANESE. If I fail at learning Japanese I will forever hang a banner of shame on my profile. I will become the uberweeb.
25/01/2025: Passed N5 With 90/180. Vocabulary 24/40, Grammar&Reading 30/80, Listening 34/60.
Just a practice test to check my progress but I was planning on waiting for the 2 month mark to take it. The Listening was the easiest, then the vocabulary (the lack of kanji screwed me up a bit), but grammar and reading was a pain. Looking at the answers the ones I got wrong were mostly particles, and though reading was annoying I got a lot of it right. Reading is probably going to continue to be my weakest area, but I do need to hammer down my particle understanding.
Considering I passed (albeit with a shitty score) I might as well just think about trying the N4 test at the 4 month mark rather than bother with another N5 test. As of now I have about 850 words in my Anki vocab deck and probably 300+ kanji. By the 4 month mark I should have 2000 words and hopefully pass N4 much the same.
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If you care about my scoring system it's essentially:
1-5 = Negative
6-10 = Positive but more in depth:
1 = Anime was a mistake.
2 = May have had some good qualities but the bad was so bad it doesn't matter.
3 = Garden variety awful
4 = Bad but not irredeemably so.
5 = The wasted potential, mediocre, or boring graveyard.
6 = Positive overall but it had problems or wasn't ambitious enough
7 = Good, but it didn't leave a lasting impact.
8 = A great anime.
9 = The best of the best, it went that extra mile.
10 = God tier, personal enlightenment.
I only mark something as dropped if I've watched 3 or more eps, and I usually only give a show one episode to grab me.
I also don't rate things like one episode specials or shorts, I only rate things if I think they're worth rating.
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