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Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Dec 30, 2024 1:54 PM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 10
Bleach 20th PV
Bleach 20th PV
Oct 10, 2024 1:58 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 10
Dragon Ball Daima
Dragon Ball Daima
Oct 3, 2024 1:28 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
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Jan 5, 2019 1:27 PM
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Dec 8, 2018 8:01 AM
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Nov 8, 2017 7:08 AM
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Ashhk Dec 16, 2024 8:41 AM
You're welcome!
fausifahrial Dec 14, 2024 11:15 AM
Happy belated birthday! :)
Ashhk Dec 13, 2024 1:24 AM
Happy birthday! 🥳
Ashhk Dec 13, 2023 12:51 AM
Happy birthday! :D
Ashhk Dec 13, 2021 12:09 AM
Happy birthday! :)
VampirexHunterD Feb 17, 2021 3:16 PM
Whats up bro its been a while how you been, is the Wedding still postponed? Over here they basically gave up on COVID and just let people die, I had a lot of friends and family die because of COVID.

I somehow got lucky and was able to secure a PS5 on launch date. I basically use it to play PS4 titles since no good PS5 game has released yet lol hopefully that changes soon. GTA 5 is still far too profitable so I don't think we will see GTA 6 until at least 2024. I do like the PS plus collection but they should have added more titles. Have you bought a PS5 yet or still waiting on some games?

Apparently the Black Clover anime is ending so Bleach should have all of SP focus I'm so excited and weirdly have faith that they won't fuck this up. Yea the Bleach hype is starting up again in this last year 2 Bleach-centric Youtube channels have gotten popular like DBZimran (best Bleach YT now in my opinion) and MrTommo2304 and with the anime the hype will triple. I think it will blow every other anime out in popularity. I still love TYBW and feel like with the anime Kubo will be able to properly tell the story how he envisioned. Also the novels can give them tons of content so I wonder how and when they will adapt will it be after the final battle, during a time skip, or maybe make that a separate OVA. I have no idea but there is so much content with bankais, Soul king, new characters that it would be dumb not to adapt.

I just don't understand how MHA and BC have such huge audiences those series are average in my opinion. The one new series I do love and I haven't felt this much excitement since Bleach ended is Jujutsu Kaisen. I love this series we are witnessing a classic arc right now in my opinion it is the true successor of the big 3 in terms of Shonen anime. Don't think Demon Slayer, BC or MHA are this well written. I also loved Chainsaw Man but it wasn't as good as JK. I'm not sure if you've read or watched it so I don't want to spoil anything but you should check it out especially since you're a Bleach fan.

Elfezen Dec 28, 2020 8:52 AM
Ashhk Dec 13, 2020 4:08 AM
Happy birthday! :D
VampirexHunterD Jun 22, 2020 1:12 AM
It's cool man life happens, but a late congrats I'm guessing the wedding already took place? But uhm wow what an insane year bro it seems like every month gets worse, hope you and your family are doing well. Over here in the US we have an incompetent president (massive understatement) and COVID-19 has kicked our ass lol I hope you've been good bro.

I still don't know how I feel about the PS5 60% of me likes the look 40% of me feels indifferent it definitely looks futuristic and more-so than any other system when it first released. The prices seem to have leaked and it seems like the digital edition will cost $399 and the standard will be $499 I'll definitely go for the standard because I am nostalgic towards physical games however I hated how current-gen cover art games were so bland and lazy and with Sony pushing a digital edition I fear it might get even worse. Some rare exceptions will occur of course like whenever a Final Fantasy game drops I'll buy the physical but idk I just like appreciating video game cover art. I feel like the price point is fair considering how long systems last I just wonder if Xbox will match them or try and sell it like $50 dollars cheaper, Xbox one was a fail and PS5 seems to be blowing them out yet again. It's actually hilarious I know two friends who were die-hard Xbox fans and dissed Sony all the time and even they can't deny it they're finally switching systems lol. I still don't know what games I'll buy at launch but I might have to go all out and pick up Spiderman, RE8, Demon Souls, Ratchet and Clank. And it was confirmed Cyberpunk 2077 will be playable on the ps5 pretty sure Ghost of Tsushima will be as well.

Finally man fucking finally we got the Bleach announcement. I always said it just made too much sense to continue it but I can't lie if we didn't get an announcement by 2021 I would have been worried. They haven't announced the studios and staff right I just hope they don't fuck this up I doubt it because if properly done right it can be the most profitable anime for a 2+ year span depending on how many episodes they decided on. I just hope the same VA get to play their roles minus of course the couple that have passed away or quit. A reboot would have been a cool idea hey who knows maybe 20 years from now we get Bleach kai or something lol. Burn the Witch can add so much to the series Kubo said they were basically begging him for new material and BTW was supposed be a one-shot but now it's turning into a mini-series. It can easily run for 35-60 chapters imo I just wonder how much he will expand upon the story.

Sigh I don't even know if I want to finish the season I only have like 4 or 5 episodes left but I've just left it on hold it's just not an appealing series I seriously have no idea why it has such a huge fanbase. Vinland saga anime was good I feel like 8 was a fair rating some rushed storytelling but I understand why if you ever get the chance read the manga it's really good and even more enjoyable. Pretty similar I haven't watched much anime this year but I do recommend watching ToG it was a great 12 episode season. I began reading the webtoon like in late 2018 and its a greatly written series I never even noticed mal adding it to the database until a couple of months ago. I'm surprised it took so long to get an adaption the world-building and character interaction is phenomenal, I'm hopeful that they continue animating it but I'd prefer a long-running series instead of seasonal.

I watched One Piece again and I have to say I love the series now. The first time I was expecting near perfection of every arc and that's just unrealistic and I kept comparing it to AoT and HxH since those are probably the best-written shonen but AoT is a monthly series and Togashi runs on his own schedule lol, so it was unfair to expect every single arc to be perfect. I think I might even put it over Naruto in terms of enjoyment and that sounds insane because I have consumed more Naruto content in my life than any other series lol I'm undecided but I really love One Piece now. Not sure if you're still reading it but chapter 957 is INSANE we got all of the heavy hitter's bounties, Shanks, Big Mom, Kaido, Whitebeard, and even Gold Roger.
littletash Dec 29, 2019 6:31 PM
buy me a league skin please C:
VampirexHunterD Dec 22, 2019 2:51 AM
So now it's called Xbox series X lol the design is ass not sure why they went with that it really looks like a desktop tower. I read they don't want to make the same $500 pricepoint mistake so I think it'll be 400-450.

I prefer that Jotaro costume he looks cooler in it, just give in and read the manga lol.

I guess the more I think about it the more it makes sense the fans are all 25+ and they'll watch it regardless but all the teens have probably only heard of Bleach by name and never seen the series so although Kenpachi vs Gremmy animated would be amazing to watch for anybody they wouldn't have any context on everybody's abilities. I think we sometimes forget battle Shonen's demographic is Japanese teens, when DBS was airing I think they did a fair job of referencing/mentioning older plot points of the story but every week half the fanbase was always pissed at how X/Y/Z were mentioned but they forgot about this certain plot point or there was a contradiction etc or how sometimes certain episodes were heavily censored for kids. If Bleach comes back I hope they're allowed with showing AoT type of violence and gore instead or going the DBS route where most of the time it was censored expect certain occasions and even then it was never to the point of og Dragon Ball/Z.

Yea although the Soul Society arc had some censorship it wasn't as extreme as the Arrancar arc and beyond when I was reading the manga I was highly disappointed with how they handled it, They disrespected Nnoitora showing limited blood even the first encounter of Ichigo vs Ulquiorra and Yammy was censored. The 5-minute recap was so annoying but wasn't that towards the middle of the Arrancar arc I can't quite remember. Like you said the anime was real close to the manga, I wonder how much that played a factor in Studio Pierrot animating some fights okay/good instead of Ichigo vs Grimmjow type of animation.

I felt it was dark/mature shonen anime when I first watched it, In the Substitute arc, Memories in the rain, and Byakuya leaving Ichigo to die in the middle of the street gave me that feel, well besides the whole Shinigami aspect of the series and the OST's they used
plus the promo I watched before I started the series gave me that feel and the first two arcs confirmed that for me. I honestly don't remember how I felt about the feel of the series from the Arrancar arc and beyond.

I'm an old school type of person I always love the original of everything over the remix or sequel ESPECIALLY with Bleach because of the voice actors and OST it makes me feel nostalgic but I would sacrifice that for a remake of the series, I just hope that at least 90% of the voice actors return at least some of the old OST's are used or at least hope that Shirou is in charge of the music again that man is a genius. I know Kisuke's and Yamamoto's voice actors died I'm sure a couple of others have either quit or died as well just hope if they're available they return to their role.

I still haven't watched the film because the GitS mutuals I know hated it and I've seen enough reddit posts talking about the negatives I don't want to hate it lol eventually I will watch it but I'll hold off for another year or so. I think you should watch the animated film it's quicker to digest than Stand Alone Complex, I maintain it the best anime film and SAC it one of the best anime created. It may not be for you and might be boring but I'm sure you won't call the series bad.

Both fanbases are stupid and annoying but this year Demon Slayer fans win the most annoying award they legit think its the greatest Shonen created and most of the time they've probably only watched like 6 animes. The worst part of the fanbase is those that have watched 20+ anime and still call it the greatest lol, it's honestly ironic because this was the exact same way MHA fanbase acted from 2016-18 and they still do but Demon Slayer fans are worse this year. It's sacrilegious how they have watched HxH or even One Piece and sit there and say MHA or DS is better.

Yea the story is just so bland could you imagine if the Chunin Exams was the best arc of Naruto and you had nothing to look forward to I mean don't get me wrong I love that arc and it might be my favorite arc of the series but imagine that being the peak of the series (and no MHA arc comes CLOSE to the Chunin exams) I don't get hyped for anything that they tease I was dying to watch Itachi and rest of the Akatsuki, or the Espada but Mha offers nothing lol. Lmao I saw someone on twitter actually get a lot of likes and retweets saying All might vs Tomura was the best fight this decade that shit was garbage to me. It's an enjoyable bad show to me I guess I found out why I could watch the series for another year or so because I just laugh at the flaws and the fanbase. But this season has been really boring even for Mha standards the only time I'm not completely bored is when the Yakuza show up (already 10 times better than the league) especially Overhaul and Toga (and she basically only showed up this episode), these two and the Yakuza have saved the season other than that the season is ass. But episode 11 seems like its gonna be a good one Overhaul shows up and we're gonna get a flashback with him. Even the fans haven't liked this season lol but this week's episode was good and next weeks should be good so we finally have some momentum.

Oh I finally watched the Code Geass reboot films and the new film and man.. I'm a CG apologist so I still liked the film but its complete bullshit because it's technically non-canon. And the three reboot films aren't bad but aren't really necessary even though they take place in their own canon. If you view the film on its own it's fine since we get to watch Lelouch back in action especially the final scene it hints at a possible future film or even a new anime but the problem is that it's not connected to the original so that sucks.
TyDrian Dec 7, 2019 4:12 PM
I love your account fellow Bleach stan ;)
VampirexHunterD Nov 24, 2019 2:21 AM
Ps2 compatible seems like a fantasy, shit I'd settle for PS3 but it's most likely gonna be PS4 only. Xbox one was a flop I legit only know one person that owns but Scarlett might rebound. I've actually been enjoying the new Cod game the crossplay is a great idea definitely the way gaming will be going forward.

Yea it's just Hiro is pretty limited in storytelling if you mix any above average mangaka with Hiro's designs you'd have a classic shonen. I gave Edens Zero a shot and it just feels wayyyy too similar to FT for me to enjoy it so I just dropped it. I keep saying I'll watch Rave Master soon but I end up watching something else, every time I watch a trailer I get hyped. I just saw a trailer 2 weeks ago I never even knew a game was announced it feels like a 2006 DS game lol, it looks like shit.

Feels like DP is pushing Fire Force and delaying Jojo for whatever reason maybe because they know fans will still watch whether its a year or 3 years from now. FF isn't stopping at 24 episodes is it? I remember liking the first couple of episodes and I love Soul Eater and FF character designs but it's just lacking something I'll binge watch it when it's over hopefully I enjoy it. Uhh part 8 is probably the most unpredictable in the series by far lol, it's not as weird or outlandish as the previous 7 Araki takes it more serious now but like I said it's pretty unpredictable. It easily has 2+ years left unless wild shit happens like for example we don't even know who the main villain is yet and we're on chapter 92 lmao although this latest chapter was AMAZING, and I'm like 60% certain this person is the main villain but we don't know for certain yet. Jojolion also focuses more on the main character than the previous 7 have so this feels like much more a story about Jousuke than about Jojo but I'm certain it won't end until early 2022.

Bleach is still too popular for it to ever completely go away but as another year closes I feel a little bit scared that the anime won't return by 2021 and I had been extremely certain it would return. Like you said the og fanbase are all 25+ by now and some might have grown out of their anime phase but TYBW is full of so much action I think it can replace the older fans fairly easily, I know MHA has somehow drugged anime fans into thinking its the greatest shonen ever but could you imagine watching Kenpachi slicing a fucking meteor in half and the next week watch Ichigo return from the Soul palace and show off his new abilities I'd say it would draw high ratings. I honestly don't see a remake unless maybe some new upcoming studio buys the rights and wants to make a splashy introduction or something along those lines.

Lol he does some wild stuff you'll see soon enough. Can't argue with that AoT has to be recognized as the favorite amongst casuals and hardcore fans and Fate one of the anime's I rate a 10/10. To me the three best are Code Geass, Ghost in the Shell, and Monster.
Not sure if you've watched Ghost in the Shell (the move aswell) but Stand Alone Complex in particular is the best anime created. I love Cyberpunks and this the best one made I mean shit it even inspired the Matrix. It's a mature show the characters and setting is great, it's the perfect blend of action, government, and philosophy. Also the music is great.

I finally watched MHA and I actually liked it lol I'll tell you this first though it's a very enjoyable average show if that makes sense. It's like the concept is really good but the execution is just lacking and not to mention the insane hype it has I was expecting some top tier Shonen but it's not even close to any top Shonen. Like I get it Naruto was just finishing and fans were craving the next long-running Shonen, and OPM another superhero anime released a year prior and the Avengers hype coming back like I understand why it's gotten overhyped but the show isn't anywhere close to the hype and that's one of the biggest downfalls of the anime. So I rank it a 3-7 really just depending on the mood lol but this is why I tell you it's an enjoyable average show because I don't hate it and I can keep watching it for years lol I know it sounds like a complete contradiction but this is how I feel. Another reason I'm not a bigger fan of the show is that the two most important characters Deku, and All Might are the two LAMEST lead characters in any Shonen ever. I've come around slightly on All Might on a scale of 1-10 he started off as a negative and now I'm at a 1 with him lol but Deku good lord he couldn't be an more lame if he tried he is still negative to me and look I get it Japan loves the lovable loser idiot but with Naruto it worked because he had a fucking demon inside of him and he had charisma whereas Deku is lame since the absolute start and no matter how better his abilities are he is still fucking lame. But I actually really like most of the cast lol some of the characters I don't care for or I'm indifferent on are Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kirishima, Tenya, and Yuuga at first his face pissed me off but now I end up laughing any time he says anything so I guess I should take him off this category, Tooru shouldn't be invisible lol, and Tsunagu is another character who I don't really care about. Now the rest I either like, love or don't have an opinion because of limited screen time. Oh yea I forgot I also hate Mirio man his design pisses me off so much. But characters I really like are Todoroki man I wish he was the main character it would be so much better, and Bakugou I really like him but sometimes his screaming gets annoying like please bro stfu for once you don't have to scream for literally anything he and Deku are such a copy of Sasuke and Naruto lol I'm not sure if you noticed but when Bakugou screams he sounds so much like Sasuke when he screams (well in the dub and mainly talking about part 1 Sasuke) Aizawa is a pretty good teacher don't have any complaints of him. Some of the villains designs are pretty lame but for the most part I'm fine with them it's just that every great Shonen they have one complete badass villain or group of villains and this is another category that is lacking for the series Chisaki looks like the closest to that but he hasn't done anything yet. So basically the reason I don't like MHA is because the two most important characters are LAME, it has NO classic arcs like not one that I would name in my top 50 and I'm dead serious, and the insane hype made me have huge expectations and it's been such a letdown. But again I don't hate this anime and could watch it for another couple years lol actually once S4 is over ill probably read the manga. The series has some of the best fanart from any series I've ever watched (minus the over the top gay bullshit fanart they always draw of Deku and Bakugou) like I said its a good average show but once you compare it to any decent Shonen that's where I draw the line, it's not completely boring but there's also not one thing that forces me to continue to watch the series.
aneday Nov 12, 2019 2:42 AM
Oh man sorry, AOL did not send me any notification for your reply.
They have released a lot of new and cool design cjars, but mostly non-canon anyway

And it is a first time I hear anyone saying they wish they had something instead of iPad lmao
aneday Oct 15, 2019 6:18 PM
Hey, you still alive? Plan to coming back to bbs?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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