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Bokura Mangaka: Tokiwasou Monogatari
Bokura Mangaka: Tokiwasou Monogatari
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Futsutsuka na Akujo dewa Gozaimasu ga: Suuguu Chouso Torikae Den
Futsutsuka na Akujo dewa Gozaimasu ga: Suuguu Chouso Torikae Den
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Shin Shunkaden
Shin Shunkaden
Yesterday, 2:51 PM
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Kemono Giga
Kemono Giga
Mar 16, 3:07 PM
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Zoku Hoshi Mamoru Inu
Zoku Hoshi Mamoru Inu
Mar 16, 1:43 PM
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velveta Apr 13, 2024 10:08 AM
О, спасибо - считай почти 8 лет прошло, значит пора всю Арию с начала до конца глянуть, там после 3 сезона еще прилично вышло )))
velveta Apr 13, 2024 12:02 AM
Привет, можешь, пожалуйста посмотреть, когда я дал оценку Арии Animation и последующие 2 части вроде еще (я хз, как глянуть самому, когда была выставлена оценка за аниме, я знаю только, что в stats можно глянуть, что и когда поставили друзья).
Заранее спасибо.
Devinitas Jan 22, 2024 12:04 PM
Oh yeah, literally all of those are shows I'm gonna pick back up sooner or later. I think I watched one episode of each of them? Except Last Exile, that was 4. I have a bad habit of picking up too many exciting shows and then not really making progress.... cause you know, splitting your attention between like 20+ shows isn't really the way to go.

I can't, not in Germany. If you're caught seeding you can get tried under civil law and fined over 5,000 Euros. You're usually save when it comes to anime - stuff like DIsney and Warner Bros are vicious - but right now I can't afford the risk. I know people it happened to. At that point I might even buy the blu-ray outright if I have some money over.
Devinitas Jan 19, 2024 10:48 AM
Yeeah, I get that a lot. I suppose that's part of the deal when you drop as frequently as I do. I have no doubt that I'll pick up stuff from it again, haha. Just out of curiosity, did anything on there strike you as a dopped show you think I'd enjoy? I definitely know stuff like GTO and Rainbow doesn't belong on there.

Versailles! Funnily enough, this is a show I definitely want to watch this year. But I haven't been able to find it in good quality yet, so it goes a bit down the list while I look for a better version of it. As for the School-Dislike, that's mostly to avoid teenage romance that doesn't really go anywhere. With how we weren't allowed to make super specific requests and weren't allowed too many dislikes, I was trying my best to make it concise what I want, and I think you managed to find really great stuff for me despite the difficulties!

Yes, I absolutely understand, actually. I'm from Germany, and there has been a lot of snow these past few days. Walking in the fresh snow is a beautiful comparison for the sentiment!

And thank you again! I will get back to you soon~
Devinitas Jan 8, 2024 3:26 PM
Hello my Secret Santa, and thank you so much for the awesome gift and awesome recommendations! You really did your research, it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling, and I was indeed genuinely impressed by your picks. And as you said - I indeed hadn't hear of Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight before, ever. And it's kinda funny you have Dai no Daibouken in your favourites, cause that's the first show it made me think of!

As you may have seen, I started with Watashi no Ashinaga Ojisan, which is very much the kind of world masterpiece theater show I vibe with. Judy is super likable and reminds me of Anne in all the best ways, while also definitely being a great distinct character in her own right. I even learned that the show got dubbed into my native language, but haven't been able to find that dub (yet). I will probably though if I do a little more digging.

I hope you're not disappointed that I didn't get to either of the other two shows yet - Dezaki's Takarajima is also a super interesting pick, and I thank you for getting it to the front for me! And of course an anime I never heard of before that looks fun is also super interesting. I'll keep you updated as I watch more!

And once again, thank you so much for such a wonderful and thoughtful gift!

Timz0r Jan 9, 2023 9:29 AM
Hello Secret Santa. How are you doing?

Just hopping around to let you know to say thank you for your suggestion for Princess Tutu. I'm currently at episode 10, so pretty much close towards half of it. What's so far one of the best features of this show is for me the usage of classical music. All these quite well known tunes. Not saying I'm the biggest fan of classical music, but I can appriciate it every now and then. What's not really so great for me is maybe that cat teacher. Whenever he shows up, I just feel sorry for him. Either way, you could tell it's not really a Mahou Shoujo per se, but rather a Mahou Ahiru. I can see why people actually can enjoy this anime. Quack quak quack~

You're also quite right on the money about your bonus suggestion with that Orphan release. Haven't watched it fully yet, but every now and then I do browse Orphan releases in the look for some older anime that looks interessing, but indeed I haven't came accros that one yet. So cheers for that one as well!

While browsing to your own profile I can see you're a big fan of [i]Sailor Moon[/i. Recently finally watched the entire thing together with a German guy. In overal that was indeed a good watch. Back when I was much younger, I remember trying to watch the limited German dub back in the '90's, but my parents didn't liked the idea that I woke up very early just to watch this before going to school. But I remeber I crushed hard for Rei as she was one of my very first anime crushes back in the day. It must be the heels, I guess. Then I also remember I didn't liked Ami just because she reminded me of myself a little too much. But I can say I also finally have watched all 200 episodes of this series and now I finally have expierenced the brilliance of the other Sailor Warriors like Puto, Neptune, Uranus etc and can say personally Sailor Moon S is pretty much peak Sailor Moon for me.
velveta Jul 13, 2022 11:04 AM
Привет, можешь, пожалуйста написать пару слов о Magic Kaito 1412 ?
gebels Jun 4, 2022 1:07 AM
ok thanks :)
gebels Jun 3, 2022 12:23 AM
Hello I have a question. How faithful is anime kenji no trunk (The Coat of a Glacier Mouse) compared to novel Kenji Miyazawa? Ending the same? Thanks for help.
velveta Apr 6, 2022 4:56 AM
Привет, что такого в ржавом Биско, что ты поставила аж 9 баллов ?! Мне его посоветовали, а рейтинг отпугивает.
irenika Mar 17, 2022 9:54 AM
Видела новость о завершении "АниМаг". Если у тебя есть возможность комментить "вконтакте" или другие контакты ребят - передавай им от меня большое спасибо за все это время вместе и успехов в той деятельности, которую они найдут для себя вместо этого проекта! Если у тебя будет время и возможность.
Ты ведь в Киеве? Моя семья там же... Держитесь!
Coolest1234D Jan 29, 2022 4:03 AM
Sailor Moon PfP Just amazing
Kujirai Jan 22, 2022 10:27 AM
С Днём Рождения!
Kwanthemaster Oct 21, 2021 9:57 AM
PM'd source. I haven't seen the other adaptation of Gon yet, but I will definitely need to. I think a lot of the charm of Yashiro's adaptation is both yes, the touching children's story it adapted, but foremost, all the beauty that went into its production. The hand-carved props and authentic scenery, fluid stop-motion, beautiful score - it really is a labor of love and something of true value.

Your English is perfectly good by the way. :)
Kwanthemaster Oct 20, 2021 9:35 AM
Yes, I absolutely love it too! All of Takeshi Yashiro's work is great. I did view it from the JFF screening, but sadly I too could not figure out how to bypass the DRM. I have Gon from other screenings (it's been showing around the world at various venues, picking up awards) and Norman the Snowman: The Northern Lights from the Anime Supernova feature. I'm still trying to track down Maki to Kanta to Jiijii to. - hopefully someday there will be an easy way to access it.
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