What is a masterpiece? Well, it's a work of art, clearly. It's something that provokes an extreme feeling in the viewer, and which leaves an everlasting mark on that person for good reasons. For me, a masterpiece is a show that is, above all, thought or feeling provoking. A show which gives you something to think about which can help in the real world, such as a philosophy or a way of life. There's a lot that compounds into why I give something a 10, but these are shows I truly believe deserve the rank of 10. Not all 10s are equal, though.
NOTE: If an anime has more than one season and one season is here, the other seasons either will be too or will be without a score - that is because I count them as one anime most of the time, unless they have a different score which means I think they failed in a lot of places most likely, or failed to live up to expectations / quality.
"A lesson without pain is meaningless. That is because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But, by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. . .A fullmetal heart." - Edward Elric

[- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood]
"Listen to me, Thorfinn. You have no enemies. No one has any enemies. There is no one that you should hurt." - Thors

[- Vinland Saga]
"Believe in yourself. Not the me who believes in you, not the you who believes in me; believe in the you that believes in yourself." - Kamina

[- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]
9; "Enchanting"
The show was written well, kept my attention, kept increasing or upholding my interest, was entertaining, and/or left me wanting more. They aren't quite masterpieces as they lack some depth or quality which would propel them into that spot, but deserve a high rating nonetheless.

8; "Great"
The show was, in it's own way, good, meaning it stood above others. Maybe it wasn't good to the point it deserved any higher, but it had something which kept me wanting more, or was just more entertaining than other shows of the same genre.

7; "Enjoyable"
These shows may not be anything special, but they are certainly enjoyable. They may have mediocre writing or flat-ish characters, but that didn't stop the show from being an entertaining watch. That doesn't mean these shows DO have bad or mediocre writing, just that they could, while still being a nice treat to watch. The majority of shows will fall under this category.

6; "Decent"
Nothing extravagant, yet nothing awful either. In fact, I may have enjoyed some of these shows; however, compared to other shows, they don't stand out too much. That isn't to say they are bad necessarily, just that they are more generic than those above, or aren't as good in certain areas as those rated higher.

5; "Generic Filler Anime / Mediocre"
I'm gonna be honest: I enjoy trashy harem, isekai, and ecchi shows (especially when put together); however, as much as I enjoy them, a lot of those shows will be here. Simply for the sake that they certainly can be entertaining and enjoyable, but they most likely are very mediocre in their writing or generic in their world, characters, or story telling.

4; "Bland, Boring, Uninventive, Don't waste your breath"
These are the trashy shows even I couldn't enjoy. Usually unentertaining, poorly animated, written, or directed, and usually ones I probably dropped.

2-3; "Varying levels of sh!t"
Unentertaining, uninspired, poorly written, bad characters, bad animation. Multiple of these probably are true for a show to end up here.

(Ironically, the fanservice and relationship between Meliodas and Elizabeth is enjoyable and fun to watch. The rest of the show? Not so much.)
1; "Toilet on fire at the bottom of the ocean"
Trash. Bad. Awful. No good. Very bad. Stinky. Poop. Vomit.

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