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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Jan 13, 11:10 AM
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Who knows should check out the anime club either way! If you don't like it just don't come anymore which what I did at my school lol. I would assume it's pretty easy to get to know people since everyone will probably have some sort of common topic. Don't worry about the late reply and good luck with your band ~
Wells summer animes just started airing this week, and here's a list of most of them for ya ~
I've been randomly trying for a while! Although there are many good anime I haven't found one that spikes my interest. I found Guilty Crown because of the fall anime poster. :3 I think it was the fall one at least. A box set for $10?! :O Tempted to go there now, but I have no means of arriving there. I don't usually watch anime in an English dub because the lip movements look a bit awkward to me, but I don't know if they fix it in dvds like they do on tv. Man you really know your stuff when it comes to getting a good price for anything about anime xD Do you know if they sell item replicas from anime? I just find it ironic since a good bit of your family watches anime :o But that's just me ~
It's fine, although now I know :P
You're right, that's an incredibly good price for them all :o Wish my family or my mom at least was like that. She thinks it's childish lol which I can understand if you've never seen anime before. Best way to find a good series is by a random recommendation :D I found Clannad in a book store during 7th grade I think.
I wish my mom was like that :/ Although i can't think of much that I'd like to buy but there is a few.
I have no clue what most of those numbers mean, but if I had to guess: are they the manga numbers? Though congratulations on getting all of them for a cheap price!
Everyone in my family doesn't really like anime and think it's pretty childish lol. Although they are perfectly fine with everything else like cartoons or something on tv. I think I only have like 3 or 4 friends that also watch anime and I like one of their taste very much. So I just watch anything they recommend :P