I don't accept random friend requests. Talk to me first so I can get to know you.
I love The Magicians (TV series)
Movies are not really my thing
Currently watching: Psych, Killjoys, The Outpost
I obviously like TV far too much
I learnt to ride a bike because of Yowamushi Pedal
I can translate hieroglyphics, sort of
It's been a long time since I've properly watched or read any anime or manga so I cleared my favourites list.
Both my lists are up to date.
It was surprising for most users when they came back that MAL sorta kinda died. It was super crazy how most members almost had a mental breakdown x) It was a good excuse for me to step back and take care of things happening irl. Not gonna lie, I was hoping it would be down longer just because I didn't want to do the club responsibilities I've been avoiding.
OMG, yeeeeees! Work has been slowly killing me + useless coworkers that I don't understand why they're still there. I was trying to hold off traveling, but I said fuck it and left! I needed to get away from work and people. Best decision I've ever made!
Went to Italy! It was phenomenal! I was able to stay with some friends who lived down there, so it cut my expenses down and I was able to play more. Stood there for 2 weeks. Thank goodness for friends that live in other countries~
Honestly, no new anime shows to be excited about. Been a dull and boring anime year tbh nothing particularly worth while. Shame, but old well.
Woooooo! Driver's license?! Good for you! Passed on the first go?
Missed talking to you too!
Sorry for the late reply! MAL bomb rushed me with a shitload of notifications and I somehow missed this. Sorry!
No worries, it's fine. I know we're all busy, so don't sweat it.
I kinda sorta did the same tbh especially when MALalypse happen and all.
But, I've been fine. Been traveling here and there since summer started.
How are things with you? Glad to see you back :3
Thanks for the congrats! :)
I've FINALLY finished part one of the exams. Still have 2 more to go (1 later in June & another in July). It was such an exhausting process, but I did it (barely). I was just a little upset that the trainer skipped crucial parts of the exams and I had to guess, amongst many others in the class, what the answer was. I'm like WTF YOU DIDN'T TEACH US THIS! & the worst part, when we told him about some of the questions, he was completely thrown off. I'm guessing he didn't even know they were on the final exam too and they (whoever they are) must've forgotten to let him know...? Well, either way, I passed.
Besides the exams, the job itself, is AMAZING! The patients... not so much but the staff and environment really make up for it. On my very 1st day, I got a welcoming party which I was most shocked about. Everyone is super friendly and helpful, and since I'm the youngest staff better there, they baby me alot too x)
That's how most people are when they get a degree, they don't care if they stay in their field of work or not. Plus, no one tends to hired new grads or anyone in general without work experience. How the hell are you supposed to gain work experience if no one if willing to hire you without it? It's such a pain in the ass honestly.
It's starting to get warmer now which means one thing to me. Hibernation. My family and friends already know that the warmer it gets, the less likely they'll get to get to see me until the cold returns. It's June already, and I can just FEEL that it's gonna be a shitty summer. Well, summers are always shitty for me, but I feel like it'll be shitter than usual.
YP is only getting better! <3 I believe there's 3 eps before the season is over...? I'm looking forward to seeing how they close the season since I'm sure they're gonna end with a some sort of cliffhanger. I still can't believe there was such a huge lack of sports anime this season. I saw some previews for next season- Free, Ballroom e Youkoso, and Dive!! looks like some keepers so they definitely blow up like YOI.
Oh wow! I totally forgot Netflix has anime on it now. I think I cancel my account just as they starting adding more mainstream shows. Do they have more selections now? If so, I might reconsider reopening my account with them.
How's the PP game? I consider buying it but no one I knew actually played it.
DRUMROLL PLEASE!..... I got the job I've been waiting for! But I won't start for another few weeks since I need to do some training and pass some exams. Gosh, I never knew it was such a grueling process to work in a damn hospital. I'm exhausted and beat from doing all these and interviews but I feel like I'm one step closer in achieving my dream! I feel so accomplished~
I completely understand, it's so tough finding a job right now. Some of my friends who recently graduated are struggling to find careers in their field of study. Unfortunately some of them have to work in a different field of work with half the pay. It's insane how much the economy has gone to shit. I'm really hoping things improve.
Really? That's ashamed, I kinda sorta enjoy the snow days just not the aftermath with all the shush and crap. We had another snow day which the weather channels made such a big deal about it being 12-15 inches and we, once again, barely got 3 inches. I was dying how wrong they were but I was fortunate enough to get a snow day off from work and STILL get paid for it. I love the cold and wished this winter actually felt like winter, but now Spring/Summer is approaching I AM NOT looking forward to it. Just gimme the cold! That's all I want! Grrrr, maybe next year.
So please tell you have caught Yowapeda? I'm surprisingly liking the new season a lot! I wasn't sure how to feel seeing out 3rd years graduate, but the new character are definitely a breath of fresh air. Midousuji is still being well... Midousuji, Manami is still doing his thang & Takuto Ashikiba is @E@!%#%!#@ Just a precious snowflake that we must protect.
But I won't spoiler too much of it just in case you're not caught up, but yeah! Definitely worth the watch. This is probably the only sports anime I'm looking forward to this season =3 II'm tempted to wait for the rest of the season to aried before binge it but it's soooo hard.
... GASPS! OMG I was just about too submit this then I notice that your catching up on some series! How are you liking Psycho-Pass and Toradora!so far?
New Years is just like any other day to me. I've never went out with friends or anyone else (besides family) to celebrate the New Year. I generally prefer spent it at home with my family because it's just too crazy to go out and I would rather spend it in peace. I'm surprised I even made it to midnight. I was hella exhausted LOL I know last year I was knock out cold and didn't realized I missed the ball drop. Oh well xP but now seeing how my country have gone to shit with our new president, I probably should've went out to enjoy the last day of the year before trump's shit hit the fan.
Yes, finally I might have found something...I think? I have one more round of interviews to go do. One location which is my #1 pick called me back for a final interview. The interview director absolutely loves me so all fingers cross >_< I've never realize how long of a process it is to work at main hospitals. I'm ready to be done and over it all!
Have you started working? Oh gosh you poor thing. I don't do well in heat either and the winter here isn't really winter. It' be about 40-60 'F throughout the entire season and I think we had ONE snow day and it was barely 2-3 inches, but it melted by the next day. I honesty have been wearing a light sweaters and cardigans since this warm winter started. I don't want to imagine what a shitty summer we're going to have. I'm not looking forward to it.
Aw I'm sorry to hear you couldn't find something you liked from my list. However, I appreciate your thankful comment, and I hope you do find something to watch/read ^^
For once, I plan on having a quiet and relaxing Holiday break by just hanging out with family during the time off, including during the New Years celebrations.
I don't plan on doing anything too cray-cray.
How about you? What were/are your plans?
I plan on being a little more productive next year LOL very much like you, just easing away from the computer and anime for some me time and FINALLY finalizing my trip to Japan whoop whoop!.
It is hectic, but honestly it's fun! I have the experience and always enjoy interacting with patients and love the idea of helping people in need, so it's a good fit for me :)
Lucky you! I wish I was in your shoes right now. With so much time on your hands, it can be a little difficult to decided on what to do. Is there anything you been meaning to see, do, eat? When I had my break, I just roamed around my city visiting places I've been meaning to for years. Seeing news sights and trying new things. It was a fun experience!
I feel like death.
The holiday season is always stressful.
Sorry for the hella late reply, I'm usually on my mobile and sometimes forget to check the alerts since it's such a pain to read the comments.
Not exactly, a nurse, but more of a Patient Coordinator? I took a break from it to take some online classes to better my resume and to qualify for a higher position.
Are you officially done with school? I remember the last we spoke you had about 3 weeks left? Have you start looking for jobs?
Things are looking up since I have back to interviews and follow-ups.
Hopefully it all works out since I practically on my knees begging them to hire me LOL
Yes, in the medical field. I wanna branch out from a small medical setting to a hospital position.
I want something long-term with benefits since I ain't getting any younger.
OMGish?! 3 weeks?! Congrats! At least you just have assignments too take of. That's a blessing.
A few of my friends whose going back for their Master degrees are already in tears because of exams.
I was damn, that was early. Gah, I'm so glad I'm done with them.
Same here. I'm in the midst of job hunting and trying to sort my life together.
I understand your pain. The ad are annoying and nearly unbearable.
I have every ad blocks imaginable but still... argh, annoying af.
Honestly there isn't much your missing. Nothing's really intrigue my interest nowadays.
Are you done school? I think the last we spoke about it, you had one semester left?
My wifi has been God-awful lately, so once again sorry for the late reply.
I've been good. Just swamp with work and well... Life. It's a little overwhelming at the moment, but it's nothing I can't handle.
How about you? What have you been up to?
One more semester?! Oh gosh, you're just about done hun! Are you on your summer break?
I'm not a big fun of summer and the whole season is starting to become a pain already. I miss my fall/winter~
I'm lucky to be in a profession that I do enjoy and I hope to move on up. With my 8+ years medical experience, I hope to take more of a leadership role, so I'm sending my resume out to various hospitals and medical facilities.
One Piece is a huge challenge. Plus I have never been a fan of watching series that run over 25+ episodes unless the series itself is top-notch (Eyeshield, Gintama, etc), but otherwise, I tend to stay away from it since it's so time-consuming and I tend to get bored with long-running series too. Like Naruto, like seriously when is show going to end? The fillers are killing me!
Well...I feel like absolute garage for not responding back. Sorry about that hun, I'm usually on my phone and my wifi sucks ass.
I'm just about done being an adult. Am I allowed to quit? Is that even allowed? Like seriously, I'm done with this shit. I don't think anyone's able to handle this. I'm guessing that's probably why half of us are a mess LOL
Anyways, how are you? What's new? How are you holding up with school? I know summer break is coming so you must be extra stoke that you're just about done with your last year.
I'm guessing the main reason why I didn't pursue much in the culinary arts/hospitably field was just because I just stopped being happy doing it. I mean I met alot of great and amazing people but I also met/work with some of the worst scum on earth. My love and passion for it just died out and even though I don't regret doing it, I decided I needed to do something that made me want to go to work each and every single day. I've always wanted to help people, so here I am in the medical profession.
My goal for 2016 is too complete aleast majority of the sports anime (but serious though, that's unrealistic on my part. Life is hella cray-cray.)
Surprisingly, Overdrive was pretty good. There was a different feel about the series, but overall, it's definitely worth the watch.
Yeah... I kinda sorta gave up on one piece as of right now. It just didn't draw me completely in despite the fact that everyone I knew was like, "It's a must watch!" Eh, I completely stopped at ep. 60. Maybe down the line when I'm EXTRA bored I'll pick it up again but as of right now, nah.
I just need for YP S3 to come right now. I need some to hear some more hiime hime! hime! suki suki daisuki hime! Hopefully you can find some time to watch it. S3 is gonna amazing.
Mmmm, my favorite character has to be Arakita and Akira because in all honestly, I tend to have a thing for assholes and freaks. Who is yours?
All Comments (60) Comments
OMG, yeeeeees! Work has been slowly killing me + useless coworkers that I don't understand why they're still there. I was trying to hold off traveling, but I said fuck it and left! I needed to get away from work and people. Best decision I've ever made!
Went to Italy! It was phenomenal! I was able to stay with some friends who lived down there, so it cut my expenses down and I was able to play more. Stood there for 2 weeks. Thank goodness for friends that live in other countries~
Honestly, no new anime shows to be excited about. Been a dull and boring anime year tbh nothing particularly worth while. Shame, but old well.
Woooooo! Driver's license?! Good for you! Passed on the first go?
Missed talking to you too!
Sorry for the late reply! MAL bomb rushed me with a shitload of notifications and I somehow missed this. Sorry!
I kinda sorta did the same tbh especially when MALalypse happen and all.
But, I've been fine. Been traveling here and there since summer started.
How are things with you? Glad to see you back :3
Thanks for the congrats! :)
I've FINALLY finished part one of the exams. Still have 2 more to go (1 later in June & another in July). It was such an exhausting process, but I did it (barely). I was just a little upset that the trainer skipped crucial parts of the exams and I had to guess, amongst many others in the class, what the answer was. I'm like WTF YOU DIDN'T TEACH US THIS! & the worst part, when we told him about some of the questions, he was completely thrown off. I'm guessing he didn't even know they were on the final exam too and they (whoever they are) must've forgotten to let him know...? Well, either way, I passed.
Besides the exams, the job itself, is AMAZING! The patients... not so much but the staff and environment really make up for it. On my very 1st day, I got a welcoming party which I was most shocked about. Everyone is super friendly and helpful, and since I'm the youngest staff better there, they baby me alot too x)
That's how most people are when they get a degree, they don't care if they stay in their field of work or not. Plus, no one tends to hired new grads or anyone in general without work experience. How the hell are you supposed to gain work experience if no one if willing to hire you without it? It's such a pain in the ass honestly.
It's starting to get warmer now which means one thing to me. Hibernation. My family and friends already know that the warmer it gets, the less likely they'll get to get to see me until the cold returns. It's June already, and I can just FEEL that it's gonna be a shitty summer. Well, summers are always shitty for me, but I feel like it'll be shitter than usual.
YP is only getting better! <3 I believe there's 3 eps before the season is over...? I'm looking forward to seeing how they close the season since I'm sure they're gonna end with a some sort of cliffhanger. I still can't believe there was such a huge lack of sports anime this season. I saw some previews for next season- Free, Ballroom e Youkoso, and Dive!! looks like some keepers so they definitely blow up like YOI.
Oh wow! I totally forgot Netflix has anime on it now. I think I cancel my account just as they starting adding more mainstream shows. Do they have more selections now? If so, I might reconsider reopening my account with them.
How's the PP game? I consider buying it but no one I knew actually played it.
I completely understand, it's so tough finding a job right now. Some of my friends who recently graduated are struggling to find careers in their field of study. Unfortunately some of them have to work in a different field of work with half the pay. It's insane how much the economy has gone to shit. I'm really hoping things improve.
Really? That's ashamed, I kinda sorta enjoy the snow days just not the aftermath with all the shush and crap. We had another snow day which the weather channels made such a big deal about it being 12-15 inches and we, once again, barely got 3 inches. I was dying how wrong they were but I was fortunate enough to get a snow day off from work and STILL get paid for it. I love the cold and wished this winter actually felt like winter, but now Spring/Summer is approaching I AM NOT looking forward to it. Just gimme the cold! That's all I want! Grrrr, maybe next year.
So please tell you have caught Yowapeda? I'm surprisingly liking the new season a lot! I wasn't sure how to feel seeing out 3rd years graduate, but the new character are definitely a breath of fresh air. Midousuji is still being well... Midousuji, Manami is still doing his thang & Takuto Ashikiba is @E@!%#%!#@ Just a precious snowflake that we must protect.
But I won't spoiler too much of it just in case you're not caught up, but yeah! Definitely worth the watch. This is probably the only sports anime I'm looking forward to this season =3 II'm tempted to wait for the rest of the season to aried before binge it but it's soooo hard.
... GASPS! OMG I was just about too submit this then I notice that your catching up on some series! How are you liking Psycho-Pass and Toradora!so far?
Yes, finally I might have found something...I think? I have one more round of interviews to go do. One location which is my #1 pick called me back for a final interview. The interview director absolutely loves me so all fingers cross >_< I've never realize how long of a process it is to work at main hospitals. I'm ready to be done and over it all!
Have you started working? Oh gosh you poor thing. I don't do well in heat either and the winter here isn't really winter. It' be about 40-60 'F throughout the entire season and I think we had ONE snow day and it was barely 2-3 inches, but it melted by the next day. I honesty have been wearing a light sweaters and cardigans since this warm winter started. I don't want to imagine what a shitty summer we're going to have. I'm not looking forward to it.
I don't plan on doing anything too cray-cray.
How about you? What were/are your plans?
I plan on being a little more productive next year LOL very much like you, just easing away from the computer and anime for some me time and FINALLY finalizing my trip to Japan whoop whoop!.
It is hectic, but honestly it's fun! I have the experience and always enjoy interacting with patients and love the idea of helping people in need, so it's a good fit for me :)
Lucky you! I wish I was in your shoes right now. With so much time on your hands, it can be a little difficult to decided on what to do. Is there anything you been meaning to see, do, eat? When I had my break, I just roamed around my city visiting places I've been meaning to for years. Seeing news sights and trying new things. It was a fun experience!
The holiday season is always stressful.
Sorry for the hella late reply, I'm usually on my mobile and sometimes forget to check the alerts since it's such a pain to read the comments.
Not exactly, a nurse, but more of a Patient Coordinator? I took a break from it to take some online classes to better my resume and to qualify for a higher position.
Are you officially done with school? I remember the last we spoke you had about 3 weeks left? Have you start looking for jobs?
Hopefully it all works out since I practically on my knees begging them to hire me LOL
Yes, in the medical field. I wanna branch out from a small medical setting to a hospital position.
I want something long-term with benefits since I ain't getting any younger.
OMGish?! 3 weeks?! Congrats! At least you just have assignments too take of. That's a blessing.
A few of my friends whose going back for their Master degrees are already in tears because of exams.
I was damn, that was early. Gah, I'm so glad I'm done with them.
I understand your pain. The ad are annoying and nearly unbearable.
I have every ad blocks imaginable but still... argh, annoying af.
Honestly there isn't much your missing. Nothing's really intrigue my interest nowadays.
Are you done school? I think the last we spoke about it, you had one semester left?
It's been so long. ^^
I've been good. Just swamp with work and well... Life. It's a little overwhelming at the moment, but it's nothing I can't handle.
How about you? What have you been up to?
One more semester?! Oh gosh, you're just about done hun! Are you on your summer break?
I'm not a big fun of summer and the whole season is starting to become a pain already. I miss my fall/winter~
I'm lucky to be in a profession that I do enjoy and I hope to move on up. With my 8+ years medical experience, I hope to take more of a leadership role, so I'm sending my resume out to various hospitals and medical facilities.
One Piece is a huge challenge. Plus I have never been a fan of watching series that run over 25+ episodes unless the series itself is top-notch (Eyeshield, Gintama, etc), but otherwise, I tend to stay away from it since it's so time-consuming and I tend to get bored with long-running series too. Like Naruto, like seriously when is show going to end? The fillers are killing me!
Have you seen the recent YP movie?
I'm just about done being an adult. Am I allowed to quit? Is that even allowed? Like seriously, I'm done with this shit. I don't think anyone's able to handle this. I'm guessing that's probably why half of us are a mess LOL
Anyways, how are you? What's new? How are you holding up with school? I know summer break is coming so you must be extra stoke that you're just about done with your last year.
I'm guessing the main reason why I didn't pursue much in the culinary arts/hospitably field was just because I just stopped being happy doing it. I mean I met alot of great and amazing people but I also met/work with some of the worst scum on earth. My love and passion for it just died out and even though I don't regret doing it, I decided I needed to do something that made me want to go to work each and every single day. I've always wanted to help people, so here I am in the medical profession.
My goal for 2016 is too complete aleast majority of the sports anime (but serious though, that's unrealistic on my part. Life is hella cray-cray.)
Surprisingly, Overdrive was pretty good. There was a different feel about the series, but overall, it's definitely worth the watch.
Yeah... I kinda sorta gave up on one piece as of right now. It just didn't draw me completely in despite the fact that everyone I knew was like, "It's a must watch!" Eh, I completely stopped at ep. 60. Maybe down the line when I'm EXTRA bored I'll pick it up again but as of right now, nah.
I just need for YP S3 to come right now. I need some to hear some more hiime hime! hime! suki suki daisuki hime! Hopefully you can find some time to watch it. S3 is gonna amazing.
Mmmm, my favorite character has to be Arakita and Akira because in all honestly, I tend to have a thing for assholes and freaks. Who is yours?