Anime Stats
Days: 153.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries32
- Rewatched10
- Episodes9,341
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 4.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries4
- Reread0
- Chapters743
- Volumes63
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (4) Comments
(But your username's cool. It's not often I meet a fellow fan, assuming you're referencing what I think you are.)
It was the reason why I dropped the anime in the first place
This anime looks promising but I have to say that the only thing I don't like about it till now is that the mc is a bit weird and wimpy (just my opinion tho)
I thought it would something deep and shit like that yk
Thx tho!
Can you tell how she's strong and stuff that mystery?
I don't mind spoilers so tell me!