10 = These are practically perfect animes. They have impeccable story telling with excellent production value. The characters are extremely well developed with exceptionally paced episodes. Not only do they excel on a technically level, these shows truly differentiate themselves by having an unmatched impact on the viewer. Even if they may not be the cup of tea for every person, there is no doubt that you will enjoy them.
9 = Among the best of the best in their respective genres. Well composed overarching stories filled with lovable characters, these shows are absolutely fantastic in every aspect and are exceptional in one or two. The visuals are glorious while the audio are often perfect. The gap between 9 and 10 is very small and usually results from not having THE perfect plot. I cannot recommend these series enough to anyone reading this.
8 = Let there be praise for these animes. They still have some of the best visuals and music in anime with great plot. They differ from 9 due to less of an emotional impact (let it be excitement, thrill, or the FEELs). Nevertheless, they easily stand out from the rest with originality or simply superior production values. I HIGHLY recommend these shows to everyone.
7 = Good plot with some outstanding qualities. They fall below an 8 simply because they are not as great in some aspects. No matter their age or styles, these animes still have marvelous qualities and are some of the best in their genres. Highly recommended, especially to those who enjoy the specific genres.
6 = The fall in quality between a 7 and 6 is considerable. Beginning here, there is little guarantee on production value. Noticeable plot holes may appear and the stories lack significant intrigue. These animes are accompanied by a general decrease in quality in every facet. Regardless, however, these shows are still entertaining and most viewer would easily enjoy them within their genres.
5 = Some of these shows feature "swallow your pride and have a great ride". Otherwise, they lack sufficient plot to be captivating. Although I enjoyed most of them, I do not openly recommend these series. They are often average with only one or two unique points.
4 = Most of these animes are simply lackluster. They can occasionally be very entertaining but mostly are boring with obvious flaws. They may have intrigue in some way, but I generally discourage viewers from watching these shows.
<=3 = These shows are often extremely cliche, predictable, and beyond having bad qualities. They possess critical issues in many areas and are detrimental to the anime community. Otherwise, they are tick me off really badly in some way. These shows are judged by how much they suck instead of how good they are. Needless to say, please do not waste your time, like I did, watching these shows.
*Please be aware of the additional scoring methods of "0.5" and "Barely a X/10" found at the beginning of the comments
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