You seem like an interesting person. Probably because you seem to be a big Claymore fan like me :-) Who's you're favorite one? Mine would have to be Jean, because she is just so serious <squeeee!>. Seriously, though, there doesn't seem to be anything out there with so many bad-ass fems. You reading the manga at all?
Did you hear? Claymore just ended <_<'. That's kind of shocking, I really hope it happened at a good spot. Guess this means that a second season might get under production!
Hey Bender! I got some really great news! My parents are done with taxes so now finally I'll be able to have regular access to the internet again. We need to talk, last time I didn't give you much of an opportunity for you to tell me what's up in your life and I need an update! Hopefully we can get together on Skype soon.
Oh and might as well spill the good news, my mom is DONE with my grandmother's estate so at last I can finish my degree, I hope to graduate late this year or early next and then it's on to the big pond for me... maybe... still not too sure what's in store.
And then your sis is going to Montana and your bro is off to college somewhere (Cali?) in September-October, which will effectively leave me all alone here. My local social circle will consist of five 55+ year old men, which though they are fun I think I'm going to have to get out of my comfort zone and find some more age-equivalent acquaintances or I'm going to get stodgy.
Internet is a great way to keep in touch but that doesn't mean I won't miss you guys! Growing up sucks.
P.S. This message got much longer than I intended.
P.P.S. ...Z?
Oh yeah, am printing out Posters on Monday. Email me the ones you want printed out. -->
Better hurry up, or you'll end up with the ones I pick. XD
Got the tickets to the dinner, says we can pick them up the same place we pick up our Con tickets. Are we getting to the hotel the night before? Cause then we could just pick up our tickets on Thursday that'd be awesome.
The Dinner run by Kawaii Con with all the Voice Actors is at The Hard Rock Cafe.
We wait at the Bus on Friday at 5:30 with the other attendees. (And VAs probably) The price for tickets are: $65.00 and an extra $2.62 for the Bus.
(Tickets are probably gonna sell out in not too long, but they also have a at the door price of $80)
The place is not too far from our Hotel too so if the Con ends we could even walk back for stuff if we needed it.
Info from the Con:
Here is your opportunity to be seated next to your favorite guest in a more intimate setting, get their autographs, photos and have a meal with them all at the same time. Seating is limited. Transportation will be provided and is included in the price. Dinner hosted at HRC. Meet the bus at 5:30pm in front of the convention center. Dinner is at 6pm Friday.
Hard Rock Cafe 280 BeachWalk Avenue Honolulu, HI 96815
1. Head north on Beachwalk toward Kalakaua Ave 190 ft
2. Sharp right onto Kalakaua Ave 0.3 mi
3. Turn left onto Dukes Ln Destination will be on the right 151 ft
Holiday Inn Resort 2300 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, HI 96815
Dad gave you $100 to spend at the con, and I have $250 (From Ebay money)
I'm willing to sign up but not if you'd rather save your money. Let me know soon because I get paranoid about not getting tickets!
All Comments (276) Comments
Oh and might as well spill the good news, my mom is DONE with my grandmother's estate so at last I can finish my degree, I hope to graduate late this year or early next and then it's on to the big pond for me... maybe... still not too sure what's in store.
And then your sis is going to Montana and your bro is off to college somewhere (Cali?) in September-October, which will effectively leave me all alone here. My local social circle will consist of five 55+ year old men, which though they are fun I think I'm going to have to get out of my comfort zone and find some more age-equivalent acquaintances or I'm going to get stodgy.
Internet is a great way to keep in touch but that doesn't mean I won't miss you guys! Growing up sucks.
P.S. This message got much longer than I intended.
P.P.S. ...Z?
Ah, Fox News, how you entertain us. XD
Better hurry up, or you'll end up with the ones I pick. XD
We wait at the Bus on Friday at 5:30 with the other attendees. (And VAs probably) The price for tickets are: $65.00 and an extra $2.62 for the Bus.
(Tickets are probably gonna sell out in not too long, but they also have a at the door price of $80)
The place is not too far from our Hotel too so if the Con ends we could even walk back for stuff if we needed it.
Cafe Website:
(So you can see what it looks like.)
Info from the Con:
Here is your opportunity to be seated next to your favorite guest in a more intimate setting, get their autographs, photos and have a meal with them all at the same time. Seating is limited. Transportation will be provided and is included in the price. Dinner hosted at HRC. Meet the bus at 5:30pm in front of the convention center. Dinner is at 6pm Friday.
Hard Rock Cafe 280 BeachWalk Avenue Honolulu, HI 96815
1. Head north on Beachwalk toward Kalakaua Ave 190 ft
2. Sharp right onto Kalakaua Ave 0.3 mi
3. Turn left onto Dukes Ln Destination will be on the right 151 ft
Holiday Inn Resort 2300 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, HI 96815
Dad gave you $100 to spend at the con, and I have $250 (From Ebay money)
I'm willing to sign up but not if you'd rather save your money. Let me know soon because I get paranoid about not getting tickets!
Kakashi's line made it all cooler!