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Haikara-san ga Tooru Movie 2: Hana no Tokyo Dai Roman
Oct 16, 2018 10:55 AM
Plan to Watch
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Days: 45.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries140
- Reread6
- Chapters5,478
- Volumes705
All Comments (43) Comments
But I do also like to interact with the people I'm looking to bring into the club.
The club consists of a lot of different seasonal activities from Power Rankings to OP/ED Comps to Seasonal Cards.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
ultra-competitive huh? Does that seep into the Brazilian National Team?
Get ouuuuuutttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaa here >.<
haha~ sorry!!
it's been happening lots lately~just when i thought i would have time..the next thing i know, a mountain of tasks n things to do appear infront of me!!
Hey members! :) Hope you are all doing GREAT! I want to thank everyone for their support towards the club! We have 850+ members in the club & a NEW LAYOUT so be sure to check that out! :)
We have opened 800+ LE & Sunglasses LE for now. They both have limits so request your card today! :) There will be weekly LEs as well so keep checking club so you don't miss out on them :)
Also, if you have any SUGGESTIONS for the club, don't hesitate to post in the suggestion's thread :)
Discussions! | Anime or Manga? | Favorite GoM | Better Light? | Kuroko or Kagami?
800+ LE | Sunglasses LE
Stay true to the club & take care!
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god damn i've been off too long!! gomen!!i'm seriously seriously seriously~~sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just when it thought i had too much time~i ended up with none right after going back to college!!*sigh*
yeah~~i believe it~~most of us r having it tough lately~~i have a few friends(MAL) that i haven't been able to contact for quite a while~~==''
same here~~*sigh*
well that's me~unable to watch anime~have only been downloading while doing work n stuff~~manga~barely~~
ganbare!!we can do it!!^^
Would you like to join us? :3
what have u been up to lately my dear fwen??
really sorry again~*sigh*
wow~pfft~ok~so~ure basically saying that i should watch the first 1 right??^^''
Hey, members of Kuroko no Basket, we now have 400+ Members! This is just the beginning, the club will hopefully grow to be on the top! :) I want to thank everyone for their support towards the club! We will hopefully have 400+ LE & a new layout soon as well so look forward!
As of right now, we still have 300+ LE open. Also check out this month's character, Akashi Seiguro LE & to celebrate Midorima's birthday, we have Midorima LE. Request your cards today! :)
Also, don't forget to participate in DISSCUSSIONS & POLLS to keep the club active!
-300+ LE-
-Akashia Seiguro LE-
-Midorima Birthday LE-
Stay true to the club & take care!
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Please save & re-host. Will be deleted in 3 days.
was busy with with studying for final exam~n then comes the final exam week~end of semester~cleaning~~n now~working~~soooooooooo sorrrryyyyyyy~~
hm~wow~12000 years later?! isn't that a little too extreme?!so~do i have to watch Sousen Aquarion first~or just skip to watching Aquarion Evol???