10- Almost Perfect, sure there are still flaws but they are minimal to the point it goes unnoticed
9-Amazing, Great work but atleast they have a few flaws that prevent them for being 10s
8-Great, Good works with a lot of attributes but there is several things I may find a bit problematic but still good
7-Good, Works with some interesting concepts which works for the most part but have several glaring flaws but still good
6-Fine, The last thing I consider good but there are many things wrong with it that is blatant but enjoyable
5- Average, Works that may have potential but the pros and cons are equally balanced which I kinda have mixed feeling on
4-Medicore, works where the potential is there but suffers from many flaws that it doesn’t become good and is submerged into points of non enjoyment
3-Bad, poorly done works that have more problems than positives in a great scale where it’s mind blowing infuriating to watch.
2-Awful, works where it was butchered by everything bad of its existence and it only have atleast 1-2 redeeming qualities or ironic entertainment.
1-Abomination, no merit or good outcome of watching/reading stay away
Yes I have! Since a lot of my friends are on letterboxd, I’ve been on it more frequently. Because if it weren’t for them, I’d probably be on there very very VERY little (kind of have a hate-love relationship with it). But I would definitely say watch Dandadan, as you can probably guess from my log of the movie presentation, I was very pleased with the results. I’m very excited to see the rest of the season come out! We’re only one episode in and the memes are stellar 👌
I watched John Wick recently and it was dumb fun. It's enjoyable and has good action scenes but sadly not a good movie in terms of writing. The revenge aspect was also pretty underwhelming.
Fun fact, Nashville is home to the largest private prison company in the world. Core Civic (CCA) has had its HQ here since its founding in 1982. For me personally, private prisons immediately makes me think of Riki Oh: The Story of Ricky. lol
Since the Democratic Convention where the party officially decides its candidate doesn’t happen until August, Biden could legally withdraw at this point. However, his delegates that he won in the primary wouldn’t automatically transfer to a chosen successor that he backs, for example Kamala Harris. This would lead to a chaotic convention with no clear candidate and a last minute decision made by the delegates. The Democrats did this last in 1968 when LBJ withdrew due to the unpopularity of the Vietnam War and lead candidate Robert Kennedy (the father of the meme candidate and brother of JFK) was assassinated. This led to a last minute selection of a candidate people didn’t know too well and he got crushed by Nixon. While there are no good options for the bumbling and incompetent Dumb-o-crats at this time, a total rando picked last minute at the convention has about the same chances as Biden since this election is mostly about voting for or against Trump.
I don't like either, but at least Trump was hilarious. Biden: "Um...uh....we finally beat medicare!" Trump: "You sure did. You beat it to death!" I'm sure Biden's speech writer told him to mention "we finally beat Covid" but Biden's mental health is just fading so fast. I think the Dems should cut their losses and scramble to put another candidate on the ticket. Even Democratic political strategists were openly saying on Twitter that Biden looked like he should be put in a retirement home, not running the Free World.
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Tanjoubi Omedetou
I watched John Wick recently and it was dumb fun. It's enjoyable and has good action scenes but sadly not a good movie in terms of writing. The revenge aspect was also pretty underwhelming.
What movies did you watch lately?
Nothing much, I'm watching some mid anime.
What about you?