Von here, i'm just your average anime and manga fan since 2013 i think(?)
My favourite genre are romance, comedy and sports
Beside anime and manga i really like listening music either it pop, rock, J-Music, indie and other kind of it
I might be so bad at communicating with other people so i'm sorry if i'm looked like someone who doesn't talk at all. I just really shy to talk to another people
Please take a good care of me
Thank you very much ❤❤❤
All Comments (13) Comments
Also thanks for ur concern i feel extraordinarily great today and will watch a few anime starting tmr.
sry for the late reply btw
Yes, Another Rimuru Fan.
Yeah, I know that Feeling.
It's ok, And we are the same. I rarely talk with someone here and also IRL and I have a bad communication skills but I don't give up.
Recently im pretty down so I haven't been watching any anime but hopefully I'll start binge watching anime by next week.
Anyways, is UQ holder bad? Cuz i see that u have dropped it. I was planning on watching it one day.
how are you?
Nice to meet you! :)
Btw nice fav list!
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- Thread peraturan IALC dan F.A.Q.
- IALC Membercard
- Biodata member IALC.
Kamu bisa temukan Thread-Thread lainnya juga disini.
Punya pertanyaan yang ingin ditanyakan kepada para pengurus IALC?
Bisa langsung Comment atau PM saya dan bisa juga melalui pengurus lain yang tertera di Clubpage IALC.
Have Fun in IALC~.