Born in the year 1990, anime fan since the 90s. I'm not the most hardcore anime fan, but a rather selective one; still, I watch anime almost every day. (Good) anime is one of my favorite things in existence.
I was born and I live in Transylvania, a region within Romania. I'm a gay man (and not a vampire). I love inner and outer human beauty and human beings in general. I'm passionate about morality, art of all kinds, nature and, of course, about men.
All Comments (4) Comments
So far i'd say Tamers is the weakest link (ignoring 2020 remake), maybe Ghost Game also, but i still need to finish that one
Tri does have a shift in tone from the first 2 Adventures as of course the characters are older, but what do you mean about the message?
Btw are you watching dub or sub? Digimon's not the worst eng dub in existance, especially Data Squad which on the contrary, i'd say is one of the best eng dubs voice acting-wise, but script-wise they're not the best adaptations, particularly Frontier which with the changes to the script to make it more "kid friendly" (no f-ing idea why, it was useless, it was already easily understandable to kids, i watched italian dub which didn't change shit) dulls the story quite a bit
Yeah that's one of the nice things about Digimon, it has a story that can resonate with any agegroup
As for how i got into Digimon and my favs
I pretty much grew up with Digimon from the beginnning, though like i said i was too young to remember any plot when it first aird, but i did remember what the digimon looked like and could later recognize them when watching later seasons and reruns, and on a Digimon stickerbook my grandpa got for me 😊
But what really got me hooked was when Frontier started airing, i was 4 maybe 5, and that world, the characters (and the cool powers xD) completely blew me away, it had something to it that other kids shows, especially western ones, were just lacking at
Favorite Digimon character of all time, is Koji from Frontier, i really connected to his character, that melancholic undertone, his story, which is one of the things the eng dub kinda butchers, really hit close to home, it was that feeling of understanding like "i know what you're going thru", yes this is all coming from lil 5yo me (team fucked up childhood here)
Now favorite digimon, as you can see by my profile pic, Gatomon is up there, but my no.1 fav is actually Gomamon, then of course Patamon is adorable, and personality-wise i'm most similar to Piyomon
Oh and def agree with you on the angelic digimon
Tamers is the only season i didn't catch on TV as it was airing, but Guilmon has def become a top fav, he's just like one of my cats :3
I absolutely love it! Actually one of my fav seasons and what really introduced me to Digimon (i was a lil too young to remember much of Digimon Adventure when it first aired, but caught up on that with reruns 😁)
Who are your fav Digimon characters so far?
Feel free to chat about anime or any other topic that may interest you :3 It's nice to find intelligent lifeforms
Based post on the "what gender Frieren author" thread 😁👍