- Last OnlineOct 29, 2024 7:03 AM
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First of all, I'm not a natural English speaker, so please forgive me if I make some mistakes. Second I don’t accept random friend requests since I prefer quality over quantity. Talk to me first if you are interested. I will be happy to have a conversation. I've been watching anime for 20 years or so. With the time and experience I acquired over the years I have realized that there is a majority of bad or mediocre anime over the ones of considerable quality (just like any other medium out there). This is logical since it is much more difficult to do high-quality works than simply mediocre works. The former not only require a lot of effort and dedication but also a lot of planning and writing resources that must be carried out in the best way. While mediocre works may have some effort and dedication, this does not end up being sufficient or ends up being overshadowed by poor management of written resources. They can also be uninspired and generic works without the intention of offering a different experience. That is why I tend to rate low the works that I see since few manage to surprise me after having seen so many similar series with the same structure, setting and approach. I try to respect how much the creators manage to respect their own rules to achieve a worthwhile quality. That said I do not consider my judgement about works 100% objective because I consider that's not possible for anyone since there will always be subjective factors while judging the quality of works. Also, that does not mean that I can't enjoy series I have rated low, in a lot of cases I enjoyed them and that is why I continue watching anime despite having a low mean score. However, is important to clarify that when it comes to recommending an anime I usually tend to give more importance to my judgement since the enjoyment of works is not the same for everyone. First of all, is important to clarify that I consider the number just a summary of the arguments an approx. that serves to understand better the judgment over a work. So in terms of importance Arguments > Score. Another important thing to clarify is that I don’t rate OVAs, ONAs, Specials, even some movies (mostly recaps) which are derivatives from main shows. Is just to keep more organized my scores and list in general. However, there may be exceptions to this. [π], [β], [π], [π], [π], [π©]: I put these symbols aside from the score in my tags. Next, I will explain what does each one mean. “π” indicates an absolute favourite. Shows rated from [9+] to [10=]. “β” indicates a favourite. Shows rated from [8-] to [9=]. “π” indicates a solid show that is strongly recommended. Shows rated [6+] to [7+]. “π” indicates an average show that can be recommended. Shows rated [5-] to [6=]. “π” indicates a bad show that is not recommended. Shows rated [3-] to [4+]. “π©” indicates a horrible show that is painful to watch. Shows rated [1=] to [2+]. [+], [=], [-]: I also put these symbols aside from the score in my tags. These are probably understandable by its own but I will explain them because why not. [+]: It means that is not only a solid rating but better than others shows with the same score. It means from 0.1 to 0.5+ to the overall rate. For example: [7+] = 7.5. It also means (in this example) that is nearer to an 8 than other shows with 7. [=]: It means that is a solid rating. For example: [6=] = 6.0. Not more not less. [-]: It means that is not a solid rating but worse than other shows with the same score. It means from 0.1 to 0.4- to the overall rate. For example: [5-] = 4.6. It also means (in this example) that is nearer to a 4 than other shows with 5. Absolute favourite shows of all time that went far beyond expectations. Shows that not only understand extremely well the medium they are in but also excels in all their aspects achieving a near-perfect quality. You must watch them before you die. These are among the best works the medium has to offer. Near flawless shows that transcends the anime medium. Very ambitious series with a powerful message that is delivered with masterful execution. All the aspects such as story and characters are very well presented and developed. They are the best within a specific genre or sub-genre in the medium. Masterpieces that will always be the best of the best and a source of inspiration for future works. Timeless and classic works. All minor mistakes they can have are extremely overshadowed by its positive aspects. Shows that understand extremely well the medium they are in, presenting audiovisuals as a form of storytelling to achieve in delivering a powerful and substantial impact with a superb script, memorable cast and a distinguished setting. Shows that must be respected for what they have achieved. Solid and memorable shows overall despite not being the best ones because of their notable mistakes. An endearing cast of characters or good ideas that are not squeezed to its fullest potential but are enough to create a satisfactory experience. Anime whose effort is seen throughout the journey. From this score on every show is easily recommendable and enjoyable. Decent shows which have nearly the same amount of problems and positive aspects. These anime are very well received as a time-passer, but they don’t offer much more than that because of its execution -which is not the best one- and some other reasons. Probably in most of the cases they are better than a 5 because of the enjoyment. These series can be recommended but with more caution than the shows of a higher score. Average anime. Not bad but nothing special about them also. They can be generic, a show without ambitions, an ambitious show without proper execution or a good concept that remains in that. Overall, they are mediocre and ended up being just another more of the thousand titles the medium has to provide. They can be recommended but still being a hit or miss depending on the person who watches it. Bad series with poor execution of its themes. They can have interesting aspects but when it progresses the quality of the story or other important things deteriorates. Furthermore, they can also try to appeal a casual audience with nothing more to offer than shock value and plot twists that are not properly prepared. They are here and not below because at best they can be entertaining or very digestible. Shows that are not easy to recommend. Pathetic shows that can be easily discarded since they don’t have anything of substance to offer. Defend these anime can be very hard and most of the time requires absurd or illogical arguments to do it. They are full of huge problems that are noticeable even for a casual viewer. At best they can be entertaining shows to laugh at with your friends. Shows that are horrible and very painful to watch. They are extremely bad in every aspect to the point that sometimes it is "hilarious" to watch them. They simply fail at everything may be due to incompetence or because none effort nor dedication was put into them. Shitty writing, shitty direction, shitty animation, shitty characters, etc. To put it simpler they are shit. Avoid them at all costs. These “shows” can "cure" cancer. They do everything “right” to the point everyone can agree together of that fact. The “true masterpieces” of the medium. No one can believe how these works managed to reach such amount of quality content to the point of "saving" lives, "avoid" natural disasters and so on. |
Anime Stats
Days: 462.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries1,627
- Rewatched237
- Episodes28,389
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 106.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries163
- Reread6
- Chapters14,229
- Volumes1,514
Last Manga Updates
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All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Manga (10)
Ashita no Joe
Kozure Ookami
Fata Morgana no Yakata: Anata no Genten ni Itaru Monogatari
Light Novel·2014
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch
Fullmetal Alchemist
Character (10)
Yabuki, Joe
Ashita no Joe
Bernkastel, Frederica
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
Bearzatti, Jacopo
Fata Morgana no Yakata: Anata no Genten ni Itaru Monogatari
von Lohengramm, Reinhard
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
Liebert, Johan
Kiruma, Souichi
Ogami, Ittou
Kozure Ookami
Kenpuu Denki Berserk
Ikari, Shinji
Shinseiki Evangelion
All Comments (637) Comments
Bueno ahora me daré un tiempo para leer otras cosas y volver con la sexta parte. Es una lectura que resulta agotadora, no por ser aburrida, sino por sus capítulos largos y páginas con grandes cantidades de diálogos. Pero no es un defecto de la obra, ya que creo que todos esos diálogos están justificados para explicar el juego.
Si, hasta el momento llevo leído los primeros 4 capítulos del manga, me faltan 4 más. Los leí medio del tirón, uno detrás del otro y me agotó un poco jaja Me parece que la idea de la obra es atractiva, reunir a una familia en una isla donde quedan atrapados y empiezan a haber asesinatos, además de los elementos sobrenaturales que se presentan. Sin embargo, los personajes no fueron mucho de mi agrado, hay situaciones un tanto "ridículas" si se podría decir, o fuera de tono, o el hecho de que un personaje como Beatrice que es una bruja con miles de años tenga muchos compartimientos infantiles no ha sido mucho de mi agrado. Además de que la situación se reitera en cada manga, volviendo a la reunión familiar y con los mismos personajes, y bueno, eso termina agostando un poco. Te diré que las partes que por ahora me gustaron un poco más son la 1 ya que se presentan los personajes y todo es novedoso en el momento, y la 4 donde aparece la hermana de Battler, Ange quien si me gustó. Me parece que es un personaje más racional y decidida, aunque se deja llevar un poco por las emociones dado a su edad claro.
Estoy seguro que el material original (las novelas) son mas completas y mejor desarrolladas. Difícilmente las juegue porque no me atraen mucho ese formato pero gracias por el dato igual. En tu caso podes juzgar los mangas mejor que yo porque jugaste las novelas y podes criticarla como una adaptación, yo recién estoy conociendo la obra por los mangas. Espero que a partir de la parte 5 me empiece a gustar más. Sabes si tienen alguna relación con las obras de Higurashi? Porqué se que son del mismo autor.
SnK para mi nunca ha pasado de ser aceptable, pero esta última temporada la verdad, no esperaba que sea tan buena, con muchas escenas bien ejecutadas, batallas, buena música y un avance considerable en la trama. De los últimos 2 o 3 años, fue lo único que me entretuvo de verdad y que esperaba a que salieran los capítulos. Veamos...
2016: Mob Psycho 100, Rakugo y Jojo 4. 3-gatsu no Lion aún no la vi, aprovecharé que está en netflix
2017: Made in Abyss, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou y Rakugo 2
2018: Lo nuevo de LOGH
2019: Mob Psycho 2 y lo último de SnK
Y es eso, no creo que me esté perdiendo de mucha cosa. Jojo parte 5 me aburrió pila, costó terminarla. Las últimas temporadas de Durarara y Gintama fueron decepcionantes.
Hace poco terminé Boku no Hero 4 y es con diferencia la peor, la tercera temporada sigue siendo la mejor. Sobre la segunda temporada, el arco del torneo es entretenido. Te recomiendo Chihayafuru, a lo mejor te gusta. De las que nombraste abajo, Vinland Saga la quiero ver, tiene buena pinta. Nerverland a mi particularmente no me gustó, ya le confirmaron nueva temporada y por lo que dicen muchas personas que leen el manga, la obra decae después de lo que adaptaron en el anime.
Yo al igual que tú estuve un tiempo sin ver nada, también estaba ocupado y el tiempo que tenía libre lo aprovechaba para hacer otras cosas. Lo único que vi fue One Punch Man 2 y Shingeki no Kyojin. Y ahora que pienso bien, SnK fue lo mejor que vi en estos últimos 4 o 5 años. Los primeros años de la década pasada fueron muy buenos, pero del 2015 o 2016 para acá hubo un bajón tremendo a mi modo de ver, no sé si para ti también.
Me encantaría poder recomendarte algo pero no creo que pueda, ya ni recuerdo lo que vi en los últimos años jajajaja. Y ahora lo que veré serán más continuaciones que otra cosa. Quiero ver las nuevas temporadas de Boku no Hero, Chihayafuru, Psycho Pass y Oregairu.
En estos últimos meses los animes que he visto los veo en compañía, por mí sola ahora lo que veo como mucho es alguna serie de vez en cuando.
Actually One Piece lo estoy disfrutando como si fuese una niña, me hacía falta algo así para tener ganas de ver anime.
¿Cómo te va a ti?
De manga estoy leyendo Sanctuary y Hokuto no Ken porque me apetecía leer algo bien pinche varonil. El manga de Hokuto es mejor que el anime de momento y Sanctuary si bien tiene sus fallos me resulta divertido de leer.
Por cierto, tienes una lista muy amplia así que igual pillaré algunas cosas de ella.