Hello, it is me: ya boy. Out here on the Internet, watching anime on the Internet.
My "Watching" is stuff that I am actively trying to watch. Truly revolutionary, huh?
"On-Hold" is stuff that I've seen an episode or more of and functions as a slightly higher priority PTW.
"Dropped" is where the crap I no longer wish to put up with are jettisoned like the garbage they are.
"Plan To Watch" is all of the stuff that catches my eye and my interest and I hope beyond hope doesn't suck.
My ratings operate as follows:
10 - Absolute Perfection
9 - Real Damn Good Stuff
8 - Still Pretty Good But Could Be Just A Bit Better
7 - Not The Greatest Thing Ever, But Still Good All In All
6 - Its Passable, Not Particularly Enjoyable For Me
5 - The Good Stuff And The Bad Stuff Cancel Each Other Out
4 - Bad Parts Just Slightly Outweigh The Good
3 - Does A Couple Things Right But That's It
2 - There's Maybe 1 OK-ish Aspect To This, But Otherwise It Sucks
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