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Dr_Orpington Apr 15, 2023 10:32 PM
I agree.

In general, denying a works existence doesn't help anyone.

To the point that your criticism is "irrelevant," I disagree. While writing solely to gratify ones ego is a bad thing (if that's what you feel you were doing back then), that's not the only thing you were doing in that review. You also shared how the show made you feel. Feelings that are as relevant as those felt by everyone else who wrote a review. Also, you offered a dissenting opinion which I think always offer some value.

We've already established that I personally found your review relevant, but seeing as your review has some positive feedback on it, at least a few others found it relevant too.
Dr_Orpington Apr 14, 2023 10:00 PM
When reading your review I could tell you were writing with passion. Regretting your choice of words later with a cool head is understandable.

The main issue I have with the show is the character writing as well. I also agree that taking demographics into account when judging a piece of media is important. But, I would offer a counterpoint.

While the show is shounen, I'm not sure I would cut it too much slack. The show seems like it wants to be taken at least somewhat seriously. Fans of the series certainly do take it seriously. (Probably more than they should.) With that consideration, I feel, it doesn't stack up too well against its peers. There are many other serious shounen series, that have better character writing.
Dr_Orpington Apr 13, 2023 12:18 PM
I am surprised to hear from you. It seems I have summoned you out of retirement. I would be interested to know how your thoughts have changed since you wrote your review.
Victor_Joseph Sep 5, 2020 7:29 PM
@amaanu01 Not quite yet, I'm afraid.
amaanu01 Mar 1, 2020 3:54 AM
rip :(
SunsetSeeker May 30, 2019 8:47 PM
Let me just tell you that, as a native English speaker, I had no idea that English was a second language to you. I can't speak for your speaking skills, but your writing is actually much, much better than most native speakers that I know. Please don't be insecure about your writing abilities, in the future; they're above excellent.

I'm glad we found some common ground, as well! That's just about impossible to find on the internet, nowadays lol. I'm also glad to hear that you're able to move on from this manga, now. There are certainly much better manga around that are much more worthy of your time, for certain. I'd be happy to recommend some to you, but I'm not too certain what you'd like and my taste in manga is a little out there lol.

I understand your thing about work, completely. It's good to keep a handle on your workload, when possible. Thank you for support. I hope your future is just as pleasant as our conversations have been.
SunsetSeeker May 21, 2019 6:51 PM
lol I'd say I agree with that first paragraph completely, now. That was very eloquently worded.

I'd suppose the next paragraph would be correct, too. After all, it's not unheard of for women (especially in this manga) to have only one reason for doing something. She probably did keep it to herself to justify her suspicions about Natsuo and Hina. That would couple fairly well with her inferiority complex. Even if she were right in doing so, that doesn't change the fact that this was probably one of her motivations.

Now that you mention it, I do find it odd how terribly the author treats the female characters in this manga, considering she is one. I was thinking she either hates women, or maybe just herself and is projecting into the story.

I would say that those men you described would also be whores and are equally as horrible. I don't think I'd have any respect for a guy who would hit on a woman who is already dating someone. Those people are scum of the earth, as well. It's just as wrong, when they do it as it would be if a woman did it. Although, that whole situation with Rui wouldn't really be the same, seeing as how Hina and Natsuo weren't dating when she was hitting on him. Single people are free game. If someone likes another person who is also single, it's entirely their fault if someone else snatches them up, while they were being indecisive. And I just want to also point out that Natsuo is just as much as a piece of shit for not setting up boundaries and rejecting these girls, while he was dating Rui. I don't care what situation he was in, it was absolutely his duty to reject their advances, while he's with someone. If he wasn't firm or forceful enough in his rejection, he should have kept it up until they left him alone. Any woman who has such little respect for you and your relationship that she'll keep trying to get in your pants even after you reject her, is not a good person and definitely not someone you would want to be around. I think it also says something about Natsuo. If he couldn't reject those girls firmly enough, he clearly didn't respect Rui or their relationship, because if he did, he would stop being around those kinds of women.

It's alright man, I've been pretty busy as well. I just got a job teaching English in Japan, so I'm doing all of the paperwork for the Visa and it's a major pain in the ass lol. I didn't mean to imply anything about your life's current position and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I was merely stating how my opinion would be affected if the hypothetical scenarios I laid out were to apply to my life.

You know, I'd say you're right about that. There are so many pros and cons to every person's life, I think (for the most part, at least) it'd be very difficult to say one person's life is "better" in an nonobjective manner. The most we can say, regarding someone's life, is that each person lives their life their own way. If that person considers their life to be in a good or bad spot, it very well may be interpreted in a different way by someone else. I don't think that should really matter all that much. After all, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. It's up to the person in question to decide how they perceive their own life.
SunsetSeeker May 11, 2019 9:52 PM
I think she already enjoyed cooking, before the meeting with her dad. I don't think she would decide to devote her life to becoming a chef, just because she saw her dad again, considering she hated him, when she did. And again, I agree that it was not rational how she behaved around Alex. I thought it was stupid and out of character for her. I also disagree on the issue that she's attracted to her step-brother being irrational, for the sole fact that (for some fucking reason) literally every girl he comes across seems to want to make a beeline straight for his dick. I call it the "Main Character Syndrome". So, normally, that would be correct (in real life), but this manga seems to run on hentai logic, so no.

That "she decides to hate Natsuo" thing was a way to cope with the fact that the guy that she loves is in love with her sister. I don't think she ever really hated him, it was just a way for her to deal with that pain. Also, just how the hell is she supposed to tell him that her sister still loves him, while they're dating? That would just be horrible for both of them. I mean, she already had some inferiority complex issues with Hina (that Hina pretty much implanted in her, from when she was dating Shuu and rubbing it in Rui's face), plus knowing how Natsuo feels about Hina, I have no doubt that Natsuo would have left her the second she told him that and I think Rui knew that, too.

I actually agree with you on the idea that Rui doesn't have any respect for herself. But now that I think about it, I don't think any girl in this manga has any respect for themselves. Otherwise, they wouldn't find themselves dating wishy-washy people or adulterers, let alone whore themselves out for drugs, or try to get some guy they like to cheat on their girlfriend with them. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to say that each one of them has some serious mental problems that need treatment.

As far as Serizawa goes, it doesn't matter to me one little bit that she doubts herself when trying to cheat with a taken man. The fact is she always goes through with her advances. Every. Single. Time. Obviously, if she actually felt guilty, she wouldn't be doing something that fucking horrible. Women who knowingly go after men in relationships are whores. I don't think it matters one bit if they feel guilty about it, afterwards. And if she's not a whore, she's at the very least a horrible person with shitty morals. And let me assure you, women like Kuzuoka do exist. They're pretty common, too (at least here in America, they are). It's a depressing reality to face, but a reality nonetheless. The best thing you can do is just look for the signs and avoid them like the plague.

It's no problem, bud. If it's possible for me, I try to lend an ear to whoever I can. As far as I can tell, I don't think you have missed anything in the manga. I just think that everyone views stories in a different way. People more prone to optimism will probably see this manga as you have, whereas people more inclined towards Pessimism will probably see this manga as I do. Honestly, if I were married right now, I would probably love to read this manga with my wife so we could laugh at how dumb the characters are, together. But seeing as how I'm single, it just makes everything much more depressing lol. I'm sure lots of things are that way. For instance, the Okusan manga is extremely adorable and heartwarming, but I just feel empty inside when I read it, because I don't have a relationship like that with anyone. I'm sure, if I did, I would think about them when I read it and get a secondhand enjoyment out of it, by association. Similarly, I probably dislike this manga so much, because I relate the characters' bad decisions, or indecision, with my yearning for stability. So, I probably see them make horrible decisions and think something along the lines of "You idiot! You could have made your life so much better if you made X decision, instead! Why would you choose to make your life horrible?!". If my life were in a more favorable position than Natsuo's I could probably laugh at it, because I would be looking down on him. But because mine's in an objectively worse position, the reaction turns out so negatively, because it comes from envy. Your reaction is probably positive, because you want to think the best of each character and choose to believe their hearts were in the right place, when making their decisions. It's a noble effort, but I'm afraid it's one that I can't reciprocate.
SunsetSeeker May 4, 2019 4:45 PM
I don't think Rui deciding to pursue cooking was all that random of a decision, since she was shown to be very good at it earlier, because she had to be (Hina destroys anything she touches). I do think she could have pursued writing as well, but it didn't seem like she liked it all that much, when she was doing it. She continued to make advances on Natsuo, after Hina left, because she liked him and she knew Hina broke up with him and was making a conscious effort to avoid Natsuo. This is also why she didn't want Natsuo to go after Hina on the island (?), because she was afraid that it would hurt him. Which it did. I agree that everything surrounding her and Alex is completely moronic of her, but as I said before, I think that's out of character for her and should have never happened. I also think that her inability to convince Natsuo to give up on Hina speaks less of her rationality and more for Natsuo being a complete idiot. Honestly, I also can't blame her for never really trusting Natsuo, when he keeps putting himself in compromising positions with the girl who forced a kiss on him, even after his girlfriend asked him not to do that. In real life, that would constitute an IMMEDIATE dumping from anyone with any shred of self-respect.

I would also say that calling Serizawa a whore isn't a stretch at all. After all, she actively tried to sabotage Natsuo's relationship with Rui (succeeded, too) so she could date him, instead. She also waited under his bedsheets, in lingerie, while his girlfriend WAS IN THE ROOM WITH HIM. All of that sounds like a pretty spot-on definition for a whore, to me. "Not being able to hold herself back" is a poor excuse for that morally bankrupt kind of behavior. Also, I do believe Natsuo was single, when Momo was putting the moves on him. After he started dating Rui, she stopped.

Oh, and I didn't mean to suggest that I want to stop talking with you. I just thought you sounded a bit lonely, so I wanted to help. Personally, I'm fine talking with you, until you get bored of me lol
SunsetSeeker May 2, 2019 8:29 PM
You bring up a fair point about Rui's actions being impulsive, in the beginning of the story. I was referring more towards her way of thinking, rather than her actions. I'd also say that rational people would be much less likely to forgive rapists like Alex, considering those kinds of people are far less emotionally stable and exhibit a dangerously low amount of self-control, thereby making the person who got attacked by the rapist much more likely to get raped again, in the future, by continuing to associate with them.

I think it'd also be fair to say that when Rui said that she didn't want to be a burden to Natsuo, that was more or less a cover for why she really wanted to break up with him (can't say for sure what it is), considering he kept telling her that he "needed" her, despite going to that whore, Serizawa, for advice on his writer's block, instead. That being said, I think Rui was right to be paranoid about Natsuo's relationship with said whore and also Hina, considering she drunkenly made out with him and told him she still loves him. Honestly, I don't think the reveal that they were dating each other could have gone any worse than when the parents found out Natsuo and Hina were banging each other. At this point, I'd be shocked if they didn't already know, somehow.

I'm glad I could help you get this off your chest, man. Believe me, I know the feeling. I think if you head over to you'll find a lot more people to discuss this stuff with. I'm not on that subreddit, obviously, but there's tons of people that talk about this stuff daily, over there.
SunsetSeeker Apr 28, 2019 11:07 PM
Yes, I would definitely say that Momo has terrible judgement. However, her poor choices only seem to hurt her, as opposed to every other girl in this manga, whose poor choices hurt the people around them. That being said, I don't think the cuts on her wrists are because of her non-existent personal life. I think those are the result of her feelings of emptiness, after putting everything into a relationship, only to be dumped. Well, that and the bullying from the other girls at school. I'm just glad her current boyfriend is so perfect for her. Momo deserved that much.

As for Rui, I'm not denying that there are girls that forgive their rapists, but there's absolutely no goddamn way they would forgive them that fast and even less of a possibility that they would date that rapist. And even if there were girls that would do that, that could not clash harder with Rui's established character. Rui was supposed to be the voice of reason and a rational thinker. No one in their right mind would trust that rapist to not try and rape Rui again, and they certainly wouldn't leave them alone again. Not only does that happen, but she's also okay with that. No. Just... no. Alex should have been put in jail or in front of a moving truck already, not written as a good friend of the MC and a possible love interest for the girl he tried to rape. That shit makes me want to vomit.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the reason Rui and Natsuo broke up was because Rui thought they brought out the worst in each other and she couldn't trust Natsuo to confide in her, while she was overseas. I don't think it had anything to do with Hina.

Sorry again for the late reply. I wish this website sent me notifications. And I definitely don't mind discussing this kind of stuff with you. You seem like a good person and your replies are very substantive. I definitely don't enjoy the manga, but I can't say the same for this conversation lol
SunsetSeeker Apr 19, 2019 6:52 PM
Hey, sorry I haven't responded sooner. I don't really check this thing all that often, but I'll be more attentive after this.

So, I liked quite a few things about Momo. Mostly that she, in her words, put 100% of her effort into each of her relationships. Which is why she tended to have sex with just about every one of her boyfriends. She never cheated on anyone, but yet the guys she liked mostly turned out to be dirtbags, only after sex. It was just really tragic and I felt really bad for her, since she was always so happy and optimistic, despite being constantly bullied and slandered by the whole school, even though she did nothing wrong. The cuts on her wrists really got me, because that revealed that she wasn't just some dumb airhead. She was actually in constant pain on the inside, but she always had a smile on her face, regardless.

Also, I have a soft spot for pure Gals.

But, yes, that's why I like Momo so much.

As for Rui... that one's a bit complicated. I think Rui started off well enough, but I just about lost it when she started treating Alex (a guy who LITERALLY TRIED TO RAPE HER) as a potential love interest, around Ch. 96. I can see why she'd have trust issues with the MC, too. The dude was constantly putting himself in compromising positions with other women, knowing what would happen. That, along with him never trusting her with any of his emotional baggage, pretty much just made him a shit boyfriend. I literally don't blame her at all for breaking up with him in Ch. 216. It might have been a bit harsh, yeah, but not at all uncalled for and it was something that needed to happen.

Honestly, at this point, none of the main characters deserve happiness. They're all shit people. However, it's glaringly obvious that the mangaka is going to put Hina with the MC, at the end. So, I just stopped reading. I honestly would have stopped sooner, but every time I criticized the manga, I had about 50 elitists scoffing at me, saying stuff like "You OBVIOUSLY aren't caught up with the manga. It gets SO much better!" or calling me an "anime-only," despite the fact that I've never even seen the anime. Idk, dude, I'm just sick of the whole thing.
NickRyuzaki Mar 31, 2018 4:09 AM
Nihilism , human psychology and purpose of life ..
NickRyuzaki Mar 30, 2018 4:02 AM
Hey watch Texhnolyze , Monster and aoi bungaku if you are searching for an intellectual show
AniMovie May 16, 2015 12:00 PM
Very beautiful Steins;Gate review!! I look forward to reading more of your reviews in the future!
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