According to its site, the Dream Cruise is at the 16th this month. Can't wait!
Valve makes wonderful games, it's just that their support towards the console is just...disappointing. Pity, since their games on the PC own! They just need to update the console counterparts =\
*Sigh* MGS4...must...get...nao! Heck, I'll just buy the game without the PS3, since it's just that awesome! XD
Man, a PS3?? That's nice! Been planning to get one this September ever since they announced they're making another new model, with the difference being less features (they're ruling out Backwards Compatibility and some others x.x). Sides, MGS4 and Siren: Blood Curse are do-wants!
I've been hearing that they could be making Left 4 Dead to the PS3, but with EA handling the port. Didn't hear nice things about the Orange Box port to the PS3 (Load Times are twice as long, and some lag), but it could be possible that they finally have a good feel for porting it now!
Damn, every time I look at the Calendar, another year goes by too fast...I still remember going to last year's Woodward Dream Cruise "too" clearly. >.>; Hope this year will be also good!
Whoa, you're a Senior. Wow, that's pretty damn awesome! 'Grats!
Hey, if you have a PC w/ the program Steam in it, or a 360, we can play together in Left 4 Dead that's coming out this year! Nothing better then to survive a Zombie Apocalypse with your friends! X3
Summer is almost over unfortunately ;-; , man how come it has to end so fast! >.<;
I'm doing pretty good myself! Been hanging out with my friends, catching up on some games that I didn't have time to play, and fixing the house a bit. Nothing special as of right now. ^^
So true. @.@; If Best Buy lowered the Anime by 10 dollars, I'd be content. Oh well, least they don't overprice things like the FYE stores..."everything" is overpriced there.
Well, at least we can watch the old fashioned way, hehe. Torrents ftw!!! XD
Yeah, there aren't many stores that carry Anime, but I know that Best Buy carry a pretty good selection from what I see (Some are expensive though x.x;). Also Borders carry a decent selection, but not as good as Best Buy. Seems these days though ya gotta go online to get it. =\
All Comments (55) Comments
Valve makes wonderful games, it's just that their support towards the console is just...disappointing. Pity, since their games on the PC own! They just need to update the console counterparts =\
*Sigh* MGS4...must...get...nao! Heck, I'll just buy the game without the PS3, since it's just that awesome! XD
I've been hearing that they could be making Left 4 Dead to the PS3, but with EA handling the port. Didn't hear nice things about the Orange Box port to the PS3 (Load Times are twice as long, and some lag), but it could be possible that they finally have a good feel for porting it now!
Damn, every time I look at the Calendar, another year goes by too fast...I still remember going to last year's Woodward Dream Cruise "too" clearly. >.>; Hope this year will be also good!
Hey, if you have a PC w/ the program Steam in it, or a 360, we can play together in Left 4 Dead that's coming out this year! Nothing better then to survive a Zombie Apocalypse with your friends! X3
Summer is almost over unfortunately ;-; , man how come it has to end so fast! >.<;
Well, at least we can watch the old fashioned way, hehe. Torrents ftw!!! XD
Yeah, there aren't many stores that carry Anime, but I know that Best Buy carry a pretty good selection from what I see (Some are expensive though x.x;). Also Borders carry a decent selection, but not as good as Best Buy. Seems these days though ya gotta go online to get it. =\