All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 172.4
Mean Score:
- Watching245
- Completed781
- On-Hold61
- Dropped201
- Plan to Watch408
- Total Entries1,696
- Rewatched32
- Episodes11,005
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 9.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries106
- Reread0
- Chapters1,404
- Volumes108
All Comments (427) Comments
edit: Holy... 241 in watching is an impressive achivement. I could never start so many shows so I am curious, does it work for you to be having so many started shows, or do you regret it?
The milion live is adaption from game which has a lot of cast. They want to include everyone but it make the anime feels rushed. But I happen listen and play some their game which entertained me. But I don't play the game very much, I just enjoy their music and see their daily life from some translated commu. I do have curious for other characters but I don't have time to watch all the commu. So this anime really a shortcut to know their personality. The anime really entertained me from start to finish.
10 years later, I return. 🕊
Can't wait to watch Frieren anime! Save the best in the last XD
are u talking about the zelda series?