I stared watching anime in 2009 when a friend showed me Death Note and I fell into the medium from there. I started by watching most of the popular entry level shows of the past few years, and was probably watching an average of over a season per day.
About 9 months later I started getting more seriously into the community, and started following many airing series at once, in part for series themselves, but more so I could discuss them and understand the jokes being made on forums at the time. After a few seasons I started to lose balance and perspective, and I was pretty much watching every airing show possible, even though I didn't really enjoy many of them. Fast forward a few months and I became completely burnt out on anime, and I started to hate many aspects of it. My rate of consumption decelerated pretty drastically, to the point I started to think I'd never watch anime again.
A break (of almost 18 months) has renewed some of my patience with anime. I'm at the point where watching anime is a very rare event for me - one of those things like playing old games on emulators for a blast from the past. I think it has merit and can stand alone outside of being a novelty, but I simply don't seem to hold an interest in it as a day-to-day hobby. It's definitely been a fun ride though, and it's a world I've no regrets about getting involved in.
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