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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
May 22, 2013 6:53 PM
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Also, added to extended favorites.
It quite clearly seems I didn't make it clear that any improvements people feel I could of made I wouldn't mind listening to, and from what you've written I take that might be what you're talking about. Ill aim to phrase it better in future
it surely be one of your liking, it's a manhwa though, so probably the reason it has good writing in terms of game mechanics in online games is because it's author belongs to the a country where most modern digital games originated.
MD Geist is one of those OVAs where you will watch it and you will say that it was retarded. But, it get gets so OTT and badass that you overlook the flaws and it becomes a bonafide masterpiece.
I watched MD Geist with the Anime Elitist Club a while back, we all agree that it was awesome. It is now on our Enlightenment List i believe.
In short, MD Geist is one of the best/worst things that you could ever watch, and you will love it.
Don't bother with Zero no Tsukaima. It's garbage.
Reasons why:
- Louise is a bitch
- Only a few of the characters are likable
- Dub is terrible (this coming from a guy who prefers dubs)
- Louise is a bitch
- Everything that Zero no Tsukaima does, Harry Potter does better
- Nearly all the characters are stock anime archetypes
- Louise is a goddamn bitch
Other than that, I'd say stick to what you have, though I'd pick up GaoGaiGar, Jojo, PsychoPass and MD Geist pretty soon.
I can somehow relate to your opinion base on what I've just replied, /gd/ will be a useful board to a friend of mine since he works and design products on a printing factory(paperbags, foils for food & drugs, & boxes) and aside from that it's quite fun to exchange ideas, what kind of video game are you going to design, I was also actually planning to create a fan character in the game called Grand Chase but maybe later since I'm pretty busy right now.
I checked /out/ (no pun intended) most of the threads there are about people who are complaining to go out, ironically. Still might be just another thread to take pictures from outside but since there's already /trv/ and /an/ which pretty much about outside domain, it might focus on urban or rural areas or maybe Space and other planets LOL.
What I mean was, as writer what is your favorite topic? subject? field? type? genre? domain(LOL)? In terms about... what do you write?