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Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidou Tai Kodoku no Marebito
May 11, 2012 10:46 PM
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Lock your doors...and turn out the lights,
Or ghosts and witches...will spook you with fright!
Jump in bed...then pull the covers up tight,
Close your eyes...until the morning is light!
Wishing you a year that is filled with all the fragrance of roses,
illuminated with all the lights of the world
and be blessed with all the smiles on the planet.
Hope this year will be the year when all your dreams come true.
I've been good. I had exams last month and it was hell for me, lol. Other than that, I started watching anime from waaaaay back 2007 untill the BD releases of the autumn anime season start coming out.
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.
Rofl, ofc not xD What gave u that idea? I was talking about their idiot therapist.
And it's good that you actually know what's going on and don't have serious problems like that.
There is nothing wrong with becoming nationalistic or a patriot, I like people that are like that...I also love my country but not it's people. Oh, I kinda hate the boyfriend topic since I've had some bad experiences with girls/women.
I see, you could say that.
Well then since I got a new computer that can actually handle a DS emulator I may find myself playing it, but at the moment I'm slooooowly making my way through Phoenix Wright and Scribblenauts. I have absolutely no clue what IMAGINE is and I tried googling it but I got nothing. .__. On the topic of ATLUS games getting adaptions, Devil Survivor 2 is getting an anime adaption.
Don't know whether to be happy or upset.
Looks like the creators of Super Meat Boy has a good sense of humor. Now this might be beside the point but PETA seems to be like some vegans. Emphasis on the some part, I know not all vegans are like this but from what I've seen there are some people who think people who eat meat are murderous monsters who deserve to die. I guess this sounds pretty done but when everything was said and done I turned off the game off I felt like was I saying good bye to some good friends. The characters were developed so well and in the end I concluded that I would totally hang out with a group of people like that. So I understand that feeling of establishing some sort of bond with a game that is able to invoke some sort of emotion out of you. Well to be honest I get to experience that feeling of knowing that one person who knows Persona because in my school almost no one knows about it so I guess, we're, ermm.. Special?
Probably, I mean have you seen the mechanisms some of the characters have built in that series? I'm starting to believe they're actually from the future. Well, I would assume it would need somewhat of a large budget because you'll need elaborate costumes, settings, and probably a giant robot to wreck said elaborate setting. I guess this is just one slow production then. A real-life Layton with black dots as eyes sounds like a demon from Supernatural. I never really found myself interested in the lives of celebrities, I mean, why should I care who's dating who and who's losing/gaining weight? 'Cause I sure as hell don't care. I'd much rather cry over fictional characters.
Oh hoodily doot, you're such a dapper rapper! By egg and by bacon I think you’re mistaken, as you'll see that you're indeed the one to admit your defeat! For I like orange, it rhymes with korange, and maybe even door hinge! So video is a combination of random video and song. I think I win!
Shhhh, don't question it. A life of a sunfish is interesting to say the least, I enjoy floating around in space planning the imminent doom of human kind. It's just that the writing in Homestuck is text speak, or leet speak, whatever you call it. It's quite hard to read sometimes. Visual novels is something I never could get myself into. ): Ooh, now I've gotta go check that out. There was this really famous novel that me brother read that had no punctuation at all, I can't remember what the title was though. Have you tried it out yet? Oh yeah, you should totally try out the cartoon show that's based off it. I can link you to a website that allows you to download it English subbed.
It was really just uninteresting, granted it was world building. For some reason we got to see the female lead in her underwear, but whatever. Now it's gotten to the classical thriller approach and I'm enjoying it. Watched it with my mom, my sister, and brother. I was expecting him to go murder a bunch of people and I totally didn't see the aspect of time traveling coming up. I quite liked it, thanks!
I'll be sure to keep that in mind if I ever decide to play Pokemon ever again. Well I'm sure you've nothing to worry about since I'm relatively certain Atlus is completely done with Hitoshura. I always thought that if they did an anime adaption of Catherine they'd do the Katherine route, because everyone loves happy endings right? Oh yeah, Phoenix Wright movie has been out and subbed for a while now. You can watch it on I thought Vincent was attractive for a cartoon guy, but maybe that's because I really wanted to touch his hair. For the gals, there's Vincent running around in his underwear, for the guys there's a lovely succubus named Catherine.
Yes, I was being sarcastic. The biggest them of Pokemon is that Pokémon should be treated humanely and live as our equals. The games are loaded with an endless stream of characters who go on and on about true friendship between man and Pokémon. It’s so saccharine and so completely the opposite of what PETA suggests that it boggles the mind. Now, I don't know a whole lot about the organization except that everything I hear about them is incredibly negative, but them attacking a popular franchise when they're already got such a bad name for themselves doesn't exactly raise awareness for abused animals. It just makes them look more like a joke. Oh? How has the experience of Persona changed for you? (I think we might have touched on this before but oh well.) I regrettably only really got into the franchise when it was relatively popular already. If your hair is thick enough I'm sure it can support your head as a nice, comfortable pillow. My brother has an afro, it's quite amusing actually.
I guess Layton truly did travel through time in The Unwound Future to get himself something like that. Read about it here. I don't know about you, but it seems pretty legit to me. Here's to hoping it'll become good. I'm sorry but I don't know who Mel Brooks is! I rarely pay attention to celebrities, so I don't know any names of any famous people, hehe.
A kick and a flick for being so quick! By the sun and the stars, I think my mother’s from Mars. I don't know, it's Korea, they do weird crap. Oh dear mother of God! Kill it with fire, what in the hell was that?! And from music we'll go to this.
They evolve, and therefore they look more human because... That's what evolution does, I guess. Damn, you're spot on Sherlock; I am in fact a sunfish. Homestuck won't drag on forever, it's actually ending in April next year, unless it turns out to be an April Fool's prank. Homestuck's length isn't only daunting, but the writing is too. Seriously, the writing in that series is just... Awful. I don't mind it when my friends talk about Homestuck and all but they do it at such an excessive amount it makes me nauseous. One of my friends like to spew on about her ships in the series in class and tells me I should read it. I know they mean no ill will but it gets a tad bit annoying. What's In Search of Lost Time? The thing is they advertised Wakfu as free, but it wasn't, so I got mad. It's a turn-based MMO, and as someone who's a terrible gamer I quite enjoyed it. <:
Psycho-Pass feels like a genuine amount of thought went into the creation of it's world, it's just that episode 2 and 3 were a bit of a turn-off. Yesterday I went to rent a movie from a store and lo and behold Donnie Darko was there. Guess I'll have to convince my mother to take it out next time we go there.
Yeah, I've spoken and had a chat with a lot of people that are in the military. Most of them are kinda brainwashed and have really sick understandings of the world lol. I think you have enough time to think about becoming a guardian and the responsibilities that it's gonna bring to your life. It's not easy, a friend married a year ago and it's really hard for him and his wife to meet both ends, and that's the reason they don't have a child yet.
Yup, changed my profile pic too. I think it's a nice mystery series where they solve a case and they move on to the next. I didn't expect an actual plot development from the start. But I think that the series deserved a second season or some more episodes xD
No prob and thanks! ^^